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Rotten things we did as a Kid...


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I had a really mean, bitter, wheelchair bound teacher in 7th grade. I got looking at the back of her motorized chair one day while she was ripping into us for being alive, and I noticed a little DIN plug on the back that went to her controls. Every day I had to sharpen pencils and pass stuff out, and doing that behind her I reached down and pulled the plug and reversed it...thinking it would just make the chair not work.

Well, I was half right, the chair still worked but her controls worked in reverse. So, as soon as she starts pushing controls left, she goes right. Forward is backward.

She smacks into a trash can, then her desk, then a kid's desk before she figures out it's all reversed. The wheelchair company comes and the tech guy can't figure it out so they replaced her whole upper control assembly...and probably reversed the polarity up there to correct it.

So, next time she turned into a raging bitch I switched it back. Controls all reversed again.

I know I'll burn in hell for that, but I still don't care.

I just laughed my ass off at this! :lol:

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I think I'll go with Flounder's answer. I really shouldn't tell.

But... One of the greatest things a buddy did, and was never discovered. I'm not naming the contact explosive, but the math teacher used to teach at West Point, and he knew exactly what happened. It goes on wet, and is very touchy when dry. It was put on the homework papers on the corner of the desk. Nothing happened during the entire class, oops. But the next class that came in, heheh. Teacher used to get mad at the class about performance, and this he did. And slammed his book down on his desk. WHUMP, up goes all the homework, shredded in a cloud all over the room. He never figured out exactly who did that...

I'm the one who launched air-to-air rockets off his motorcycle (with little warhead). I couldn't help it, I had just seen James Bond's Thunderball...



Edited by ReconRat
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My senior year of high school I was one of about 5 - 7 kids in charge of the school farm. We always used to pull pranks on the advisor. Well one day he parked his truck by the ag department garage and I just started laughing, I disappeared into the tool room and emerged with the biggest open end wrench I could find that was well over an inch in size along with a roll of duct tape. As soon as I showed the other guys standing there they knew exactly what I was gonna dom The teacher made it about a mile up the road before and decided to turn around before his truck shook apart. I took the wrench and applied it to his drive shaft using the whole roll of duct tape. He was so pissed by the time he got back im surprised I didn't get suspended. A few years later I asked him about it when I saw him around town and he told me it nearly shook the fillings out of his teeth.

I have so many more about me tormenting teachers its not even funny. I honestly should have been expelled a few times. Anymore getting into a female teachers purse and stealing her cell phone is prob grounds for something drastic but I got away with it. Our school had the typical drop down ceilings in them so I stood on a desk and slid one of the tiles over, turned on her cell phone, copiedbthe number down and threw it up above the middle of the class room. When the next periods started I went down to the ag department and told the advisor I needed to call work to see where I needed to go after I left school (at that time I was doing hvac and furnace installs for our family business). Instead of calling work I sat down there all periods redialing her cell phone. Apparently she couldn't even teach because she had her entire class looking for the phone all period. Lol fat teacher loved me.

After I had her cell number I always used to walk into her class room and put on the chalk board call for a good time and her number.

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Walked up behind my brother who was playing in a puddle (I was 5, he was 6). My plan was to drop a cinder block into the puddle in front of him and splash him...

Took the end of his finger off.

It was treated as well as could be expected at the hospital in the country we were visiting, but they had to fly him home to get it treated properly. It was re-attached, sort of.


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This one, you'd have to understand my parents a bit. Very British, upright, and proper.... When my friends would call around, they'd think a Butler answered.

We also sat at meals together, knife in the right hand- fork in the left hand, and Never let an elbow touch the table. And on a typical night like this, my little brother decided it would be a good idea to fart at the table during dinner. My dad didn't need but a moment to reach accross the table and crack his knuckles with a fork, to which my 9 year old brother (I was 10 at the time) started bawling.

"There will be no Popping at the dinner table!!" he said with a raised voice for extra affect... That was the polite way of saying don't fart at the table.

I felt a bit ornery, and a bit gassy too. In a meek and childish voice I asked "Not one??", and immediately after whistled a high pitched two second fart. My mom broke into hysterics laughing, my dad laughed a bit too. And my brother cried even more, because I had just successfully farted at the dinner table, and got the response he wanted. I win. :D

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Acquired a big carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher. Sprayed it out of the car window as a buddy was driving down 480 so it looked like a rocket car. Somehow we didn't get pulled over.

At a job I had in HS, we used a tow motor to surround a coworkers car with with 6ft stacks of pallets.

