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Which type of jacket do you prefer?


For the price, Which do you prefer?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. For the price, Which do you prefer?

    • Textile
    • Leather
    • Mesh

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how is making a poll about what jacket you have gay? lol or the word used is "faggety" lmao. and u call me gay. this forum is worthless. iv been on it 3 weeks and no body can get any information out of anyone. all this site is it a group of friends who ride bikes that like to shit on ppl that try to jump on the forum. if wheelies were gay i doubt they would b as popular as they are? lol and if i have insurance yet or not is my business. dont worry about me i can handle myself. and to reply to "dude stop being a fag, get your insurance, get some plates, and get some gear" i have my gear and title and plates are mine now! WOW maybe i should just PM u before i post anything on here to make sure its ok to say it? does that sound good to u guys? get off my dick. i made a thread to hear you guys's thoughts about what jackets you think are best. its obviously not a gay thread since iv made it in a couple of other forums and gotten great feedback already. u guys are just morons that want to just bs with e.o. and see whos the whittiest guy on here with your little jokes. forums like these are jokes and no wonder people dont like them. lol if u were to really ban me for 3 days thats cool. i honestly could care less. iv done nothing wrong on here execpt try to make informative threads to learn some shit and all i do is get shit on. "bought my first gsxr today"... and al i get. " wow ur a fucking too get ur lisence u fagg" like really? iv had my bike 3 fucking hours do u think im already going to have my lisence? or "how do you do a power wheelie?" and i get " you dont know your bike enough you never get one and ur a fag!!"... guess what. i believe it wa 2 days later i had wheelies perfected and working on stoppies. lol so if u really think a ban is a suitable punishment plz go ahead mods.... ban me. lol what a joke :thefinger::thefinger:

Please, please take a video of these perfected wheelies and post it here. I know you haven't perfected anything on your bike yet. I would bet my bike on it. You're asking for legitimate advice about motorcycles, and well you're getting it. Three hours isn't enough time to get insurance on your motorcycle? I got mine covered in about 15 minutes before I ever left the dealership. Quit being an asshat, either put the bike up or get insurance. As for the tags and title, I couldn't care less. However if you ride a perfect wheelie into me or some other motorist you're going to have to pull a lot of money out of your ass to cover damages, medical expenses, legal expenses, and possibly a civil suit.

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However if you ride a perfect wheelie into me or some other motorist you're going to have to pull a lot of money out of your ass to cover damages, medical expenses, legal expenses, and possibly a civil suit.

wholy damn thank god for that. i had no idea thats what insurance did.

and i will post a video? lmao idc. i told u guys i used to race mx from like age 5 to when i was 16. its different on street bike but not that much different. i always just did clutch ups on the dirtbikes and never power wheelies cause the tire would just spin on a "power wheelie" on a dirtbike. and who said you couldnt get insured in 3 hours? wtf? i know i didnt. what i said was i didnt have my temps yet and you gave me shit for it. i actually bought the bike on a friday at about 1pm in hilliard an had to go home, change and get to work by 3 that same day if you need to know. so no it wasnt possible to do it that day. and y would i insure a bike i got in october for the 1 month that im going to ride it. thats fucking ignorant. espically when ur a college kid whos already broke. so you guys can sit here a bitch at me the whole winter about getting insurance and the fact is. ill get it when i feel i need it. if thats never thats my shit im getting myself into. i realize it. so fucking let it go.

Edited by Jcroz91
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wholy damn thank god for that. i had no idea thats what insurance did.

Seriously? How old are you? You speak and type like an ignorant-ass teenager. I was trying to be nice and give you a warning of the consequences of your lack of action. Listen now though you little fuck, I've been hit by an uninsured motorist. It totaled my car, and yes I got a payout from my insurance company because I had uninsured motorist coverage. However three months later my premiums tripled because they couldn't get any money out of the low-life piece of shit that hit me. Thats exactly how you're acting right now, a low-life pile of trash that doesn't care about anything but pulling monster 4" wheelies. Because of people like you, I have to pay MORE for insurance to cover uninsured motorists. On top of that, when my car gets totaled by one of you idiots, my premiums go up? Fuck you. You're a drain on society and one of the lowest forms of trash in my opinion.

