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Rotten things we did as a Kid...


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I got this from another forum, but it looked fun. I'm sure we have some devious people here.... What's some of the bad stuff we did as kids? I've got more, of course....

I played LaCrosse in Jr. and High School, and a friend was interested in trying a stick and playing catch. Lived by the river, it was a nice sunny day during summer break- so it made perfect sense to have a go at it in the park.

Bill asks how accurate I was with the stick, and I thought I'd show him. Duck, 30 yards away.... THUD!!! I thought I'd be close, but I nailed him. It's a hard ball, I threw it fast, and it was the hollowest thud I've ever heard...

We didn't eat Duck that evening, but that duck ate my ball. RIP

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My Grandmother and her friends were smokers. In her ashtrays, there was a small metal cylinder for snuffing out cigarettes. In my adolescent days I would occasionally put a little black-powder in the cylinder so unsuspecting folks would get a nice flash and puff of smoke when extinguishing their butt.

They never found it as funny as I did. :D

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Does putting a dead snake in someones mail box count? My dad was pissed but later admitted he hated the lady and laughed hard but had to do something. It was only a gardner snake and I was at that age where it wasn't malicious I just thought it should be buried and not dead in the street.

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I threw a handful of rocks at a cop car at about 5, definitely got my ass whooped for that one.

Pushed my 8 year old brother off our roof (I was 10).

Told my youngest brother that he was adopted (age 4)...I was about 9 or so.

Told my youngest brother that he was actually an alien and his alien parents were coming back to pick him up after dinner and he better say goodbye to our mom when he was 4. (About a week after the one above.)

There's more, but those are some of the pretty bad ones.

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Ive forgotten more things than i remember on this subject. Heres one... Halloween, We stole a scarecrow off someones porch, then drug it down the street at night while setting its straw filled limbs on fire and stomping it out before it got too burnt because we had plans for it. We lived on a side street that was adjacent to I480 in Garfield hts. Me and 2 other friends who I was always doing stupid shit with walked through the woods and made it under Valley View Bridge on the east end of the valley. We layed the scarecrow under the bridge then set it on fire and took off running up the hill above the freeway and into the tree line. By the time we got there the smoke was so thick and it was filling up the underside of the bridge and with very still air that night the smoke was slowly creeping around and up both sides of the bridge and then covering the 4 lane roadway in a heavy curtain. Cars were rushing up to that point then all you could see was the red glowing smoke from all the brake lights rushing blindly through it...Then to top it off before heading out that night i grabbed my dads signal flare gun from his hunting pack...I then shot two flares in a high arching path out of the woods line and onto the freeway and the smoke. The flares were jumping and bouncing all over the place in and out of the cars. I think the smoke was so thick that they even dissapeared into it..I still cant believe what little shits we were for doing that. After that we moved closer to the on ramp of Transportation Blvd heading west, and rolled a tire down the tall freeway's embankment from the turn around at the end of our street. The tire would sorta make it to the merging lane, sometimes stopped short from the higher weeds and grass on the side of the road and if it didnt make it one of us would run down to grab it and try again...I guess we wouldnt be satisfied untill there was an accident.

One thing i always thought about doing but never did thankfully was to roll a bowling ball down Granger road hill...its about a 1/2 mile 17% grade into Valley View...I dont want to think about what would have happened...well maybe i do a little.

Edited by SPDLR
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was playing launch the cat on a sheet from the bed outside one day, me and my two cousins, had that cat going higher than there two story house. Cousins mom thrashed us good for that one. But, it was funny.

Stuck a roadkill skunk it one of my brothers friends mailbox during August while they were on Vacation.

mouse trap backyard fishing for birds

snipers challenge with blackbirds in my dads beloved pine trees 58 dead in one day. hoowa!

torpedo'ed frogs in a farmers pond with bottle rockets. M80 the bluegill when we run out we snuck a few 1/4 sticks from the old mans stash. The first one scared us so bad we did not do anymore. (that day)

1/4 sticked a watermelon at a party once. friends brought it and no one touched it. rhine was landing on cars, not so funny later when the old mans cobra had a dent in it. luckily pulled with a plunger and windex.

goes on and on.

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My grandmother had one of her boobs removed due to breast cancer and has to wear a fake one in her specialty bra. She pissed me off one time when I was in the middle school so before I left for the day I hid the fake boob. She was suppose to go on a shopping trip with my mom. Well you can't really try on clothes with half your boob missing.

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My grandmother had one of her boobs removed due to breast cancer and has to wear a fake one in her specialty bra. She pissed me off one time when I was in the middle school so before I left for the day I hid the fake boob. She was suppose to go on a shopping trip with my mom. Well you can't really try on clothes with half your boob missing.

Wait, they let you fly planes now?

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My grandmother had one of her boobs removed due to breast cancer and has to wear a fake one in her specialty bra. She pissed me off one time when I was in the middle school so before I left for the day I hid the fake boob. She was suppose to go on a shopping trip with my mom. Well you can't really try on clothes with half your boob missing.

OK I did some messed up shit, but WTF! :wtf:

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I can rattle off a couple similar to the OP.

I once chased a bird while I was at the bus stop (elementary school). It flew away, and (swear to god) flew directly into the wheel-arch of a passing car. Flattened.

