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Great roads west of Columbus and Delaware


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Hi all. Post up your favorite roads, if any, west of Columbus and west of Delaware. I'm looking to link together 100 miles good roads in this area knowing full well there are not many twistie but there may be some scenic sweepers. Any thoughts appreciated. Phil

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While these certainly aren't even close to the Best roads, they are fairly scenic if ridden at the right times of the year. West of Delaware.. I haven't been on them for a month or so, but last time...the pavement in several areas was questionable with potholes, and gravel. I was fine on them going the speed limit!! but I wouldn't really want to speed to much on them if they are in the same, or worse! condition. Delaware State Park is also close by, if you were looking for a very relaxed place to stop. Or for eating if you pack your lunch, or use their provided grills.

Depending on what you are wanting to accomplish with your ride..there are several covered bridges in Union county. During the All Ohio Bike fest, there was a covered bridge ride, and the ride for kids also went by several of them...maybe all. I don't really remember. I still have the route (on paper /gasp) of the covered bridge route.

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257 between 40 and 37 is ok few nice curves nothing major and they have been doing a lot of worm on it. Ostrander rd has a few curves but a lot of gravel. Some parts of 56 but nothing major

Watch out for them worms ;)

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My stupid smart phone changes words on me sometimes lol

Smartphones aren't all that smart sometimes. You have to babysit them! :lol:

Phil, what sort of ride are you looking for? People that know that area might be able to give more suggestions knowing that.

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Phil, what sort of ride are you looking for? People that know that area might be able to give more suggestions knowing that.

I know that Hocking Hills and Coshocton do not live west of Columbus so my expectations are as such. That said, I know there are scenic sweepers over there (parts of 56 and 38 for example) and I gotta believe a few county roads which I don't know of yet could have some quick twists to them - but nothing like a good well paved state route. This part of Ohio is still glacier cut (so I'm told) thus the good stuff doesn't really happen until the spot where the glacier started to pull back...... :)

This is the age old search for decent central Ohio roads without driving an hour or more to start riding...........that's all.

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257 along the sciota river head north into prospect move over to 203 in prospect. Take that north as far as you feel like going. Past rt4 it kind of straightens up but its a nice country ride. Then you can turn around and take 203 back to Delaware.

If you feel brave once your south of prospect head over to river road its on the east side of the river. Its a great view with great curves. But the surface really sucks lots of gravel bad pavement and its narrow with lots of blind curves.

Also check out Warren road that runs north off 36, beware of 90* turns with gravel.

Also Klondike that runs from 36 to 42. Lookout for people on pedal bikes and corners that really tighten up on you. Two kids died on that road about a year ago due to a tight corner. If it recently rained expect gravel.

Once you get to 42 you can continue south on 257 that's a nice ride up till the zoo.

Use caution on these roads they can really surprise you if your not familiar with them.

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