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How is Xmas divied up with your fam?


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Ok, so my wife is super family oriented, like Brady Bunch shit, and they are great but the issue we run into is this time of year...she doesn't make nearly as much as I do...she stresses out on buying her brothers/wives and parents gifts. We have been together for 11yrs and married for 2yrs....


Its the same thing every year, I'm last on the list(she doesn't make a lot of $$)...I know her Brothers dont care if they get a gift, especially their Sugar Mama wives dont care...is that messed up or am I being selfish? I would gladly tell my fam to take a hike for gifts if I was poor so I could buy my wife things...


Am I being irrational?

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We have been together for 11yrs and married for 2yrs....

Holy shit. By then I'm assuming it would be like

"hey you wanna finally get married.."

"yeah I guess"

"cool go pick out a ring or whatever and let me know when I have to show up to some gay wedding thing with you"

"sounds good. I haven't had a social life in almost a decade so it'll be small and cheap"

"word, whatever"

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Holy shit. By then I'm assuming it would be like

"hey you wanna finally get married.."

"yeah I guess"

"cool go pick out a ring or whatever and let me know when I have to show up to some gay wedding thing with you"

"sounds good. I haven't had a social life in almost a decade so it'll be small and cheap"

"word, whatever"


Hah, so funny..she actually has my Gradmas vintage miner's Diamond(Dad) and I had a custom ring made with Rose/White Gold...before it was so polpular....shit.

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I try to make all my gifts. "HOME" signs, vacuum molded whiskey boxes, etc. They all fight over them at the gift exchange. It doesn't have to be that cool, anyone loves something you actually made. Take a $12 HF jigsaw and carve out Ohio on some plywood.
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You waited 9 years to marry her and you're asking if you're being irrational about feeling last on her list.




Seriously though to the OP, around thanksgiving time when the whole family is getting together suggest a grab bag gift exchange. Name in a hat, each person picks one other person and it remains a secret until christmas gifts are exchanged, simple. That way each person gets a really good, thoughtful gift instead of everyone trying to run around and get shitty 20$ gifts for each person.


I'm the youngest of 5 and for the longest time was the only single one in the family so we did a grab bag. simple.

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Sounds to me like she really cares about her Family and wants to make sure they know it.


Not everyone is that nice. She sounds like a good Women.


A couple things to take into consideration: How well are you treated on a day to day basis? Birthday? Does she let you do whatever the fuck you want basically whenever the fuck you want too? Shit, that is a Christmas present in and of itself...


Bedroom/oral/anal considerations should be taken into account too.


All in all she sounds like a good Women. A good Women is worth her weight in gold.

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The name in a hat thing is the best Christmas idea ever and is exactly what we do, along with a White elephant thing (grab some bullshit around the house and wrap it up, draw numbers, piss off the previous person or grab a new gift, etc.). We care about seeing each other/catching up once a year more than who ordered what for who off Amazon.
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Sounds to me like she really cares about her Family and wants to make sure they know it.


Not everyone is that nice. She sounds like a good Women.


A couple things to take into consideration: How well are you treated on a day to day basis? Birthday? Does she let you do whatever the fuck you want basically whenever the fuck you want too? Shit, that is a Christmas present in and of itself...


Bedroom/oral/anal considerations should be taken into account too.


All in all she sounds like a good Women. A good Women is worth her weight in gold.

Hi, 2nd grade graduate here letting you know that "women" is the plural form of "woman" and also doesn't require capitalization when it's not the first word in a sentence.

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The name in a hat thing is the best Christmas idea ever and is exactly what we do, along with a White elephant thing (grab some bullshit around the house and wrap it up, draw numbers, piss off the previous person or grab a new gift, etc.). We care about seeing each other/catching up once a year more than who ordered what for who off Amazon.


The GF's workplace does a white elephant exchange but they do it in a way that you can "trade" and "steal" other peoples gifts if they're better than yours but you only get so many "moves" to do so and no one wants to get stuck with the shittiest of shitty gifts. It sounds like fuck but fuck all that work and planning lol

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I kind of said that, but yeah my mom's side of the family is a bunch of Hillary-supporters who ironically don't like to steal from others and hurt their feelings. I don't even want the shit people bring but I steal everything I can to drink their sweet tears outside their safe space. I'm usually about 6 beers deep by the whole white elephant thing and need the entertainment.
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Hi, 2nd grade graduate here letting you know that "women" is the plural form of "woman" and also doesn't require capitalization when it's not the first word in a sentence.


Thanks. Last Grade I legitly passed was 6th :dumb: (UA LOL, Falsification LOL). All things considered I think I do al'ight ;).

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It sucks. We also have to give everyone 50 dollar gift card, we're lucky we usually get a gift card from the same place in return (amazon). Then there is the person that tried to be thoughtful and we're stuck with this reminder of how bad gifts can be.


I don't enjoy it at all. I do still give gifts but it has to be something unique or something I made that I know they will like. I don't just sit there and try to think of something to force and be like 'i think they like that'.

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So I guess the question is...barring kids...or even with kids...would any of you accept your significant other forgeting you in liu of their siblings?


I don't get my wife anything for B-Day, Valentines Day, Anniversary or Christmas. We're pretty blessed and she's tight with what she likes so the few times I've tried she thinks it's sweet but it's usually not needed. We get what we want/need throughout the year for ourselves.


I may get her a Pajamagram, because I'm hearing it advertised on Howard Stern and she does like to be comfy when she's sleeping...but that would be it.


$heeeit...I can't get anything anyway because all the accounts and credit card activity get alerted on her phone! :lol:

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Christmas is for spending time with family. Christmas GIFTS are for kids.


We celebrate with our families and buy a couple presents, bake cookies for them or whatever. But it's not a big deal. I couldn't care less if I received nothing at all.

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