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Do you ride? Me too! Shut the front door!


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Ah, yeah, Ben's the one asking you in this thread about the other one, and waiting for a list of the other forums that are 100x better than this one. :dunno:

see this is the shit that gets on my nerves...I frigging said the forum has been shut down. in 2004.

either pay the fuck attention or shut the fuck up.

and I never said it was better than ohio riders. I said the graphics were still more than they are on the new site. and it didn't require special browsers to see it. it's you few morons that can't comprehend what I said.

I don't hate you guys but you guys all act like the 3 amigos. one talks shit so the others join in. and you don't know what the fuck is going on.

go play website asteroids.

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see this is the shit that gets on my nerves...I frigging said the forum has been shut down. in 2004.

either pay the fuck attention or shut the fuck up.

and I never said it was better than ohio riders. I said the graphics were still more than they are on the new site. and it didn't require special browsers to see it. it's you few morons that can't comprehend what I said.

I don't hate you guys but you guys all act like the 3 amigos. one talks shit so the others join in. and you don't know what the fuck is going on.

go play website asteroids.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the overwhelming majority of people don't come here for the graphics.

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why is it you guys assume I'm talking about you??? I even said my question is not directed at you and the other whiner.

same thing with the other thread about the new forum.

all I said was I refuse to use firefox and you guys instantly jump on your keyboard and say if I don't like ohio-riders to leave.

I mean WTF? how can you come up with I said I don't like 0hio-riders?

everything you 2 try to say to me is what you 2 act like. I mean look in a mirror for one minute hypocrites.

this is a open internet forum where people are still free to speak their minds...either grow a thick skin or leave...you see my join date. 2007 you just signed up and already have 1900 posts. you flap your gums on forums an awful lot to not understand how a forum can be.

as a matter of fact, only one other person in this thread has been a ohio-rider member longer than me. casper. so how do you like those apples? why don't you guys just leave if you don't like me talking shit to you?

you must be a sad lonely person to sit on a forum that much especially on a forum for something you don't even have or participate in.

next you going to give me riding instructions?

how's that for assumptions?

You said let me ask you cruiser guys something, I am a cruiser guy so yes it was directed at me.

Never posted in the other thread.

My problem with you was that you decided to talk shit about someones bike because it is not your style, it was not stating an opinion it was talking shit, and I said I find you to be an asshole. I welcome you to find exactly when I have ever talked shit about someones bike. I do not like sport bikes, but hey other people do, personal preference not my call. So if I have never talked shit about other peoples bikes than how exactly am I a hypocrite?

Oh and I really dont give a shit how long someone has been here, all I can say is I think it is an asshole move to talk shit to someone about their choice of bike, sorry I dont like the same bikes you do.

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You said let me ask you cruiser guys something, I am a cruiser guy so yes it was directed at me.

Never posted in the other thread.

My problem with you was that you decided to talk shit about someones bike because it is not your style, it was not stating an opinion it was talking shit, and I said I find you to be an asshole. I welcome you to find exactly when I have ever talked shit about someones bike. I do not like sport bikes, but hey other people do, personal preference not my call. So if I have never talked shit about other peoples bikes than how exactly am I a hypocrite?

Oh and I really dont give a shit how long someone has been here, all I can say is I think it is an asshole move to talk shit to someone about their choice of bike, sorry I dont like the same bikes you do.

see that's just it, you just have to jump in the discussion. because you're an ego maniac. you just have to jump at the opportunity to call someone a name. but then you bet all butthurt when someone says anything back.

I didn't even quote your post and ask the question. but because of your mental disorder you threw yourself under the buss.(just like now) and now because of your own actions, you get bitchy with me about it.

here, fill this out and send it to the site admin,


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see that's just it, you just have to jump in the discussion. because you're an ego maniac. you just have to jump at the opportunity to call someone a name. but then you bet all butthurt when someone says anything back.

I didn't even quote your post and ask the question. but because of your mental disorder you threw yourself under the buss.(just like now) and now because of your own actions, you get bitchy with me about it.

here, fill this out and send it to the site admin,


You caught me I am a huge egomaniac and love calling people names. Ask anyone around, I post all about me and call everyone names. Well now that you have successfully put me in my place and figured me out I am done with this conversation. I bow to you oh god of OR you have been here a year longer than me I don't even have a right to respond to you...my apologies sir.

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Last time I checked, the gap, along with other public roads, is a free place. They have as much right to be there just as you have as much right to go somewhere else.

Ok, I missed all this drama last night so now Imma put my .022 cents in. But before I start so nobody else gets butt-hurt, Chevy, Vulcan, Porter, y'all already know I like you so don't take it wrong but I'm with Serpent on this one and chose your comment to quote Chevy because it seems this needs cleared up for you and Porter and others that have never been there.

