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What are the Windows A: and B: drives used for?


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If your Pop splurged on the IBM PC, you had A:\ <AND> B:\, so you could load IBM DOS 1.0 (1.1?) in A:\ and didn't have to remove the disk to put in your Visicalc disk.

Imagine, an OS that loaded in 640K of RAM. Oh, and programs that loaded from 360K disks. You didn't install programs to the hard drive back then, as there were no commercially available hard drives for home users.

Yup, I is old.

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If your Pop splurged on the IBM PC, you had A:\ <AND> B:\, so you could load IBM DOS 1.0 (1.1?) in A:\ and didn't have to remove the disk to put in your Visicalc disk.

Imagine, an OS that loaded in 640K of RAM. Oh, and programs that loaded from 360K disks. You didn't install programs to the hard drive back then, as there were no commercially available hard drives for home users.

Yup, I is old.

My first computer was a Commodore64. I had the tape drive option. :lol:

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I had an Atari 800XL that eventually got a tape drive, and finally a 5.25" disk drive later.

P.S. My greatest computer programming accomplishment is writing a BASIC program that was too large to load back into the Atari's 64K memory. I had hoped to upgrade eventually...

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I want to 'second' all the people that feel old. I felt old just reading the title. :(

Some of these are a stretch, but...

30 Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know

There's also a youtube floating around where they gave 3rd graders in France (I think) some 'old tech' and asked them what it did... 8-tracks, record players,etc. It's sad(because it makes me feel old) to watch them have NO clue what all that stuff really did.

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lol i love this one

"Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?"

my girls dad is always looking up numbers in the phone book when the computer is right next to him sitting on googles home page....it amazes me every time....i cant even tell you the last time i touched a phone book

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My first computer was a Texas Instruments T99-4A


I had a data cassette tape recorder that I used to load games in which I programmed on the computer.

Talk about old.

i had one of those too. it plugged into the TV with an RF adapter lol. i had a book with games you could program in BASIC too.

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My first computer was a Texas Instruments T99-4A


I had a data cassette tape recorder that I used to load games in which I programmed on the computer.

Talk about old.

Oh yeah! The old tape deck on the TI! We had a few games on cartridge, too.

I still have a floppy drive or 2 around. I can't remember the last time I used one of them, though.

640k is all the ram anyone should ever need! :rolleyes:

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Real men loaded the OS from tape like it's supposed to be done.


Remember running memmaker to squeeze a few extra k out of your machine?


Feeling old enough yet?

I know I am, found these within 5 feet of my pc

Edited by Strictly Street
Added real floppy discs
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Remember running memmaker to squeeze a few extra k out of your machine?

QEMM FTW! MS-DOS 6.22 was my bitch back in the day! I kind of miss having to do serious work from the command prompt, since Windows 3.11 couldn't handle what would need accomplished!

Oh, Doom, Doom2 and Heretic, all after Wolfenstein 3D! :)

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I want to 'second' all the people that feel old. I felt old just reading the title. :(

Some of these are a stretch, but...

30 Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know

There's also a youtube floating around where they gave 3rd graders in France (I think) some 'old tech' and asked them what it did... 8-tracks, record players,etc. It's sad(because it makes me feel old) to watch them have NO clue what all that stuff really did.


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