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Socially Awkward Engineers on Motorcycles


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Urinating while standing and holding a paper funnel over your stuff. Sounds like a hilarious way to end up with wet undies...

you clearly didn't check out the 'go girl' if you have a leak, you're doin it wrong. :D:D:D

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Urinating while standing and holding a paper funnel over your stuff. Sounds like a hilarious way to end up with wet undies...

Or wet shoes.

I duno...i've been able to pee standing up for a while, I think I'd like to know what it's like to have bewbs now... j/k

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you clearly didn't check out the 'go girl' if you have a leak, you're doin it wrong. :D:D:D

I clicked the first one, I think you added the other while I was typing my response- either way, I can imagine all kinds of really funny accidents using these things. I've known some clumsy people over the years.

Edit: This thread is now about amusing ways for women to pee standing up, and the potential for hilarity involved.


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Oh pi, you didn't use the little symbol and it's been almost a year since I took a math class... I feel like a retard now.

I forgot I was going to say this, but don't feel retarded... its based on expansions and euler's formula... not something you readily need to practice most types of engineering...

e^(i*pi)= cos(pi)+i*sin(pi)=-1 + i*(0) = -1

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Ah well, it was looking like the topic had expended itself by that point anyway. So, back to our previously scheduled mathnerditry already in progress.

Odd coincidence, I just finished hearing lecture on Euler (and MacLauren and Taylor) for the first time about 2 hours ago.

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Not particularly. Nothing interesting in Applied Calc II, except for when I find things that are actually useful in my electronics-related classes.

It was just funny to get home and see something I just learned pop up in a thread that had just been going on about boobs and urination techniques.

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Can't rag on us CEs or next time we design one of your offices we'll make sure it falls down on all you arrogant EEs and all you abundantly plentiful and disposable MEs.

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Can't rag on us CEs or next time we design one of your offices we'll make sure it falls down on all you arrogant EEs and all you abundantly plentiful and disposable MEs.

Oh I pretty much plan on whatever a CE designs to fail...

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True, but in typical CE fashion they probably just tripled the safety factor and said good day.

It's true everything we design is triple redundant and 20 times beefier than it needs to be; this is to compensate for unexpected factors, the idiocy of other people, and Lawyers.

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God isn't that the truth. I take it you work in the commercial field? What firm do you work for?

I'm still in school, but I work for a concrete restoration company, so I'm kinda in a related field...

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It's true everything we design is triple redundant and 20 times beefier than it needs to be; this is to compensate for unexpected factors, the idiocy of other people, and Lawyers.

Yes, that is the typical engineering fail though... too much costs $$$. I think a lot of engineers forget what a budget is.

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looks like i can have the best of both worlds:



what else you got?? :lol:

oh no you didn't... I don't even have to look.

I already thought of that dyke gear...

It wasn't a pleasant image...

On the other hand, guess how military pilots pee in flight...

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It's true everything we design is triple redundant and 20 times beefier than it needs to be; this is to compensate for unexpected factors, the idiocy of other people, and Lawyers.

Well, he said it himself. CEs are just compensating.

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Yes, that is the typical engineering fail though... too much costs $$$. I think a lot of engineers forget what a budget is.

It's very frustrating as a construction worker when your installing something that takes way to much time and material when you know that only a third of the effort is really required; especially me, I'm always sitting there silently cursing the engineer that drew up the plans.

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It's true everything we design is triple redundant and 20 times beefier than it needs to be; this is to compensate for unexpected factors, the idiocy of other people, and Lawyers.

But wait, there's more... MEs do up automotive to a typical x2 safety factor. Aviation, doesn't like excess weight, and does it up around x1.2 to x1.4, except for really critical areas (wing spar) and that might be x2.

Redundant in aircraft? Youbetchya, most stuff is triple redundant, and some double failure monitored. One system down means go home. Two systems down means land immediately. There's just no place to pull over if something breaks down.

Beefier no, stronger, yes. Using exotic alloys and materials. Automotive would do that also, but no one would be able to afford it.

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