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Almost took a bullet at the Range today..

The King

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I am a frequent visitor to the Delaware state park range, decided to take my new M&P .45 out for a try. If you have never been there, there is a nice 100 yard rifle section and then a separate section for pistols.

I am always conscience of the people around me and today, I immediately noticed an unusual number of ass clowns.

To my left the guy just starts talking to me out of nowhere and to my right there are two guys and two boys approximately 8 - 10 years old. I can tell the one guy knows a little about guns and is trying to impress the other guy, the father of the two boys.

I should have left or moved when I noticed they loaded a 1911 incorrectly and couldn't get it to fire, but I didn't. They then begin to "teach" the boys how to shoot a .22 pistol.

So I start to put a few rounds down range when I notice the more"experienced" guy walk away leaving the other man alone and the boy holding the pistol. He is gone no more 5 minutes when the IDIOT father stops paying attention and the boy BEGINS WAVING LOADED THE GUN around at me, his brother and another guy.....with his finger on the trigger.

I exploded at this ass hole Dad packed up and left. The Dad proceeds to yell at this boy and I head to the Range Officer, Troy who is a GREAT guy. I believe he tossed their asses out.

The father then walks this kid up to me to apologize. I told him that the boy had done nothing wrong, it was his dumb ass that is responsible...

It has been bothering me all day, that could have gone bad for many people, especially me.

I am sick of stupid people..

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damn thats crazy....when i go to the range im the exact opposite...im extra careful and super paranoid since the only range ive been to is NASR and everybody is literally stacked on top of each other...idk how people lack that much common sense

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Sucks you had that experience King. I'd be pissed and shook up too. What an irresponsible father.

That's the one thing that I'm paranoid about when at a range. People I don't know are all around me and my life depends on me HOPING they are careful and smart with guns.

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Know the feeling. From back before a range officer was around. I had to "have a talk" with a militia dude that was walking all around with a loaded shotgun over his shoulder, finger on trigger. Not so bad, but he was wandering around behind me, with the barrel pointed at the back of my head. I could feel that without even looking. I kept a loaded .45 in my hand for that conversation. and watched him till he left shortly after. edit: He never said one word, he just wandered back to his camo pickup truck and left.

Edited by ReconRat
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sucks you had that experience king. I'd be pissed and shook up too. What an irresponsible father.

That's the one thing that i'm paranoid about when at a range. People i don't know are all around me and my life depends on me hoping they are careful and smart with guns.


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I take great care when I take my boy to the range. He mostly shoots his break action 22. I got the single shot for a reason. I stay one step behind him at ALL times. Sorry to hear this toolbox was so irresponsible and put you at risk. Its great to try to teach youngsters about firearms but maybe the dad needs to learn the basics first in this case!

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I practice dry drills with my kid all the time. My 7 yr old is on the ball and can even name the parts of a firearm. We did drills LONG before we ever went to our range (I have a make shift range on a family farm) and fired a single shot. If you teach them right from the start you won't have issues like that occur.

My step son learned in a simliar fashion but was older. He kept putting his finger on the trigger during dry practice. I solved the problem by stabbing him in the hand with a fork after telling him twice. He's good to go now...he only uses spoons due to the mental trauma, but at least he wont accidentally discharge a gun LOL (I kid about the spoon part)

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I used to have squirt gun battles with my daughter, but now she's at an age where that might be inappropriate. But within 10 feet, she was a hell of a shot.

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It actually reminded me of my group ride days.. I would always see that guy who you just knew was going to do something stupid and sure enough...

I think we've all been on a ride with that guy. Sometimes, he'll surprise you and not screw up!

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WTF man! How can you leave your kid with loaded gun. How dumb are people. Let alone he shoots someone else, but what if he shot himself... what a douche. This guy deserves the dumbass award of the year.

either you or i read wrong...the way i interpreted it, there was 2 adults with one kid and the adult who knew about guns walked away and left the kid and his dad there....the dad was being irresponsible and letting the kid wave the gun around....i didnt get the impression that the kid was left unattended...but i might have misread?

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that stuff happens all the time. main reason why i almost always arm up as a range official/instructor with the USAF. After you have an m4 pointed at you a couple times, you learn to be on your toes at all times and armed up incase someone decides they dont want to be sane anymore.

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Glad you're ok. It can be pants-shitting scary when someone sweeps you. There is never a shortage of idiots out there, and their idiocy only magnifies when they have access to firearms.

A bit off topic, but how is the Delaware state park range? It's about 45 minutes away from Columbus right? I'd like somewhere to shoot 50+ yards when I'm at school (OSU).



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either you or i read wrong...the way i interpreted it, there was 2 adults with one kid and the adult who knew about guns walked away and left the kid and his dad there....the dad was being irresponsible and letting the kid wave the gun around....i didnt get the impression that the kid was left unattended...but i might have misread?

Yes and no, the dad was standing behind the kid looking at the creek, meanwhile the kid is swing the gun around. It was the other boy, his brother I assume who finally called our attention to the danger. I kind of wish I would have punched the Dad...

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Glad you're ok. It can be pants-shitting scary when someone sweeps you. There is never a shortage of idiots out there, and their idiocy only magnifies when they have access to firearms.

A bit off topic, but how is the Delaware state park range? It's about 45 minutes away from Columbus right? I'd like somewhere to shoot 50+ yards when I'm at school (OSU).



Right, straight up 23 N (High St)...Look up Norton Sporting goods, that is where you go to get your pass...

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