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RX-8 Broke Down, Whats My Next Car?


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Silly Derek...you underestimate the ability of Geeto to argue over ANY topic


Although I am not in the market for the $15,000 2012 up car, there seems to be many out there, and I would say for the most part , the newer the better. The lower the production numbers the higher the cost of parts, and usually labor to fix. I usually have the least problems from Toyota, and the most from German cars. The older they get the more problematic any car gets.

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Instantly clicked off that site....FUCK people who design a site to play audio/video automatically.


76K miles is a bit high... awesome car BTW

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This all fucking day. Why isn't HBK looking into FRS/BRZ and buying docs masterpiece!??!?!


Docs car really is awesome... I have nothing but positive things to say about what he has done to it and his very kind offer. My ultimate reason for not jumping on it is a mixture of hesitation and mixed feelings...


The FRS/BRZ is a great car. Much like the miata and RX-8, it is light and agile. But, it does not speak to me as much as other cars do...




But, overall...the design, look, and feel of a car matter to me. But most of all... I want to be in love with what I drive and be passionate about it. The feeling I admire is the pride and love for your car. When someone parks at Cars and Coffee 30 minutes before everyone else gets there to wax their car... yea... I laugh on the outside... but part of me respects that person because they love their car so much, that they want it to look good... in my mind... they want everyone to see how special their car is. Yea, this can melt away when you find out the person is a condescending douche who double parked and could care less about what you drive... NOT my point. I respect the person who cares for their car and feels that sense of pride while at the same time respecting others. All RX-8 jokes aside, I've driven my car this long because I loved it. My RX-8 was a connection that I shared many and led me to find out what Cars and Coffee was... it led me to CR...and ultimately took me so many places. It's like having a long time friend who is about to die of cancer... I'm going to miss my RX-8 and i don't give a fuck admitting this here... but I might even cry when I hand over the keys. This is the type of emotional connection I have with my car... I want to re-birth that connection with my next car. Yea... the dog died and we are all sad, so lets buy a new dog kinda vibe.


This is why I take my next car choice very seriously because I want a new connection... A new partner for the road that I can't stop looking back at when I lock the door to go into the store. I have been guilty of looking back at the 8 all the time... Anyways... the FRS/BRZ is a great car, but sadly... it does not spark a new beginning for me in my mind.


I know...I know... I'm crazy as fuck to have such an emotional connection with a fucking car. but, thats just how I feel... if i'm not feeling a car or it's vibe... then I shy away from it. I appreciate and am very humbled that Doc offered to sell me his car. But in all seriousness... I don't believe I would be able to give it the same love that he feels for it. That car is beautiful and deserves someone so much better than me. :cry:

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Docs car really is awesome... I have nothing but positive things to say about what he has done to it and his very kind offer. My ultimate reason for not jumping on it is a mixture of hesitation and mixed feelings...


The FRS/BRZ is a great car. Much like the miata and RX-8, it is light and agile. But, it does not speak to me as much as other cars do...




But, overall...the design, look, and feel of a car matter to me. But most of all... I want to be in love with what I drive and be passionate about it. The feeling I admire is the pride and love for your car. When someone parks at Cars and Coffee 30 minutes before everyone else gets there to wax their car... yea... I laugh on the outside... but part of me respects that person because they love their car so much, that they want it to look good... in my mind... they want everyone to see how special their car is. Yea, this can melt away when you find out the person is a condescending douche who double parked and could care less about what you drive... NOT my point. I respect the person who cares for their car and feels that sense of pride while at the same time respecting others. All RX-8 jokes aside, I've driven my car this long because I loved it. My RX-8 was a connection that I shared many and led me to find out what Cars and Coffee was... it led me to CR...and ultimately took me so many places. It's like having a long time friend who is about to die of cancer... I'm going to miss my RX-8 and i don't give a fuck admitting this here... but I might even cry when I hand over the keys. This is the type of emotional connection I have with my car... I want to re-birth that connection with my next car. Yea... the dog died and we are all sad, so lets buy a new dog kinda vibe.


