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Kids on motorcycles...


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My 9 year old son does ride with me. FF helmet, jeans, boots.

I rode street in jeans myself, so I try not to throw too many stones while living in my glass house, but jeans are NOT riding gear. Get your son custom leathers if you need to. I believe Pilot makes kids suits, but if not, they will happily refer you to a competitor that does. http://www.pilotleathers.com/index.html

If protection were rated on a scale of 0-100, shorts would get a 1 and jeans would be a 3 at best.

I took a tumble at 80 or 90 in my leathers a couple of weeks ago. I walked away with a bruise, a sore knuckle, and a sore toe.

If I'd been wearing jeans, the baseball slide I did on my right thigh, and across my butt would have cost me a LOT of skin. I don't even want to think about it.

I realize you're not doing 90 mph with your 9 yr old on the back of the bike, but even at 25 mph, it wouldn't be pretty. Think of going into a dead sprint (maybe 15 mph) and then sliding baseball style on asphalt. I don't care if you've got jeans on, that will hurt like hell. Adding speed makes things exponentially worse.

I literally got up like nothing happened. It felt like I'd been hit by a pitch on my left butt cheek, but i was able to RUN away from the hot track, and went to the bar that night.

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As bad as it sounds some girl jackets might fit him.

Duh...Why didn't I think of that :facepalm:

I found mens XS at Iron Pony that fits my 11 yr old

I'll check them out...Thanks. BTW, were you on SR90 today heading east near SR534 around 3:45ish today? I was heading west and caught a bike looking like yours. Rider had on black jacket, tinted full-face and backpack.

I bought a jacket for Isaac at Iron Pony. It's a Ladies Small. Fits like a glove. He was 10 years old when I bought it' date=' by the way.[/quote']

Sounds like IP will have what I'm looking for.

Thanks to everyone else that posted. All good advise.

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My 2 are now 28 and 26, we did Sunday morning breakfast rides every Spring and Summer, alternating Sundays. But, they had to be tall enough to rest their feet on the pass. pegs.

That way they could absorb the vibration of bumps. I taught them how to flex their leg muscles to make the hit less a shock.

They always were fully geared-up like me, and on my Wings, they were locked in with the pass. arm bars available from many after market comp.

And the thing about falling asleep, my daughter even into high school would be leaning over the arm bars, sound asleep after a ride for bkfst.

I do have problems with kids and no gear, but usually they are with a rider who is also wearing their backyard barbeque gear also. So the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that case

I just don't want to be there when they fall and are looking at their mangeled kid.

How many of these same parents will spend $150 for a pair of frickin jeans, but not buy gear for the crash, scarry to think.

Ride safe all.

And please. ATGATT.


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