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Lil girl on a big ol' bike


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My chubby comments were directed towards the "fat chic jello shot pics". I don't know anyone on here by first name or face. I am free all next week if ANYONE wants to RIDE. I hate that the jokes went too far on BOTH sides and this is how things are. If ANYONE on here knew me, shit would be WAY different.

Like I wrote earlier...apologies go a LONG way!

Gosh guys I'm so darn sleep deprived and NEED to nap so I can enjoy my night but this thread has a gals blood pressure skyrocketing! :(

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Well.. you've got a lot of makin up to do..

Personally I have 2 theories.

1) You came on here with the intent of drumming up business and it went wrong fast.

2) You're recently divorced, trying to stretch your wings and get a feel for being single again- playing the field- thus the comments regarding being single etc. Took the opportunity to blow your own horn a bit and as in theory 1 you made a few mistakes and people read between the lines (correctly or otherwise) and you crashed and burned.

This is a tight knit community. Picture rolling into a neighborhood bike nite - in a bikini on a bike ( Busa) ..

How do you think people are going to respond? ... Well now you know...

The guys on here are pretty cool. The women on here are "hot" .. all of them..they ride bikes what else could they be?

With that in mind maybe you should start over...:D

:plus1: for shamless plug.... that being said

If any of u decide to go to nikki's... and wanna have a good time AFTER... shoot over to westerville rd.... Shopping center north of Iron Pony... Glengary Shopping center.... and see me at Larry B's sports Lounge(behind sunoco and Monroe).... shamless plug over.:D... im out!!

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I'm not gonna post my pictures in this thread but please feel free to go to my user profile they are all on there for anyone to see! I'm not ashamed of what I look like, and no other girl on here is either! We are all very attractive women!

I was teasin ya! You do look hot in those new pics on your facebook tho! Disclaimer...I still love men!

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I'm not gonna post my pictures in this thread but please feel free to go to my user profile they are all on there for anyone to see! I'm not ashamed of what I look like, and no other girl on here is either! We are all very attractive women!

Dangit, now I need to clean the drool off my keyboard.

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