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Q102FM motorcycle rant. Did you cincy folks here it?


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Yo Nick, That Harley rider sounds exactly like the one I was telling you about when I was going back to Troy with D-man. Except you forgot to mention the fact about him wearing flip-flops. A lot of the HArley riders you will see at Jackass Flatts like to get high and ride home. Harley riders need a negative stereotype....

Good write up though. They will probably mention you letter on tomorrow's show

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Good write up though. They will probably mention you letter on tomorrow's show

:lol: That'd be sweet! Too bad I'll probably miss it though. :(

Hopefully fusion will let me know. Listen to the Q morning show tomorrow and let me know. It ends at 10am. 101.9FM

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I wonder if I'm the reason they are talking about sportbikes...sunday about 4pm I got tired of the two road hogs on fort washington way doing 45mph right next to each other blocking all the lanes. so I went between them. LOL

fuckem they need to learn to get the fuck over if they don't want to do the speed limit at least.

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To bad people can't see thru talk radio in the morning. See how talentless it is btwn the laugh track, the poor writing for thier guest comics to throw out punch lines, and their daily skits.

i think most ppl listen to sat. radio nowadays anyway... id rather hear howard talk to strippers anyway :)

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So, it's not right for anyone to stereotype people who ride sport bikes, but nobody is going to catch any guff about stereotyping people who ride a Harley? What if you have both?

Are you Kreating controversy Jeffrey???? :p People that ride road kings are big pansies!!! Bahahahahaha.

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So, it's not right for anyone to stereotype people who ride sport bikes, but nobody is going to catch any guff about stereotyping people who ride a Harley? What if you have both?

They praised those guys, so there wasn't a reason to rant about Harleys. Plus harleys aren't NEAR as hated by the public as sport bikes; not even close.

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Glad you wrote them an email Nick, however I think it could have been written a little bit better. I dont say this to offend you, I just think that you wrote it out of spite and didn't put a whole lot of time and thought into it.

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i love how all sportbikes get judged by a few gsxr squids... jk!

I suggest you turn your dial to 980 AM and listen to dan patrick, or jim rome, much more entertaining! I think you have crazies that pop up in every situation. If you've gone to jack ass flats you don't have to be a genius to see quite a few drunk harley riders getting on their bikes with no gear and riding. And I've seen a lot of sportbikes doing wheelies on 675 and 75... So it does go both ways, but no need to perpetuate sterotypes.... However I will haha But I do think sport bike riders typically are the most protected (gear wise). And many, at least the one's I ride with, know their bikes and its capabilities beyond what a typical cruiser rider does. No offense, I'm sure most cruiser riders that are on this forum who invest time to network with other bikers are probably pretty smart about their two wheels so they don't fall into this category. But I mean when was the last time you saw a harley guy with a full face helmet and leathers and gloves... riding in july? My parents both ride harleys and I give them crap for being squids and not wearing gear, my mom at least wears a half helmet? Anyways, I'm rambling, good call to the OP for sending a reply back to the radio station. I'm curious to listen tomorrow cause I'll be driving in the cincy all morning...

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