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Bicyclist struck & killed in Pelotonia ride


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Not a motorcyclist, but a cyclist nonetheless. Terrible thing to happen during a charity event.

Cyclist was stuck and later died, happened at the intersection of 374 & 180 in Hocking.


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no, this is total bullshit, there were fucking 4,000 riders so you see bicyclist every where not to mention the cop that was there and signage saying to look for the bicyclist. She was riding to end cancer, save peoples lives and hers was taken because some jackass was impatient or incompetent.

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ive had scarier situations riding my bicycle than my motorcycles... seriously if you think cagers suck when you ride your motorcycle, try riding a bicycle for a while. people are fucking douchebags.

2 major incidents that stick out in my head:

about three years ago some cock passed me seriously like 3 inches away from me, flicking me off and laying on the horn. there was ample room to go around me he just wanted to be a bitch. caught up to him at the light and kicked his door. my cleat put a nice hole in it. rode away through traffic while he still sat at the red light.

second one:

probably about 10 years ago when i was considerably younger and dumber than i am now. some douchebag kids in mommy's BMW thought it would be funny to throw a wendys cup at me full of soda. caught up to them at the light and man i wish i had a picture of this kids face. he looked like he was about to cry. i kept yelling for him to get out of the car. ended up taking off the mirror with my U lock and putting a nice crack in the windshield and a few dents in the car before the light turned green and they took off. i kinda felt bad for mommy's BMW, but maybe she shouldnt have raised a dumbass kid who thinks its ok to throw cups at people.

those are the 2 that stick out the most to me. of course i get the people who fly past me only to stop 40 feet ahead at the light, people who want to ride my ass, or pass close to me etc.

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This fatality really put a damper on the spirits of all of the riders and the event as a whole.

The event was very well organized, there were at least 16 support vehicles positioned all along the route as well as driving.

The vehicles had everything from first aid to bike repair.

There were radio operators through out to help get responders to the riders that needed help as well as well as a radio operator/medic on a motorcycle.

There were five of us motorcycle riders in addition that patrolled the route as well, we helped change bike tires, fix chains, and called in support where needed.

With all of us, 4000+ riders, and state and local police as well as park rangers at every turn and intersection there were still asshole car drivers that acted surprised every time they came to and intersection and had to slow.

I was cussed and threatened and had stuff kicked at me while helping a few riders at one intersection.

So while I was very much saddened by the death of the rider I can not say that I am to surprised.:(

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caught up to him at the light and kicked his door. my cleat put a nice hole in it. rode away through traffic while he still sat at the red light.

second one:

caught up to them at the light and man i wish i had a picture of this kids face. he looked like he was about to cry. i kept yelling for him to get out of the car. ended up taking off the mirror with my U lock and putting a nice crack in the windshield and a few dents in the car before the light turned green and they took off.

It's great! They always forget about the light up ahead:lol:

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lol ok :rolleyes:

like i said, that was about 10 years ago. we did not have concealed carry then. and i dont think 16 year olds can carry a gun anyway?

i was younger and dumber 10 years ago. id probably think twice about doing that today.

btw thats incorrect usage of internet tough guy. internet tough guy says "oh yeah, say that to my face not online and see what happens"

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