This is why I take my next car choice very seriously because I want a new connection... A new partner for the road that I can't stop looking back at when I lock the door to go into the store. I have been guilty of looking back at the 8 all the time... Anyways... the FRS/BRZ is a great car, but sadly... it does not spark a new beginning for me in my mind.


I know...I know... I'm crazy as fuck to have such an emotional connection with a fucking car. but, thats just how I feel... if i'm not feeling a car or it's vibe... then I shy away from it. I appreciate and am very humbled that Doc offered to sell me his car. But in all seriousness... I don't believe I would be able to give it the same love that he feels for it. That car is beautiful and deserves someone so much better than me. :cry:




Look, 3 of the vehicles I currently own I have had for 20 years, so I understand emotional connection with vehicles. However reading someone explain their emotional connection to cars to a bunch of guys who ALREADY understand where he is coming from is like sitting there and listening to your buddy read every valentines day card he gave to his wife. you think we don't understand you but we get it more than you know, we've been you, and we have not only been to this rest stop, we took the piss, bought the t-shirt, overpaid for gas, and sent the postcards. Your experience is not unique.


What many of the "older" guys here understand is that you can't say you have made an informed decision on any car until you have actually driven it. We have all been down this road and had cars "surprise" us with how good they worked despite not being our first choice in the looks department or worse, being something we absolutely lust for every time we see it only to have it ride and drive like a buckboard with a broken wheel.


Every suggestion here was made with the effort of trying to help you, you owe it to yourself to at the very least to drive the car recommended before just dismissing and saying "meh". Car buying is always somewhat of a compromise, and you can't figure out what things you are willing to compromise on unless you have the whole picture. capishe?


that is all.

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Instantly clicked off that site....FUCK people who design a site to play audio/video automatically.


76K miles is a bit high... awesome car BTW




*long emotional post thing*


Drive Doc's car and report back. Hell, even ride in it.


I get it. We all have a car that we made memories in. Shit, mine was a 1992 Tercelol. It's the car I had pre-CR and the one I took to all the weekend meetups on Sawmill/Hooters/Kroger/all the hidden spots races were at, my now wife of nearly 14 years and I started dating when I had it, and I took so many road trips with buddies in that little piece of shit. I loved it. I didn't care what all the F-Body mullet homos and civic ricer fags though. I was in love with that gay little car. As a matter of fact on the way home yesterday I saw a Tercel and a flood of good memories came back.


Guess what? I wouldn't own one if it were given to me.


Stop letting emotions keep you from bettering yourself or, in this case, your vehicle situation. I would bet that if you drove/bought Docs car in less than a years time you'll never want an RX8 again.


Keep the good memories and realize that any material thing can be the source of happiness but cannot always retain that level of joy.


You told Kerry not to read but Kerry literally cannot NOT impose his opinion on others even when it is specifically asked of him by name to avoid doing so. Aside from his tirade about your emotions he's right on the driving it first. I bet within 5 mins of driving Docs car you no longer feel the exact same.

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Look, 3 of the vehicles I currently own I have had for 20 years, so I understand emotional connection with vehicles. However reading someone explain their emotional connection to cars to a bunch of guys who ALREADY understand where he is coming from is like sitting there and listening to your buddy read every valentines day card he gave to his wife. you think we don't understand you but we get it more than you know, we've been you, and we have not only been to this rest stop, we took the piss, bought the t-shirt, overpaid for gas, and sent the postcards. Your experience is not unique.


What many of the "older" guys here understand is that you can't say you have made an informed decision on any car until you have actually driven it. We have all been down this road and had cars "surprise" us with how good they worked despite not being our first choice in the looks department or worse, being something we absolutely lust for every time we see it only to have it ride and drive like a buckboard with a broken wheel.


Every suggestion here was made with the effort of trying to help you, you owe it to yourself to at the very least to drive the car recommended before just dismissing and saying "meh". Car buying is always somewhat of a compromise, and you can't figure out what things you are willing to compromise on unless you have the whole picture. capishe?


that is all.


um... I feel like you misunderstand me... kind hurts TBH... this is the same shit I felt when I jumped out of the Kitchen discussion because conveying emotion or meaning over text is next to impossible and usually leads to misunderstandings like this


I appreciate ALL the suggestions and I take them into consideration. my deepest apologies for being fucking real for a few seconds and sharing a possible sensitive part of me... but fuck it, lets throw some puke emoji on the post to REALLY drive the point home... Last time I checked, this aint the kitchen... so... I little respect for me sharing something sensitive would be nice?


