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Wear YOUR GEAR story....


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Definitely sucks, just remember noone writes a 10 page essay about how nothing happened to them.

I'm all about safety gear, but wearing or not wearing gear is all about the risk you're assuming. Absolutely right, dress for the worst, hope for the best.

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Yes sir, it's not something I want to relive ever again.

Yup, having my rash scrubbed was without doubt the worst feeling of pain I've ever experienced....infuriating, nauseating, and it just went on and on.

I cringe when I see people without gear and no scars from rash, not because I'm a nazi about it but because I know they have no fucking clue how sorry they're going to be.

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Obviously her first mistake was getting on the back of Shaun’s GSXR 750. Shaun, wearing only a t-shirt should've been riding very carefully with such precious cargo on the back of his bike. Instead, Shaun kept accelerating. Valuable lesson, never ride with a squid.

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That happened very long ago. Her nic-name is Brit-ta-tit-tit. She is a sponsored rider nowadays from her mishap by ICON I believe. I had myspace back in 2005 and she was on my friend list. She got really chunky last time I saw her back in '07.

Fat girls need love too....

didn't you see my Girl riding on my 600RR?

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A decent pair of gloves tops my list. All passengers should wear them. I've known several people to throw their hands out and do a deep rash on the palms of their hands. A rather permanent scar. I prefer the flip spin slide, or roll and tumble... but you never know...

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A decent pair of gloves tops my list. All passengers should wear them. I've known several people to throw their hands out and do a deep rash on the palms of their hands. A rather permanent scar. I prefer the flip spin slide, or roll and tumble... but you never know...

:plus1: on the gloves! Try to think of what your life would be like without the proper use of your hands. I can't even begin to imagine.

I heard you talking a bit yesterday about defensive tactics when you go down, I'm just not sure how instinctive I will be should the worst happen. That kinda scares me!

Yesterday should be a testament of how I believe in ATGATT!

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