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Socially Awkward Engineers on Motorcycles


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Yea, you mods should know that I ninja edit the HELL out of my posts to correct spelling, grammar, or clarify my overly blunt points. I bet the majority of my post have the "Edited by...." tag underneath them.

Segregated, eh? What is this, the 1960s? :eek::nono:

I edit my posts all the time too.

Nice thing about being a Mod is we can see and compair all the edits.


Not not like racial segregation, more like long/short bus. :D

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Ours is the long empty one and everyone else is crammed into the short one and licking each others eyeballs.

hey now!

you shouldn't diss the eyeball lickers...they may just lick yours

think of the mess that would make!

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yea i hate the math part of the CSE major...

wish i didn't have to take so much math...it just seems to not really be necessary for programming courses...

I here ya. I am back in school for a second degree in web development. If I would have realized the math needed, I would have not even bothered. When I took the first math class, it had been 13 years since my last, which was high school calculus. Art degrees not prepare one for math courses. :)

Fucking Java may as well be Russian taught in Spanish to me. What I don't understand is that I have to take 2 Java classes to take the Intro to Programming Languages. wtf?

I just want to do the web layouts and design, I'm not a code jockey ,and never will be.

Tom- I love old 50's and 60's sci-fi. Most of the new stuff just can't compare.

I may have to borrow a Heinlen book or two. I can't ever seem to find Methuselah's Children or To Sail Beyond the Sunset.

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I here ya. I am back in school for a second degree in web development. If I would have realized the math needed, I would have not even bothered. When I took the first math class, it had been 13 years since my last, which was high school calculus. Art degrees not prepare one for math courses. :)

Fucking Java may as well be Russian taught in Spanish to me. What I don't understand is that I have to take 2 Java classes to take the Intro to Programming Languages. wtf?

I just want to do the web layouts and design, I'm not a code jockey ,and never will be.

Tom- I love old 50's and 60's sci-fi. Most of the new stuff just can't compare.

I may have to borrow a Heinlen book or two. I can't ever seem to find Methuselah's Children or To Sail Beyond the Sunset.

hehe funny thing

i'm sure you've heard of the the computer lab in Caldwell room 112

I actually work there as a Java Consultant :D

if you do need a hand you're welcome to ask here or in the lab

i specifically help ppl with cse201 and cse216

u may be more advanced than that but i'm just offering help

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hey hey hey, the tongue is a legitimate tool of foreplay. Don't knock it.

(hetro preferred, tyvm)

Not too sure about the eyeball thing though...

btw, feel free to use 4 syllable words or more, but no points given here...

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hehe funny thing

i'm sure you've heard of the the computer lab in Caldwell room 112

I actually work there as a Java Consultant :D

if you do need a hand you're welcome to ask here or in the lab

i specifically help ppl with cse201 and cse216

u may be more advanced than that but i'm just offering help

Actually, no, I am taking my courses at Franklin online. I work full-time as well, most of the other programs I looked at couldn't work with my schedule, and they actually took the most transfer credits. I may take you up on the help fall semester(comp 121), I can assure you, I am not more advanced than you.

Sure you don't want to just do it for me? :guitar:

Luckily once I get this java class and the into to programming class are done, everything else is actual design.

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Actually, no, I am taking my courses at Franklin online. I work full-time as well, most of the other programs I looked at couldn't work with my schedule, and they actually took the most transfer credits. I may take you up on the help fall semester(comp 121), I can assure you, I am not more advanced than you.

Sure you don't want to just do it for me? :guitar:

Luckily once I get this java class and the into to programming class are done, everything else is actual design.

i wont do it for you but i sure will help

they do say that the best way to learn something is to explain it to someone else

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I'm pretty sure they build bridges, runways, barracks, etc.

why thank you captain obvious.

I was only married to someone for 2 years in an engineer unit. I would love to grant the army more props than that lazy ass moron could possibly provide for the US Military. Hence why I am asking people who have the experience and can give the god honest truth which i was lied to about throughout the duration of my failure i call 'marriage'

ugh, i am at 'bitter' point.. what I am saying is, what does the army engineer(if that is the definitive title) actually do

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Haha, I love the tags: awkward, engineer, jrmmiii.

Technically I am an engineer in training as well. 2.5 more years to go. Working at Duramax Diesel now as a co-op.

BTW, fuck interns, and fuck yo' coffee. :p

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uhm. so i am told the only thing engineers do in the army is blow things up. enlighten me, someone. please?

The original use of the name engineer, was those ancient mil spec dudes that tunneled under the enemy's castle walls and planted explosives to bring the walls down. So yes, engineers blow things up. Demolition is an equal part to construction. Which is the other thing engineers do. I have a couple of Army engineer construction manuals, and they basically describe how to build anything with sand bags, trees, and rope. Which is pretty cool, actually.

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why thank you captain obvious.

I'm sorry I wasn't trying to state the obvious, but you asked such a simple question I didn't feel the need to give an extremely detailed answer. If I had know your past situation with the lying army engineer I might have given a more enlightening answer.

But it is simple; Army Engineers built and tear down shit, Army Mechanics fix things, and everyone else shoots people... oh except the desk jockeys, they do mindless and meaningless work.

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