Harley riders and cruiser riders in general do screw up the Gap and are the majority of the accidents that I've seen there. Every time I've went the cruiser group ALWAYS act like they own the place and will not move over they force you into making a dangerous pass and when you do start the pass they become Ricky Racer and try to stop the pass and thats bullshit. Cars, trucks, sportbike ect when they see a faster rider coming they almost always move over or slow up and wave you on. That is where Serpents issue is as well as mine. So maybe some of you should visit the Gap before taking sides on this issue. Those asshats go there to ride it and stop at the store to buy their "Dragon Slayer" sticker so they can go increase their penis size by bragging to others that they where total bad asses and slayed that dragon, by going thru at 20mph with a death grip on the ape hangers while the 30 bikes they are holding up are trying to keep from falling asleep following them thru because the asshat on the Harley is to scared and tense to move over and release one hand from the bars to wave us on. /rant

Carry on.

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Ok, I missed all this drama last night so now Imma put my .022 cents in. But before I start so nobody else gets butt-hurt, Chevy, Vulcan, Porter, y'all already know I like you so don't take it wrong but I'm with Serpent on this one and chose your comment to quote Chevy because it seems this needs cleared up for you and Porter and others that have never been there.

Harley riders and cruiser riders in general do screw up the Gap and are the majority of the accidents that I've seen there. Every time I've went the cruiser group ALWAYS act like they own the place and will not move over they force you into making a dangerous pass and when you do start the pass they become Ricky Racer and try to stop the pass and thats bullshit. Cars, trucks, sportbike ect when they see a faster rider coming they almost always move over or slow up and wave you on. That is where Serpents issue is as well as mine. So maybe some of you should visit the Gap before taking sides on this issue. Those asshats go there to ride it and stop at the store to buy their "Dragon Slayer" sticker so they can go increase their penis size by bragging to others that they where total bad asses and slayed that dragon, by going thru at 20mph with a death grip on the ape hangers while the 30 bikes they are holding up are trying to keep from falling asleep following them thru because the asshat on the Harley is to scared and tense to move over and release one hand from the bars to wave us on. /rant

Carry on.

Sorry, I should have put this out there before but I don't really care one way or another. I've never been there, like you said so it makes no difference to me. I was just throwing some wood on the fire. :D

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Ok, I missed all this drama last night so now Imma put my .022 cents in. But before I start so nobody else gets butt-hurt, Chevy, Vulcan, Porter, y'all already know I like you so don't take it wrong but I'm with Serpent on this one and chose your comment to quote Chevy because it seems this needs cleared up for you and Porter and others that have never been there.

Harley riders and cruiser riders in general do screw up the Gap and are the majority of the accidents that I've seen there. Every time I've went the cruiser group ALWAYS act like they own the place and will not move over they force you into making a dangerous pass and when you do start the pass they become Ricky Racer and try to stop the pass and thats bullshit. Cars, trucks, sportbike ect when they see a faster rider coming they almost always move over or slow up and wave you on. That is where Serpents issue is as well as mine. So maybe some of you should visit the Gap before taking sides on this issue. Those asshats go there to ride it and stop at the store to buy their "Dragon Slayer" sticker so they can go increase their penis size by bragging to others that they where total bad asses and slayed that dragon, by going thru at 20mph with a death grip on the ape hangers while the 30 bikes they are holding up are trying to keep from falling asleep following them thru because the asshat on the Harley is to scared and tense to move over and release one hand from the bars to wave us on. /rant

Carry on.

You are probably right, I can't agree or disagree, since you've been there and I have not (as you have so clearly pointed out.) I don't think that is the point of most of the crap in this thread, at's more about the stereotyping, and the people that you are speaking of (Harley riders that are afraid to ride, making things dangerous for others) don't help. In fact, I saw a post on Facebook from a "Biker group" member that didn't help the cause, by looking for a band that will play music that "bikers would like" and I'm thinking that I know bikers that listen to country, some that like classic rock, some that are into heavy metal. So, the bikers don't do anything to help the image, from within the groups.

Overall, I'm more disappointed that Serpent can't take any humor out of, and and agree to disagree on some things. Life's too short to be so uptight about things.

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So, because I choose to ride a cruiser I'm automatically restricted from going on a nice ride? To a place that I hear is fun, and has a gorgeous view? Also that I'm automatically lumped into the drinking and riding gang?

I chose to purchase the bike I wanted. You chose to purchase yours. We have different riding styles. There are plenty of things that sport bike riders do to piss me off. There are plenty of things that cruiser riders do to piss me off. Goldwingers piss me off with the Mr coffee that they have to brew a fresh cup on a long ride.

It's all about the ass in the saddle. Sometimes they are a douche. Sometimes they are considerate to others around them.

I don't lump you together, I ask the same in return.

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