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Ha! In your face MAC users!


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I got one on my linux machine already too. they're not virus proof by any means.

microsoft was just a huge target on purpose.

You should look into ClamAV (click), free (as in beer) cross-platform (Win, BSD, Linux, OpenSolaris, etc.) AV solution.

You sure you got a virus, and not some cgi script kiddie web hack? Try running your browser in a chroot jail. Google it, it's pretty simple to set up.

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How to fix (and forestall future attacks using the same entry method)

Nice that Safari auto-opens "safe" files by default...:wtf:

'Course, you then had give it the Admin password - so the blame falls mostly on the user, as usual.

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I sent this earlier to my son. He is one of the countries premier IT security experts, and that is not just fatherly pride speaking. Director of Diebold's IT Security. Youngest Director they have ever had. Kid can speed dial Kevin Mitnick on his cell...any of the famous folks you would think of in that field. He only uses Mac's. Here is his reply to me sending this story to him. And he is right.

"Pssshhhh, don't be hating on them... we have 234093284032984230498329043282304823832492438 less pieces of malware then you windows folks :)"

If any of you are in the IT security field you should hit his conference in the fall. He is the first name in the video. It is an over the top list of speakers.


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I sent this earlier to my son. He is one of the countries premier IT security experts, and that is not just fatherly pride speaking. Director of Diebold's IT Security. Youngest Director they have ever had. Kid can speed dial Kevin Mitnick on his cell...any of the famous folks you would think of in that field. He only uses Mac's. Here is his reply to me sending this story to him. And he is right.

"Pssshhhh, don't be hating on them... we have 234093284032984230498329043282304823832492438 less pieces of malware then you windows folks :)"

If any of you are in the IT security field you should hit is conference in the fall. He is the first name in the video. It is an over the top list of speakers.


Diebold's security notoriously sucks FWIW

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Yeah, I have removed like 7 of these this week, the funny thing is they really are not viruses, they are just applications that open gay porn sites lol, it takes literally 5 minutes to remove and does absolutely nothing to the computer. So even if you do get a virus on a Mac it is not even close to what a virus on the pc does.

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Wifey: what are all these ghey pics on your laptop?

Me: uh oh we musta downloaded some malware. Let me see.

Wifey: See for yourself.

Me: those are just pics from meetNgreets and bike nights???

Wifey: yeah but they're still ghey.


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You mean other than the fact that they provide Malware protection and shit tons of malware support available?


Mac's are for people who are too dumb to own a PC.

Now you're definitely just trolling. Call Microsoft next time you get a virus or malware. Let's see what they do for you. :lol:

PS: Calling me too dumb to own a PC is kinda funny.

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Wow. Maybe fusion needs to go to a nice dark room and listen to his Barbara Streisand records or something to calm down. I say records 'cause iPods are for fucktards that don't know how to use a turntable.

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Wow. Maybe fusion needs to go to a nice dark room and listen to his Barbara Streisand records or something to calm down. I say records 'cause iPods are for fucktards that don't know how to use a turntable.


Yeah, I think Fusion needs some alone time. Maybe a hot bath and book?

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Mac = video/photo multimedia application

PC = everyday use, gaming, business

Linux = used for hacking (at least all my hacker friends)

Also have a friend who's dad is a IT leader at Lexus Nexus (they call him when the fit hits the shan)

I use PC due to sheer cost and power Vs same power on Mac

Personal preference and also owned a Mac book pro for a year wasn't bad but not for me (did help me get to Reno for school for a video production contest using Final Cut Pro)

P.S. Sent from my iPhone 4


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