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Lil girl on a big ol' bike


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lol i has something super bitch to say here.. i will phase it down to a nice version of no, she doesnt stand a chance against the female OR community lmao

You see she changed her avatar? I'm surprised they make a helmet that fits such a big face.

I figured she'd have one of these


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that and you should have made it a brown horse.. dont know bout any one else but i only go to a tanning bed to wake my poor skin cells up. not murder them with hours on end of harsh harmful rays/ which could potentionally make me look like im pushin 40

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I'm not gonna post my pictures in this thread but please feel free to go to my user profile they are all on there for anyone to see! I'm not ashamed of what I look like, and no other girl on here is either! We are all very attractive women!

+1 zillion.......:D........mandie, ur avatar is hawt but the one in the sportsbike club hotter....we are deprived......:( jaaaaaykaaaaay

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I just don't understand why someone would think it's a good idea to come into a community that's over 3,000 strong, talk shit about people's girlfriends, brag about their riding skills, post bikini pics to presumably try to drum up some tips at her bar, then get all bent out of shape when she doesn't receive a warm and fuzzy welcome.. :rolleyes:


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