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Do you like it here???


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We have been here for 6 months now and we have not seen a whole lot yet, but I don't think I want to be here for the rest of my life...lol...

My husband wants to retire here because of job options but I am still trying to convince him to stay in the AF longer and to get the chance to move somewhere else.

Most of the time i even hear people that are from here fuss about the Dayton area and I am wondering where you guys would live (in the US) if you had the chance to do so.

Or are you perfectly content in Ohio?

Colorado would be a nice place I think. I love mountains and nature and the 4 seasons, so somewhere hot would be out of the question for me..


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Yeah, what he said. ^

I want to get a job someplace south and warm. Preferably far away from Ohio. I've lived here 10 years and I've had enough. Property is too expensive for what you get in the suburbs, the schools are mostly nice but nothing fantastic, most of the city is slowly dying. I'm out. Plus I HATE winter.

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Yeah, what he said. ^

I want to get a job someplace south and warm. Preferably far away from Ohio. I've lived here 10 years and I've had enough. Property is too expensive for what you get in the suburbs, the schools are mostly nice but nothing fantastic, most of the city is slowly dying. I'm out. Plus I HATE winter.

what he said. Born and raised in ohio. I want to move to SC so bad but job and friends keep me here. I tried leaving once but that only lasted 6 months, though the job sucked and it was the same weather as CBUS

On the flip side, the area has a lot to offer if you can get over the shitty weather for half the year. There is a reason lots of shit has Ohio links and what not. I'll try to make a better pitch FOR Ohio tomorrow when I'm sober and not pissed its fucking cold

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Lived in Costal Georgia for 2 years. Absolutely loved it. Beaches, History, backroads and the Bulldogs. ;) still vacation there when I can. Savannah is one of my fav cities.

My parents are moving to about 30 min outside of Atlanta from Dayton. I have a feeling holidays with the fam are about to get a lot nicer. :cool:

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My parents are moving to about 30 min outside of Atlanta from Dayton. I have a feeling holidays with the fam are about to get a lot nicer. :cool:

That's def an upgrade.

Like going from Integra girl to Beyonce upgrade.

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Charleston, SC. I'd go back in a heartbeat. :D

i wish my parents would build a damn house already there. They bought the land but haven't built yet because of a slow down at our company. I've been there twice and it is single handedly my favorite place I've been to. If I could move anywhere on a whim it would be there

I turned down a co-op job with Bosch there because Dmax offered a better package here in Dayton. Somedays I regret that choice.

dude have you ever been there? I regret that for you :lol:

but money talks, I'll give you that

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Yeah, I lived there for 5 years courtesy of the AF, and only left because I couldn't find a job after I got out...but the second I get one there, I'm so gone. Love that place. Beautiful, warm, riding all year round...ah. :D

Extremely jealous. I've spent about 2 weeks there in total and absolutely know thats where I NEED to be

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I feel sorry for you all that live in the city. I can be on the REAL roads within 5 minutes, I see the best of the fall foliage, and still have the convenience of shopping and entertainment within minutes. I like the changes in the seasons, and not being buried by feet of snow, but its nice every now and then. Ohio is a good place to live.

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