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College Football Thread v5.0


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Which would you rather have?


Consistency like Ohio State and Oklahoma over an extended period of time, lots of big bowl game appearances, lots of wins, one NC in 15 years, but also several fairly high profile thrashings;




Inconsistency like USC, Alabama, and Miami, with lots of low periods crappy seasons, but with several very dominant seasons and very high profile thrashings of other high profile teams and 3 NC in 15 years.


Ohio State consistency. Pretty obvious choice if you ask me. Clearly you want to win as many national championships as possible, but in the last 15 years, I like Ohio States total body of work over any of those teams, and the exciting thing is that it wont be ending any time soon for us with Meyer. It's fun and exciting to be in the mix every season.

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Watching A&M vs S. Carolina right now, feels good to watch football once again. A&M is putting on an offensive clinic against S. Carolina haha. So many "experts" have S. Carolina as their dark horse to win the SEC and I even heard a couple of them predict a NC from them lol
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Sumlin's system is crazy. I hated Manziel so I constantly told my A&M friend I couldn't wait until this year when someone steps right into his place and does just as well if not better. Obviously he's happy with the win and I get to be happy about Manziel being a turd who only did well because of the system.
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Aren't all qb's a product of their system? I dislike Manziel as much as the next guy, but I don't think it's fair to say hes a product of the system. The biggest reason TAMU's qb looked so badass is because South Carolinas defense got no pressure and the db's got lit up.


They threw the ball 60 times. That's 8.5 ypa. Braxton Miller had 8.2 YPA last season. The longest pass play was 33 yards.


That's pretty standard for Sumlin's system.

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511 yards passing, 4 touchdowns, 0 turnovers, in your first game ever as a starter, on the road, against a lot of people's dark horse NC team....is fucking legit. Regardless of what they do for the rest of the year, that will be something that kid can hang his hat on.



And it looks like "the old ball coach" has some serious work to do.

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511 yards passing, 4 touchdowns, 0 turnovers, in your first game ever as a starter, on the road, against a lot of people's dark horse NC team....is fucking legit. Regardless of what they do for the rest of the year, that will be something that kid can hang his hat on.



And it looks like "the old ball coach" has some serious work to do.


Case Keenum's first 3 games under Sumlin he threw for 1141 yards, 13 tds, 1 INT at 63%


It's legit for college, and of course that is all that matters when it comes to W/L and championships (Tebow)

But I think people need to give Sumlin a lot more credit for what he has been able to do offensively and with his QBs

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That game was insane last night, new kid broke all of Johnny's records in his first game. Not sure if I'm convinced TAMU is the real deal, or South Carolina is just really that bad. Personally, I think it's the latter. They lost a lot on both sides of the ball this year.
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I have a friend that loves to throw her "gamecock pride" out there and talk trash to anybody and everybody about how their team sucks and the SEC rulez.


She posted pics from the game for a while, then her feed went silent for some reason, now I know why :lol:

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This is the stuff that pisses me off.


#9 gets taken down by #21. So next week, TAMU will be #12 and SCU will be #13. Each will win a couple games and be in the top 10, and then all of the sudden lose a game, repeat. They'll both end near the top 10.


I don't get how these teams start out so high. SCU looked like a bunch of idiots trying to fuck a door knob last night. Not the #9 team at all. But, the SEC idiots won't say SCU is ranked too high, they'll say TAMU was ranked too low. It's a revolving door.

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As I said earlier, the polls mean nothing this year. They are simply there to spike ratings and create conversation such as this. If it was simply Texas A&M vs South Carolina in the headlines, no one would really car. You throw in some numbers such as, #21 A&M vs #9 South Carolina and suddenly that becomes a game that interest most college football fans.
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I'll admit, I'm a half-assed NCAAF fan. I couldn't tell you who's good, or who's bad. I have no idea who these people are that are being recruited. I have no idea who threw for or ran how many yards. I simply don't care that much.


But I do love to watch a good game. And I'd like to see the Buckeyes do well. I won't be watching ESPN ad nauseam to keep up-to-date or reading Scout. I might check this post, and check the rankings, and watch accordingly.

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That game was insane last night, new kid broke all of Johnny's records in his first game. Not sure if I'm convinced TAMU is the real deal, or South Carolina is just really that bad. Personally, I think it's the latter. They lost a lot on both sides of the ball this year.

Definitely the latter. Carolina shouldn't be ranked at all after that beat down but see below....



^ aaaaaaaaaand this is how ESPN keeps the SEC relevant despite what should be a down year for them.

ESPN is getting terrible with their coverage of sports. They talked all about the SEC teams winning but nothing about Vandy being throttled by Temple.



And with that beat beat down my playoff prediction is 25% garbage. I expected South Carolina to lose one, but lose close. They looked terrible last night.


Anybody else watch the Rutgers-Washington St. game? That was a fun game to watch.

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Big Ten went 2-0 haha, woot! SEC was 2-2 (of course they went head to head in 1)


God I hate the bias. It like makes me not want to watch it (of course I will)


The fact that an SEC team lost by 30 at home to Temple will go completely unnoticed. First win by Temple over an SEC team since 1938.


Also, Vandy wore uniforms with "ANCHOR DOWN" on the back instead of names which is against NCAA rules and should have resulted in a 1 TO per quarter penalty but the refs decided it was OK and Vandy said the SEC OK'd them.


I think USF recently unveiled uniforms with a similar slogan-type thing on the backs instead of names and someone on Twitter had to point the infraction out to them to ensure that they didn't get the TO penalties in their opener.

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So I just learned of the WOW! not carrying the game tomorrow. Totally irritated. Called wow and bitched. That sucks. Nathan doesn't like watching games any where other than his couch so I guess were just gonna miss it.


Yeah it sucks for WOW; I think at this point the are the only ones without it



If I were him though I'd totally just suffer through and watch it somewhere. No way I'm missing the opener! Good luck

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