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Brian Kinney Benefit Ride - June 19, 2010


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Ok. I thought he was asking just OR for it.

No no, I don't expect OR to fund my house. I see what you mean by it sounding extreme...but I am simply asking for help. As I said, this is what I really need. I have looked high and low for grants to help with modifications but I have gotten no where.

All right, here's what I have decided. I have already used $$ donated so far for the shifter and I already plunked down my own cash for the landing gear. From here on out, I DO NOT want people to be donating toward the bike. I feel it is only right that if I am going to take the risk, that I be financially responsible for it. You will all see me back on the bike...I have no doubt about that. I am already full force in the project and Todd will be helping me transport the bike probably next week to get to work on installing the kit.

I won't tell you the cost of the standing chair but it is as much as nice used car...fucking rediculous it costs that much but it's all about demand...and cripples need this stuff. I have looked into all funding options and insurance gave me the finger. They said it is not "medically necessary" but they also said that when I needed to buy a shower chair. Shady bastards. I think showering is necessary, don't you?!

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Where to send a few bucks? I don't know ya, but it seems like you're a good guy. I guess I could wait until the ride to donate.

You could use paypal to bkinney@student.cscc.edu or send a check to:

Brian Kinney Foundation

PO BOX 648

Dublin, OH 43017


Does the standing chair convert to a regular chair as well or is it standing only?

It is a regular style wheelchair that has hydraulic arms (like on a hatchback) that assist in raising you up. The nice thing is you can stop it in any position between sitting or standing. Check it out!


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That standing chair is the tits! I feel better knowing that they are only VELCRO straps. ;) I figured it would be like a locking type...thank god they're not. :)

Moose - You're soooo hardcore. :rolleyes: People have the right to their own opinions.

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That standing chair is the tits! I feel better knowing that they are only VELCRO straps. ;) I figured it would be like a locking type...thank god they're not. :)

Moose - You're soooo hardcore. :rolleyes: People have the right to their own opinions.

sorry if I sound hardcore... I just think everyone should be able to live life to the fullest, and in their own way... it pisses me off to see others downing someone for trying to live life their way... even if you disagree with the way they do it... and yeah I do fly off the handle... love me or hate me that's just the way I be....;)
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I can understand people going crazy but then again it ticks me off, to a certain degree. Just think, Brian said he had medicine he had to pay for, a few mods to the house he needs to function, and a wheelchair that will help him do things he is not able to at this time. The money raised can go to either one of these things. It is something that we can help him out with as friends, and fellow riders if you have no idea who this guy is. He has had a great attitude with everything that has happened, but I'm sure there has been those days where he just wants to break down. We have a chance to help him out.

When, or if, you ever have donated for cures or whatever, I'm sure most of the money goes to the doctors or the people working to find a cure, and I'm sure they are not hurting either (with money so to speak). So, feel as you must, but think of it if you were in his position and insurance is not helping, which is a fraud in itself, and he is working to do what he can to survive. Just think....

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It's true, being paralyzed from the chest down SUCKS!! I can't shit, piss or have sex the same anymore...stop and think about that! Three of the greatest things in a man's life gone. So if I want to ride a bike again, I'm gonna. Fuck it. Gotta get some pleasure out of life, right? I refuse to worry about "what ifs" all the time. In some strange way, this injury has been a blessing because I don't take things for granted anymore...or get stressed out about insignificant stuff. I have a huge problem with people who do. If they only knew how much time and energy they waste on a daily basis...

It may sound cliche but my biggest goal at this point is to focus on stuff I can still do. And to tell you the truth, I can still accomplish more than you would think. There were literally times in rehab that I saw a bus go by and contemplated rolling in front of it. I thought "I am no good now...how can I kill myself?" It was all so scary. I couldn't imagine living my life like this. All the things I had plans for would never be the same. "Will I have kids? Will anyone want to marry me now? Where will I live? How will I do the things I always did before?" That shit is enough to drive you insane. So what did I do? Delt with it and tried to maintain an good attitude. What else am I supposed to do? I am a good person, a strong person and still have a good head on my shoulders. I know I am worth something and that is not always easy to admit.

Long story short, if you are willing to help me stand again I will owe you big time! I was just thinking of the possibilities and there will be so much more I can do standing up. Just the feeling of being taller than girls again will be rewarding in itself. :D

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I will try to make this ride also, But as of late it is no use in planning shit cause every time I do it does not happen. I hope Brian gets his wish and gets to atleast ride once this year that would awesome and I would almost cancel anything to be on that ride.

I also whole heartedly support Brian for wanting to get back on his bike and as it has been said already he has weighed all the risk and accepts that this is a huge risk all around,But atleast he is not setting at home feeling sorry for himself and hating the world for what has happen to him,No he is working and I believe going to school and now wanting to get back in the saddle again and we as fellow riders should do what we can to make that happen. I give Brian all the props in the world.

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GOOD LOOKING OUT!! I will have to give them a call today and get some more info on that. It looks kind of janky but functional. Shweeet!

Mack, I can't thank you enough. I think you found my chair! Yea, it's not nearly as nice as the one I tried out before but who cares?! Beggars can't be choosers and at that price, it sure as hell beats the $10K for the other one. (yes...$10k for a chair...wtf!)

So, now you can see what I am gonna use this $ on.



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It just needs some black rubber tires a little chrome, an ORDN sticker and those George Foreman grillin/griddle plates off NitroNicks 14 for some flair and you're good to go. ;)


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It just needs some black rubber tires a little chrome, an ORDN sticker and those George Foreman grillin/griddle plates off NitroNicks 14 for some flair and you're good to go. ;)

Damn right, I'm gonna pimp that bitch out. haha j/k I've already been rocking an OR sticker on the back of my current chair for a while. Gotta represent! I have people ask about it all the time.


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ill transport the ninja for you :D (it drives doesnt it? lol)

Yes, it does run but the body is torn down to the frame and the front brakes need bled badly...I think air got in the lines when it was sitting on it's side.

Good news is I got the shifter in the mail yesterday! The kit is really nice and I have already planned out where I want to have it mounted. I am also working on building a switch into the handle controls for the landing gear. I don't want some crappy switch hanging off to the side.

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