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Clean the snow off your car


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Regarding semis and other large vehicles, they do make a tool for snow removal. http://www.scrapersystems.com


This should be mandatory in 'snowy' states with fines for drivers or companies that fail to use them after a snow. I'm sure it cuts into profits too much to take the time to scrape the tops off. :dumb: They probably only do this in places it snows so much that the snow load can easily be too high and could damage the trailer.

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I clean off all the snow on the cars I drive during the winter, cause there dailys, no fun cars out when theres snow/salt.


The thing that gets me is when theres a layer of ICE on someones car, then after its warmed up enough to loosen it, it comes FLYING off the car/truck @ 65-70mph on the freeway making a huge obstacle you have to dodge/hope it doesnt land on you while avoiding the other cars around you.


Ive had mattress sized sheets of Ice come flying off of semis in front of me, thats definitely a PUCKER UP moment.

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Think about the weight of all that snow and how shitty your gas mileage is if you don't clean it off.


The other factor to consider is, most trailer are loaded to max capacity or weight. Add snow to that, and they are possible over load weight anyways. My guess is most drivers care more about being caught over weight than snow/ice/deadbody/ or anything else laying on top of a trailer.

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Oh you live in an HOA? That sucks for you I am sorry. My poverty driveway in the hood allows me to use tarps. I can also park in my front yard if I ever feel the need.


HOA or not i wouldnt want some yahoo doing that crap near me, thats trashy.

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Lol, I'm a snow comet driver. I'm usually on the road before the plows run and most people are still in bed so 0 fucks given if a few extra flakes fall from my truck onto the road. I'm not getting out a ladder or something to clean off the roof of my truck.
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I couple years back my dad had a big piece of ice come off a semi trailer and went through the window of his 4 door jeep and landed in the back seat. Last year this happened to a co worker with a dodge pickup. Went through his windshield and was 6"'s from his face!!!!
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I'll be the antagonist here. I will clean the windows of my car completely however I will never ever clean snow off of the paint of my car. Too much risk of damage to the paint in the process.


Rude maybe, healthy paint is more important to me.


You really think it does anything?


I don't clean it off down to the paint. Like today, I had both the van and my Fusion outside as 1/2 my garage is a work area for an indoor project I'm on. However a simply push broom and 5 minutes cleared both off just fine. I cleared 3-4"inches off the car down to the last 1/2" snow over the paint which melts in the sun while the car warms up, but the rest is fine to remove with a brush or broom. Helps to have a dark color car too.


As the cars warm up and I clear the windows which was easy once they warm up a bit and the ice literally sheets away, I was able to wipe the remainder of snow off the body panels.


You have dirty paint with an ice based solid particulate sitting on top of it. Moving the two of those across the paint without a layer of lubrication is certain to leave a mess behind.
I've never seen any visible issues. Simple detail in the spring will buff away any swirls from the previous year. Hell paint today is pretty tough.


I'm not going to stand on a tire to get the top of my SUV.


Simple push-broom. Been doing it for years and seriously.....no scratches on the roof of my Trailblazer when I had it or Satin's chariot now. One time I didn't clear the roof and a huge iceberg of snow crashed down over the windshield of the van as I was stopping at a light and it was fucking thick and heavy I had to slam on the brakes at that light and get out to lift it off. That was not only unsafe but embarrassing. Lesson learned.

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Some of us dont live in a trailer park so a blue tarp is not going to happen for most people.


never used a blue tarp, but I have used two separate canvas drop cloths with zero issues. once the snow starts falling they disappear from visibility. No one is outside looking either. In the morning just flip the snow off one side, toss the clear portion over to the other side and litterally let it fall off the car. Sounds worse than it is. No scratches.

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I like how everyone thinks snow and ice only accumulates at home.. ie "I park in a garage so I don't have to worry about it" what about when it snows while they are at work and jump on the freeway..


It's typically the "garage parkers" that don't have a snow brush/ scraper in their car that adds to the "tank" method.


I personally clear all snow, clean head lights / tail lights (something more important than the 2" of snow on the roof of a car".

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That's why I park my car in the garage. For those who aren't, I agree, clean the fucking snow. The worst is the truckers. Take ten minutes to scrape the snow off the top of the trailers, goddamn it.


They're not allowed, safety hazard. Some places have a drive-thru machine that takes it off the roof but only in the heavy snow climates.

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HOA or not i wouldnt want some yahoo doing that crap near me, thats trashy.

Are you serious with this post? This is coming from someone who thought it was okay to take a selfie in a public bathroom mirror. How am I the trashy one for doing something that almost no one would see?

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Are you serious with this post? This is coming from someone who thought it was okay to take a selfie in a public bathroom mirror. How am I the trashy one for doing something that almost no one would see?


My bathroom pics were with no one else in there so that point is invalid. :fuckyeah:


No one would see? I take it you park this outside in your driveway or in a parking spot if its an apartment. Many people would see this hillbilly stunt In eathier of those places.


Hey do want you want, glad your not in my area with that crap.

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My bathroom pics were with no one else in there so that point is invalid. :fuckyeah:


No one would see? I take it you park this outside in your driveway or in a parking spot if its an apartment. Many people would see this hillbilly stunt In eathier of those places.


Hey do want you want, glad your not in my area with that crap.

My driveway is to the left of my house and left of my driveway is the back of my neighbor's house. No one will see it unless they are spitting distance from my car. Once it is snow covered you don't even see the tarp. Have fun scraping your windows in the morning.

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My driveway is to the left of my house and left of my driveway is the back of my neighbor's house. No one will see it unless they are spitting distance from my car. Once it is snow covered you don't even see the tarp. Have fun scraping your windows in the morning.

Garage kept bro, But be sure to have fun tomorrow morning.

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I've been behind "Snow Comets" and haven't had any visibility issues. But the Ice boulders are assholes.


I clear all my windows, and knock off most loose snow, but I don't go down to paint. If the 100 yards or so that I'm blowing snow causes an issue for someone, they're either too close or have some other issue. It's not a big deal.


Ice on the other hand, I'll make sure there's no sheets. I've had some big chunks hit my windshield. Luckily none have gone through.

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Also, knock those huge ice boulders off the bottom of your car before you get on the road. Those things will fuck your car up if you hit one.


Few years ago, I almost hit one that fell off a box truck. It was easily over a foot an a half across and likely would have done serious damage.

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