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to keep my post count up, I'll only submit one exploit per day.....

during the '80s, Cabbage Patch Dolls were the current rage. My best friend's little sister had about 10 of the damn things, and he and I were of the opinion all those dolls were evil. We took one of them out into the woods, tied it to a tree with a blindfold on, put lit cigarette in its mouth, and shot it with a home made 10 gauge cannon filled with #2 sized buckshot....at about 10 feet....we called it "The making of a Cole Slaw Kid"...we both received a serious beating from both sets of parents on that one...I'm pretty certain the (deserved) whoopin' only stopped because the adults got tired.

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there used to be an empty lot at the end of my parents' street, and i wasn't allowed to own a sling-shot, so we would fling rocks at each other with those long dairy queen spoons.

we were gathering rocks in the empty lot, and flinging them at cars. Well apparently we actually hit one, because some guy in a (then) new civic LOCKED the brakes, threw it in reverse, and scared the living shit out of us.

I remember him saying, "do you know how much a car costs? it's more than 10 bikes!" I was probably 8 or 9 at the time, so a stranger yelling at me worse than my father ever had was pretty unnerving.

in retrospect, I'd be pretty pissed if some kid was flinging rocks at my car as I drove by...

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this is soooo much faster than group therapy....

I was about 5 or so, my two older sisters and I were spending our usual summer visitation with our Dad. Our Aunt and Uncle lived right next door with my cousins. Since I was the youngest, and the only boy, I was constantly being snubbed :cry: by the girls. My 14 year old cousin Ruthie was riding the "big" dirt bike around and refused to let me ride with her(must have been all those cooties I was carrying around).

I whined and complained to my Uncle John :cry::cry::cry: that she wouldn't take me for a ride. Since he was pretty busy fixing his motorcycle, he quipped off with "Just go throw a rock at her and she'll get the hint".

It took at least 4 or 5 tries, but I did finally connect with a walnut sized piece of limestone, and with a 1 in a million shot, caught her in the forehead in that space between the top of the bridge of her nose. :eek:

My Aunt didn't yell at me, but beat the crap out of my Uncle for telling me to do that....

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this is soooo much faster than group therapy....

I was about 5 or so, my two older sisters and I were spending our usual summer visitation with our Dad. Our Aunt and Uncle lived right next door with my cousins. Since I was the youngest, and the only boy, I was constantly being snubbed :cry: by the girls. My 14 year old cousin Ruthie was riding the "big" dirt bike around and refused to let me ride with her(must have been all those cooties I was carrying around).

I whined and complained to my Uncle John :cry::cry::cry: that she wouldn't take me for a ride. Since he was pretty busy fixing his motorcycle, he quipped off with "Just go throw a rock at her and she'll get the hint".

It took at least 4 or 5 tries, but I did finally connect with a walnut sized piece of limestone, and with a 1 in a million shot, caught her in the forehead in that space between the top of the bridge of her nose. :eek:

My Aunt didn't yell at me, but beat the crap out of my Uncle for telling me to do that....

So did she give you a ride and make you a sammitch?

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One of my friends would be really mean to me when his cousin came to visit. One time they were harrassing me to the breaking point and I picked up a piece of 2x4 and split the kids head wide open, severe ass whooping followed from my Dad.

I stuck a stick in a dog turd at the bus stop one time and used the stick to launch the turd at the bitchiest girl of the whole bus route. Didn't really think I would hit her but it caught her right in the face and she was late for school. Severe ass whooping followed from my Dad.

In high school we had a hallway to the wood shop and gym that was a down hill grade for the first third of the hall. When I was in shop the freshmen kids had gym and it never failed they would run full bore down the hall to the locker room. We slipped out of shop long enough to dowse the floor with a fire extinguisher then stand back and wait for the charging hoarde to come sliding by, luckily no one ever broke a bone.

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One Halloween we made up a scarecrow that looked like a 10 yr old kid......when the bar let out....we tossed it out in the street.....dude ran it over...he and his girl get out screaming and crying.....We started laughing so hard we gave away our position......He never did catch us!

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were to start lmao im still young so some might be recent ..

1 scare neighbors with fire works

2 shoot squirels with bb gun

3 break mail boxes

4 through stuff at cars

5 spray paint stuff

6 blow up stuff

7 make draino bombs

cant think of anymore at the moment lol

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I will just bairly scratch the surface, But I know people and may or may not of participated in some activites.

Blocking off the road with construction barrells, Dry ice bombs multiple times, having the cops called on us because of it. We threw one on the dudes balcany (his mom and dad had a seperate balcony) we tossed the sucker up there, didnt even get 1/4 mile down the road (before we could drive)...BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM lol. Then proceded to run like hell

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