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Riding in hawaii???


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maui specifically. going out in november! cant wait. im super psyched.

anyone ever rented a bike out there? how about one that was not a harley? on my cursory google searches, it seems that harleys are pretty much all thats available :( if i have to ride a sportster so be it, but id prefer not lol.

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I'm going in February. My hubby wants to rent a bike. We've done some net research and yeah, it appears Harleys are it. Pretty price too. Over $100+ per day. Geesh.

Oh, and we're also going to Maui. I hope you enjoy your trip.

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i did find one place that supposedly rents buells, a BMW 1200 or a ducati monster S2r 1000.

they are like 150 a day though... but the island isnt THAT big. you could probably devote two sold days to riding and ride almost the entire island.

i was hoping for something more dual sport... i want to ride the road to hana. something like 600 curves on the 52 mile trip! i guess it takes 3 hours at least. once you get to hana (going clockwise around the island from the north) i read that the road turns to gravel. i also read that many of the rental agreements specifically state that your insurance is void if you take their bike down that road. :(

rental cars go over curbs and stuff much easier than my personal car does. i assume a rental bike will be the same way :p

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I saw a few motorcycle rental places around when we were there in 2007. I think Honda shadow's rented for $80/day and dresser hogs were up to $150/day. We didn't rent a bike, but took our Jeep to Hana. It's an all day trip depending on where you're staying. If you do rent a bike, be careful as the road narrows to 1 lane a lot and all the curves are blind once you get on the mountainside/cliffs. Very awesome scenery! I think we took a few hundred pictures that day, you get to experience an entirely different side/climate of Hawaii. Have fun and post pics once you return!

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I can't imagine renting a bike there would be fun for more than one day. I agree with the dual sport bike and taking the road to Hana, so maybe that could be your second day. There isn't exactly a lot of pavement on Maui to travel. Stay away from the Southeast side of the island, because that's the windy side. Kaanapali has the best beach area. Lahaina is the place for a nice place to eat and watch the sunset. Plus, you can do some touristy shopping there. Just some ideas. :) Enjoy your trip!

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There is a HD Kawasaki Yamaha dealership on Maui. It's called cycle city. http://www.cyclecitymaui.com/ Prolly your best bet at renting a sportsbike on Maui. Most others are scooters, HD, and I wanna say t-rex's, cept them are dumbed down tourist versions.

On Oahu there are loads of sport bike rental places. But not really worth it IMO. Oahu has too many fucking people and nothing but congested highways, at all hours of the day. Can't really give you a price range cuz I didn't look.

I saw alot of Busa's and ZX-14's.

Bout the only cool roads on Oahu are on the North Shore. 83, 72, 61 (highway), 63 (highway). Granted they don't really call them by the numbers, but by the names.

Make sure to eat at Mackies shrimp in North Shore.

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Oh, the road to hana is fun, but not something I would want to do on a bike. Lots of blind corners, and traffic out the ass. To many chances for injury there.

Any questions just ask, while it's still fresh in the old noodle.

If you are looking for a "good time' find one of the girls with clear shoes on.

If you ar going with significant other, ovoid clear shoed girls.

Or play a fun game. Stand by yourself on a corner, wait for clear shoes to come up. Have significant other chase them away. They scatter like roaches.

Edited by Cdubyah
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Oh, the road to hana is fun, but not something I would want to do on a bike. Lots of blind corners, and traffic out the ass. To many chances for injury there.

Any questions just ask, while it's still fresh in the old noodle.

If you are looking for a "good time' find one of the girls with clear shoes on.

If you ar going with significant other, ovoid clear shoed girls.

Or play a fun game. Stand by yourself on a corner, wait for clear shoes to come up. Have significant other chase them away. They scatter like roaches.


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