To think that I ONLY care about an emotional connection is completely incorrect. I'll be more general and upfront them... *clears throat*... I am not going to waste someone's valuable time on making a large potential purchase on a car that I am not going to enjoy. The person in question, I have a VERY high level of respect for, yet do not know them very well at the same time. My next car will not be the BRZ/FRS because it is not something that I feel a connection with... im sorry..but, that's just how I feel. It may not mean much, but I remember a few winters ago when Cup'o Joe was there... Doc would sit down with us and chat about cars. It was a really fun experience and I did not know much about him at the time. Most of his answers were very casual, but I always wanted to know more. A very good memory I have.


All other recommendations have been taken into account and I will be going out this weekend to test drive many of them... this is actually a big weekend for me. I will be buying my next car in the next 10-12 days and I am very nervous about making my selection. I want to buy something that works for me... but I want to love it, like many things. Just give me some time... I just can't believe im finally saying goodbye to the 8 after having it all this time... I figured it would have caught fire by now... but i kept going, ya know?


ya ya ya... im sorry for the sentimental post and showing "feelings" in front of the guys... but fuck it... im already the weirdo that drives a car powered by an angry barrel of bees that is prone to catching fire... whats the worst that could happen?

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You told Kerry not to read but Kerry literally cannot NOT impose his opinion on others even when it is specifically asked of him by name to avoid doing so. Aside from his tirade about your emotions he's right on the driving it first. I bet within 5 mins of driving Docs car you no longer feel the exact same.


But mom...someone on the internet made me sad/angry


*fart noise*


Anyways.. I'm done with the 8... i want it out of my life. and my emotional connection with my car will not sway my next choice. I was just trying to make an example of one of multiple aspects in the care buying process that matter to me.

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I'm in the same "emotional" boat with upgrading from my old ass Subaru Wagons. I really hate to move on from the chassis and I am having a heck of a time deciding what to replace it with.


No, I am not looking for help/suggestions lol.

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Drive Doc's car and report back. Hell, even ride in it.


Zero doubt in my mind that it would be an awesome car... I just have little connection with that body/style...idk... given my last post... I feel like a failed to accurately explain why I am hesitating...So... I give up... Come talk to me in person, because text fucking sucks to explain things...

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Quick test: Put these cars in order of how emotional they make you feel, or how likely you are to walk into a gas station and turn around just to see how good it looks.






C5 Corvette

Ferrari 458


oh... imma fail this shit REAL fast...


  1. C5 Corvette
  2. S550 Mustang
  3. ND Miata
  4. BRZ/FRS
  5. GTI
  6. Ferrari 458


The C5 would win on the looks department. Pop up headlights and a sleek body are all I need to keep my eyes from looking away. I've always loved Corvettes, but the C3 is my all time favorite. the 1969 ZL1 is (in my mind) the only time they actually made a car look like a stingray. S550 Mustang is the best mustang body if you want to pretend you have a european sports car... The S197 has more of the MUSCLE CAR, kinda vibe... I dig it and would love either of them. The rest of the list I would take it or leave it... I did not put the Ferrari at the bottom because im being ignorant... Idk why, but if I had THAT much money... I feel like I would be numb after a while to the number of nice cars I would see, much like a feel now about unboxing the 1000th fucking computer in a shipment. I love tech and love unboxing tech...but after so much, you get numb.

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I appreciate ALL the suggestions and I take them into consideration.


So you are going to drive the cars then?



My next car will not be the BRZ/FRS because it is not something that I feel a connection with... im sorry..but, that's just how I feel.


Did you drive one?


Mike...you are going to do this:


and a) think it is not "Challenge Accepted"; and b) whine about being disrespected? dude, man up already.

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JFC you are a moron. I'm done with this.




- asks me to rank cars... based off opinionated looks/aesthetics

- I rank the cars based off my opinion

- Gets called a moron for my opinion


CR at its finest folks!

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