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Make your best combination for President and Vice


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Since everyone hates the current options, what is your suggestion for a fix? Who is your best combo? Must be alive, don't go throwing Calvin College out there as an option.


President: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Dunford


Because "Fuck you" is an acceptable reason and resolve to many more things than we currently use it for.




Think what you want, but this is good balance in the relationship and brings value.





Feel free to solve the issues of America with your suggested combination.

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Ric Flair for president, just because we would get speeches like this and he would slap the tasted out of Putin's mouth like a man.




Stone Cold Steve Austin for vice president. He will not take shit from anybody, understands how to play mind games, and will give stone cold stunners out followed by beer showers to all the elected idiots who can't do their job.

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Ric Flair for president, just because we would get speeches like this and he would slap the tasted out of Putin's mouth like a man.




Stone Cold Steve Austin for vice president. He will not take shit from anybody, understands how to play mind games, and will give stone cold stunners out followed by beer showers to all the elected idiots who can't do their job.

There is so much win in this combo!

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A strong independent


But really .. Trump/kasich


The current problem is the left has shifted further left and the right has shifted further right. The left wants big government and tries to buy the vote of minoritites and the poor. The right wants less regulations and policies that help the top half. The right is also a lot slower to change its ways and fights battles(i.e. Gay Marriage) that they are ultimately going to lose and honestly doesn't help their public appeal. Neither side does a single thing to really help the middle class and lift the lower class up(without handouts), and that group is the biggest core of population and takes the biggest brunt of the party war.


The best canidate would be an independent in the middle that can try and bring the parties together, but that's not going to happen. Plus I also think both sides are so entrenched that, even if that did happen, middle ground may not be possible. So I pick a Trump ticket in the hopes he will treat the country like a business. I pick our governor as VP, to help Trump negotiate with both sides and it will help Trump get the Ohio vote.


For me, any democratic canidate winning is a death sentence for this country. The country will continue to get more divided, taxes will continue to go up, local/state/national debt will continue to spiral out of control, and the republicans will just be obstructionists to any real bills that try to get passed.

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Mike Rowe


Honestly, I think if this current smattering of candidates can run for President, Mike Rowe can throw his hat in the ring at any time. Love that guy, and he's only gotten better since "Dirty Jobs".


Maybe not as popular, but love what he puts out. Very smart guy, too.

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^^ Agreed. I really like his outlook on things. He is very "make sense" and witty.


Making sense does not advance flawed agendas, ideas, or get you elected in this country.


The election process in this country really has turned into pro wrestling. I like to watch these idiots talk now, and picture them in the ring with Jim Ross doing the interview.


I mean these dumb fucks even have their own entrance and theme music now, how much more pro wrestling do you need? They are just a Jimmy Hart or Paul Bearer away from being the main event at idiot-mania.


Now,on that note I think they should make it even more like pro wrestling since all of this is fake. Maybe have a match on election night? See Hillary Cunton jump off the hell in the cell onto the announcers table and give a big leg drop to Rush who's calling the match?


I would pay $50 to see that, maybe a good undercard of some former idiots in chief having a ladder match?

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Gary Johnson*- President


Rand Paul**- VP



I love Johnson's philosophy on pretty much everything under the sun as it aligns closely with mine.


Same with Rand on most things as well and he is one of the few common sense politicians left when it comes to being fiscally conservative.



I'm all for cutting spending and promoting individual responsibility. We don't need a big government telling us how to live virtually every facet of our lives.


* Denotes Ron Paul would take precedent if it was 2012


**Denotes Gary Johnson would take precedent if it was 2012.

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