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6/5/11 Non Scooter Big Boy Ride


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I'm not sure I want to chance a +/- 500 mile day on my rear. We could meet CORE at 83/22, then take 83 to 78..and then...

But I'm thinking I may want to run the roads outside of Coshocton again, for a future ride. This way my rear tire doesn't fall off and we can get home with time to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

I'll update this post in a few mins with a few possible routes...maybe one to meet CORE and another closer to home.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I am doing a charity ride that day for the Pediatric Brain Tumor foundation. But depending on where and when that ends up, I might try and catch up with you guys. I'll keep an eye on the thread and see where it goes.
We are riding through the Metroparks starting at Rocy River H.S. I think we end up in Cuyahoga Falls sometime between noon and 1 PM.

Thought I would string these together for those that hopped on the thread after page one.

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I'm not sure I want to chance a +/- 500 mile day on my rear. We could meet CORE at 83/22, then take 83 to 78..and then...

But I'm thinking I may want to run the roads outside of Coshocton again, for a future ride. This way my rear tire doesn't fall off and we can get home with time to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

I'll update this post in a few mins with a few possible routes...maybe one to meet CORE and another closer to home.

ok inya i am down with heading south with a buddy of mine i think there is enough interest in making it a descent ride

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Ok, just playing around with the map, I came up with

83S/19W/60S/CO 22W/206S/715E/79S/541E/541W/93N/36E/751N/250W/83N

Half of these roads I've never been on, and I'm sure the route will change before the night is over. So far, it's 265 miles....should take us around 6.5 hours if everything goes great (it never does).

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Ok, just playing around with the map, I came up with

83S/19W/60S/CO 22W/206S/715E/79S/541E/541W/93N/36E/751N/250W/83N

Half of these roads I've never been on, and I'm sure the route will change before the night is over. So far, it's 265 miles....should take us around 6.5 hours if everything goes great (it never does).

I should be in for this. Are you still planning on not leading?.

I am a little confused though; this is separate from CORE even though we would meet them, correct? This might be a break in for me on a new bike, so I don't want to ride with CORE for that.

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Ok, just playing around with the map, I came up with

83S/19W/60S/CO 22W/206S/715E/79S/541E/541W/93N/36E/751N/250W/83N

Half of these roads I've never been on, and I'm sure the route will change before the night is over. So far, it's 265 miles....should take us around 6.5 hours if everything goes great (it never does).

sounds good

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I should be in for this. Are you still planning on not leading?.

I am a little confused though; this is separate from CORE even though we would meet them, correct? This might be a break in for me on a new bike, so I don't want to ride with CORE for that.

We're not meeting CORE. If I were going by myself and had more meat on my rear I would probably go.

Whether you ride with CORE or this group, you'll see the same range of riding skill. Is it the distance you're trying to avoid during your break in period?

Everyone should be riding their own ride..and like I said before..no one gets left behind.

I'll lead unless one of the Coshocton crew wants to jump in when we get there. I'll have a GPS and I'll be carrying an atlas in a tank bag.

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Everyone should be riding their own ride..and like I said before..no one gets left behind.

This is why you're mah ninja! Wish I could make this one. You guys have fun and bring everyone home.

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Going and try and meet up in route somewhere. I'm going be out in the area with a friend then when we split up I'm going to try and run into you guys

Shoot me your # via PM if you like...I'll txt ya whenever we stop and let you know where we are and where we're headed.

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