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Riding in the snow...


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I was out in the snow today. Left my house at noon, had a meeting that ended around 2:30 (30 min late) and then went to Iron Pony....yeah..Next thing I know, its 4:30ish and I'm still there. Starts snowing when I hit the 270/sawmill exit, so I still have 30min to go.

Snow on a visor sucks more then rain on a visor. Where is that heated visor I saw? Wonder if that works lol. Wasn't much snow when I was out, but my road was all white. I should have been home by 2:30 and should have avoided it. Iron Pony is bad when you don't want to be out long. I don't like riding in snow, I try not to, but if you are careful, alert, and a little bit lucky, then it isn't bad. I will ride in freezing temps without really thinking twice, but if there is snow..I stay home, or take the suburban!

I think I saw The Silverfox riding on Friday (maybe it was Thursday) Heading into Iron Pony, just as I was putting on my helmet leaving. Did you get a new bike? I thought you have a FJ1300? Until her, I was the only bike in the parking lot..that's an odd feeling. I would have said Hello to you, but was exhausted and just wanted to get home. I'll say Hi next time.

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The first bike I ever owned was great in the snow (1973 Yamaha 360 enduro with knobbies & a huge rear sprocket). I used to take it out in the snowy trails in the back 40 & enjoy the rooster tails. Subsequent bikes have not been quite as good in the snow. I had my CBR600RR out one night (very) late in the season one time. It was clear when I left the house & there was about 2 inches of the white stuff on the roads when I got back home. Not a ride I wish to repeat.

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Not a ride I wish to repeat.

That can be an easy thought to have during snow riding. It doesn't take much to ruin your day on two wheels, and takes that much less in the snow.

Just hope everyone stays safe this winter..on 2, or in 4

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ok the reason i did this i because even in the snow i still have fun. i originally came off dirtbikes that i rode year round so this isnt really new to me. hate all you want but this is fun to me, and im only going around town not riding at high speeds. i dont winterize, i ride thru it.

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Most of the peeps on here started(and still ride) on dirtbikes or quads, myself included. Coming from dirt doesn't mean its a good idea to shove your head up your ass and then jump on the bike with snow on the street. Doing so makes you a hazard to other people on the road. Riding off-road in the snow is only putting yourself in a hazardous enviroment.

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Just saw your post - That's 2 of us riding in the weather. I have been in Maryville, TN since Thurs. - rode Charohala, Foothills, Dragon (didn't know Deals Gap closed "for the season"). Cold but dry until yesterday. It had snowed top of Charohala and had been salted so had to slow down for that - prob about 15 miles. Anyway, guys, the Dragon is FUN as ever when not having to share the road and leaves are off - you can see farther ahead.

Headed home today - looks cold but dry for today.


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and kicking it sideways at 140+

The only way that Katana 600 is gonna do 140+ mph is if ya drop out of a plane from 20,000 feet.

Hope you don't need to use the brakes too hard.

Be careful out there!

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lol earache its an inside joke, but ive had the katana at 135mph before so 140 with sprocket change wouldnt be hard. and wingbut glad to hear others dont stop, ben has also been out riding in some snow. although his was unintentional but still.

I didn't know there was a long enough straight road for this.

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ok the reason i did this i because even in the snow i still have fun. i originally came off dirtbikes that i rode year round so this isnt really new to me. hate all you want but this is fun to me, and im only going around town not riding at high speeds. i dont winterize, i ride thru it.

Plus, why don't you show us a pic of you at the work place after a ride in 2" snow. That pic was simply a bike pushed into the parking space in the snow...

You're pretty stupid to be thinking one, that a sportbike handles the same as a dirtbike does in snow. All your weight on the front wheel. Takes split seconds to cause that front wheel to spit out from under you.

Sure, it is cool that some guys are riding in snow. 2" is stupid. Unless you are DS riding or similar where theyre using deep lugged tires or are on ground using studded tires, etc. I've been on a DS bike on the street with snow and it was a whole lotta fun. But, to ride in normal traffic in 2" of snow? You're an idiot...

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Ridin in snow like what CBus had yesterday isn't riding in snow that is 2" plus on the streets. I've raced at Grattan and there was snow on the ground that you couldn't see the grass... We had to wait to start and used cars to try and get the track to wet vs. sitting snow. Wet streets with snow on the ground is no different than rain riding. Sitting snow of 2" or more on the ground is a totally different deal... If you rode yesterday, that's nothing to brag about...

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.... ive had the katana at 135mph before so 140 with sprocket change wouldnt be hard.....

Change all the gearing ya want, without the power to pull that gear, the bike isn't gonna go much faster.

Better warm up that cargo plane...

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