Probably around the same age, I stole a girl in my class's lunch money. she kept it in a film container in her desk, and I wanted that $1.25, so I took it. I felt like a TOTAL turd when she went up to our teacher, crying. I realized why when I opened the film case and realized her house key was in with her lunch money. I lied and said I had found the film case in the hall. Kept the money. I still know the girl. should probably apologize for that...

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I've sent a cousin the the hospital after playing with fake swords. Got pissed of at him and swung it and it came apart the plastic blade from the handel and cut him right above his eyebrow. His revenge slamming my fingers in the car door.

Locking one of our cousins under the front porch for an hour.

Pepper bomb fights what a mess.

Hog tying one of our uncles to a chair and duct taping his mouth.

My cousins and I did some dumb stuff and surprised we only had to do minor ER visits.

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g3, that is pure evil to exact such revenge upon your elders. you have my respect.

My mom busted me catching toads in her garden and blowing them up with firecrackers. I would stuff them into their mouths, light the fuse, then toss them up high in the air. Even my dad wasn't impressed with that stunt.

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Threw snowballs at cars from a service road, so they couldn't stop and come after you.

Convinced little neighbor kid (with help from his older brother) that rabbit droppings were raisins.

Switched plug wires around on dad's straight 6 (he shut it off after 5 seconds of running like crap, figured it out, fixed it, then beat my ass).

Stuck little green apples on the end of a fishing pole, flipped them over the house out onto the main road during rush hour.

Best: My buddy lived near the ball diamonds, there were train tracks running past, with lots of thick vegetation to hide in. Grabbed his wrist rocket slingshot and an M80 (the old 1970's kind, that were really loud), went down to the tracks and hid in the bushes. There was a girl's softball game going on. M80 in leather pouch thing on the wrist rocket, pull back all the way, lit it, waited a couple of seconds, aimed toward the softball game, and let 'er rip. Up, up, up, up, down, down, down, UH-OH, UH-OH, please go off, please go off, KA-BOOM! Exploded about 6 feet over the pitcher's head, scared the crap outta everybody.

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All the shooting events reminded me of one of my best (worst). When I was around 11yo or so our street still had woods surrounding the neighborhood. We would take scrap wood from new builds and make tree forts which soon resulted in little gangs (Childern of the corn style) :lol:. So we did what was natural and build weapons like spears and home made bow and arrows fromthe trees and branches. Well, one skirmish resulted in the use of our homemade weapons and I got a really lucky shot with my stick built bow and arrow, I shot one kid in the ass and it stuck!

All I can say is my dad was a great guy and got me a real bow and arrow to practice with in the back yard after grounding me for a month and destroying our cache of weapons. As a result I learned a real lesson about action and consequences. Moreover how lucky I really was I didn't kill him.

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smashed a crayon into the carpet at school in 3rd grade cuz my teacher was a bitch, she called my parents and they laughed there asses off instead of punishing me.

clipped off my cats whiskers with scissors when i was like 4

stole my buddies sisters nail polish to glue stuff together when i was like 8

shot birds off telephone lines from the golf course with pellet guns(i live on a golf course lol)

tripped my little brother when i was 13 cuz he was pissing me off and he ended up hitting his head on the metal thing that attaches carpet together in doorways and stuff, he ended up getting 4 stitches, (i swear that was not my intention, he got me back a couple years later when we were fishing and he caught my ear when he went to cast then proceeded to yank on it cuz he thought he caught a tree)

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second grade we were playing with the lincoln logs, the good wooden ones not the plastic. Well you can only build so many house so we made catapults. Ended up busting one of the florescent lights on the ceiling.

During first and second grade my buddy and I used to crawl on the floor tying peoples shoe laces together and around there chairs, all while the teacher was writing on the black board. One time I was right by her desk when she turned around to look at us. I ducked behind the desk and she never did see me.

In HS we tied wire around a guys drive shaft on his truck. Stole his tailgate too.

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When I was 3 I went trick-or-treating. My folks would wait in the car & I'd go up to the house. (We lived in the country). We stopped at one house & the lady told me "show me a trick & I'll give you a treat so I stomped on her toe as hard as I could. She let out a shriek & I took off to the car. Thats all (not).

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I had a really mean, bitter, wheelchair bound teacher in 7th grade. I got looking at the back of her motorized chair one day while she was ripping into us for being alive, and I noticed a little DIN plug on the back that went to her controls. Every day I had to sharpen pencils and pass stuff out, and doing that behind her I reached down and pulled the plug and reversed it...thinking it would just make the chair not work.

Well, I was half right, the chair still worked but her controls worked in reverse. So, as soon as she starts pushing controls left, she goes right. Forward is backward.

She smacks into a trash can, then her desk, then a kid's desk before she figures out it's all reversed. The wheelchair company comes and the tech guy can't figure it out so they replaced her whole upper control assembly...and probably reversed the polarity up there to correct it.

So, next time she turned into a raging bitch I switched it back. Controls all reversed again.

I know I'll burn in hell for that, but I still don't care.

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I was really interested in launching rockets when I was like 12 or so. Anyhow after a while I felt it necessary to add slight variations to my rockets. Sometimes I'd add occupants such as grasshoppers or other bugs in the top part with the parachute. Then after a fluke I thought it was cool to play rocket roulette by disabling the cone from ejecting, thus creating a missle. On some days with little wind I'd see where my missles landed, but most of the time they just disappeared in the clouds. I still laugh about the possible mayhem those "missiles" could have caused with pets, pedestrians, and traffic.

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