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Why do people feel the need to hide in the stall until the bathroom's empty? C'mon, we all poop - nothing to be ashamed of (unless you completely crushed the bathroom).

im totally guilty of this. And I'm replying while I'm in the back office taking a call on line 2

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Last week I asked my wife to grade my "junk". It was a huge boost to my ego when she told me that she rated it triple A! Then, this morning I had to change the batteries in my remote and now I'm thinking that maybe she is a bitch.


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Last week I asked my wife to grade my "junk". It was a huge boost to my ego when she told me that she rated it triple A! Then, this morning I had to change the batteries in my remote and now I'm thinking that maybe she is a bitch.

At least you got a grade, not a laugh!

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Last week I asked my wife to grade my "junk". It was a huge boost to my ego when she told me that she rated it triple A! Then, this morning I had to change the batteries in my remote and now I'm thinking that maybe she is a bitch.


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Does it annoy anyone else to see "sent from my whatchamacallit using thingamabob" all the time? lol

Side note: "whatchamacallit" and "thingamabob" isn't caught by spell check. Interesting.

Sent from my Toshiba Laptop using Chrome.


That is interesting... and I see it as well

Sent from my brain using my fingers in conjunction with the keyboard :D

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Does it annoy anyone else to see "sent from my whatchamacallit using thingamabob" all the time? lol

Side note: "whatchamacallit" and "thingamabob" isn't caught by spell check. Interesting.

Sent from my Toshiba Laptop using Chrome.


It's just bragging that they have a certain device. :bow:

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why do companies call it a "near miss" if it was really a close call? I tried explaining to the boss that a near miss is actually a hit, otherwise you would have missed! am i the only one that doesnt understand this?

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why do companies call it a "near miss" if it was really a close call? I tried explaining to the boss that a near miss is actually a hit, otherwise you would have missed! am i the only one that doesnt understand this?

George carlin stated some thing simular...

Sent from a peson on a device

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he put it much better then I did! I must have seen it somewhere and forgot about it, thanks for the find! i'm gonna show it to my boss monday,

i still like the dark sucker theory better thou

Google George carlin near miss~pot shrinks tumors
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