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I prefer leather but some times it's just too fricken hot. Then I prefer textile. Mesh won't hold up, ever. Not even 5 mph. As far as insurance goes. One month would be cheap compared to the price you'll

pay for getting caught. Second if you can afford a bike you can afford insurance. If not you can't afford a bike, it's a package deal.

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Seriously? How old are you? You speak and type like an ignorant-ass teenager. I was trying to be nice and give you a warning of the consequences of your lack of action. Listen now though you little fuck, I've been hit by an uninsured motorist. It totaled my car, and yes I got a payout from my insurance company because I had uninsured motorist coverage. However three months later my premiums tripled because they couldn't get any money out of the low-life piece of shit that hit me. Thats exactly how you're acting right now, a low-life pile of trash that doesn't care about anything but pulling monster 4" wheelies. Because of people like you, I have to pay MORE for insurance to cover uninsured motorists. On top of that, when my car gets totaled by one of you idiots, my premiums go up? Fuck you. You're a drain on society and one of the lowest forms of trash in my opinion.

damn that sucks... good thing i dont pay insurance :) 1 less thing i have to worry about.

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the fact is. ill get it when i feel i need it. if thats never thats my shit im getting myself into. i realize it. so fucking let it go.

When you need it, its too late. The idea of insurance is to have it before you need it, asshat. I'm glad I schooled you on this, because apparently you don't know how insurance works.

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I prefer leather but some times it's just too fricken hot. Then I prefer textile. Mesh won't hold up, ever. Not even 5 mph. As far as insurance goes. One month would be cheap compared to the price you'll

pay for getting caught. Second if you can afford a bike you can afford insurance. If not you can't afford a bike, it's a package deal.

I have a mesh Icon jacket that has done me good in 2 accidents. No rash whatsoever. Now, I didn't do a 60 MPH slide down the slab....so YMMV

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I prefer leather but some times it's just too fricken hot. Then I prefer textile. Mesh won't hold up, ever. Not even 5 mph.
I have a mesh Icon jacket that has done me good in 2 accidents. No rash whatsoever. Now, I didn't do a 60 MPH slide down the slab....so YMMV

now thats the kinda answers i would expect out of this thread. thank you.. :)

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More whoolies, less posting!

(If I was at home, I would totally do that in a 'courage wolf' poster)

And I'm going to apologize to the mods ahead of time for how bad we're going to derail this thread... 'cause it's going to require more cleanup than walking a dog with explosive diarrhea

Edited by JRMMiii
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damn that sucks... good thing i dont pay insurance :) 1 less thing i have to worry about.

I wish I could say that if I ever met you I'd beat your head into the ground and curb stop your stupid ass. I can't say that though, its against the rules.

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When you need it, its too late. The idea of insurance is to have it before you need it, asshat. I'm glad I schooled you on this, because apparently you don't know how insurance works.

yeah aparantly not. lmao

i know how it works you ignorant fuck bag. lol thanks for the schooling though u tool. i work for fucking AAA. i prob know more about insurance than u.

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yeah aparantly not. lmao

i know how it works you ignorant fuck bag. lol thanks for the schooling though u tool. i work for fucking AAA. i prob know more about insurance than u.

You work for AAA and can't afford insurance? Don't you get a discount being an employee there?

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You work for AAA and can't afford insurance? Don't you get a discount being an employee there?

i do... i never said i cant afford it. i can. i just dont see the point in paying for it for 1 month. if you read my intro thread ill get it in spring

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not bad considering im 19 and own and 07 gsxr, a house, and a supercharged 03 mustang. no mommy and daddy didnt pay for any of. go ahead and shit on me for this now.

Methinks there's more to this story... where's the settlement check? Or inheritance? Or who's your pimp? 19 years old don't just 'have money' -- ohh wait, you're one of those guys we helped in the 'bailout'.

I want my money back.

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