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cleaning game (how do you learn?)


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in a moment of paranoia, I decided that it would be a good idea to learn how to clean small game, like squirrels, in the event that the dollar collapses, and the country descends into anarchy.

Now as unlikely as that may sound, I still think the knowledge is useful.

Google has yielded several results for basic instructions on how to skin and clean a squirrel, and I even found a video (although I can't really watch that at work).

My questions are:

1) am i totally nuts for thinking this is something everyone should learn? My 10/22 won't take down larger game very easily; and I think there's probably a 20% chance that the dollar will collapse in my lifetime...

2) what's the best way to learn and practice this sort of thing? I assume the answer is "learn while you can still eat at burger king if you eff up cleaning the squirrel," but how difficult is it to actually gut a squirrel without spoiling the meat? Is this going to be something I can do the first time, with written instructions, or something I'm going to screw up a few times before I get edible results?

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1) No, not totally. There is nothing wrong with knowing the basics of how to feed oneself. I believe the 3 basic necessities for human survival are food, shelter and sex. You may want to brush up on procuring those others as well. Remember, Industrialized humans have only been 'domesticated' for a relatively short time--and most wouldn't survive long at all without access to a grocery store. There are also reasons other than economic collapse in which one may need to provide one's own sustenance.

2) The best way would to learn in-person, in practice, from a friend with said skills. Should be eating it the first time.

Edited by Coyote
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go kill a varmint, watch a youtube video on that particular kind, and give it a whirl

thats how i first learned to clean a rabbit

we ate it too, first attempt...tasted like dark meat turkey but that one was a little too gamy for my taste....we boiled it though (that little sucker took like 2 hours to boil) so that probably didnt help since boiled meat usually tastes like shit anyways (and yes - it soaked in a salt water bath for 24 hours before cooking)

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Not what I thought the thread was going to be about at all.

right? I totally had my "i love my cleaning game...get a woman to clean while I play Halo" line cocked and ready to go :D

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Start hunting!

Squirrels with a pellet rifle are a good place to start and make for some tasty dishes in the wintertime.

And I know many many old timers that used to hunt deer with a .22. Its not legal anymore but dont discount the killing power of a .22

Speaking of hunting, I will be going after one of these SOB's in the near future. (KUDU)


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Start hunting!

Squirrels with a pellet rifle are a good place to start and make for some tasty dishes in the wintertime.

And I know many many old timers that used to hunt deer with a .22. Its not legal anymore but dont discount the killing power of a .22

Speaking of hunting, I will be going after one of these SOB's in the near future. (KUDU)


I saw a deer get drop one shot in its tracks with a .22 .22 should be gtg for zombies also...

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^ how much does it cost to hunt one of those? what about bringing it back as a mount?

ive read crazy prices (60k+) for some african animals

Cost really depends on the animal, sex, size, size of rack (Trophy), and outfitter you go with.

Additional costs include the cost of the guide per day, lodging, and additional prices for dangerous game and a guide for dangerous game

This specific animal can range from $600-$2,500 depending on everything. That price does not count the guide fees, lodging, taxidermy, shipping to US, etc.

If I manage to get one with a trophy size rack I will have just the antlers shipped back. I dont have the money nor the space for an entire headmount.

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I just know that squirrels are all over my neighborhood, and my dog has an innate ability to 'tree' them.

The fuckers will get 20' up the utility pole in our neighbor's yard, and then just sit there taunting my dog.

While this is annoying in good times; it would prove incredibly useful if I actually needed to hunt for food in my neighborhood.

Deer are around, but I've only seen ONE in my yard in the last 2.5 years, and it was only a few days ago. The park nearby would be prime hunting ground though. Yet another use for my open trailer.

how badass would it be to show up at the track with a blood-stained trailer btw? :p

but basically what I'm hearing is "kill squirrel, watch youtube, cut carefully, boil squirrel, eat squirrel, (profit?)"

The wife is not going to like this learning experience... Frankly, I'm a little weirded out by it too, but knowledge is knowledge.

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black as hell is probably safe.

it doesn't have to taste great to keep me alive.

Too bad it doesn't taste good though - probably the most plentiful "game" in my area :(

I wonder if raccoon tastes any good. Bait them with some trash, and just pick them off as they come to eat it!

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black as hell is probably safe.

it doesn't have to taste great to keep me alive.

Too bad it doesn't taste good though - probably the most plentiful "game" in my area :(

I wonder if raccoon tastes any good. Bait them with some trash, and just pick them off as they come to eat it!

i havent had it - but supposedly squirrel tastes really good if its cooked right....if you boil any meat it tastes like shit, even chicken IMO

look up ways to cook squirrel and you will be good to go

i wouldnt eat a racoon....all they eat is trash, i bet they taste fucking disgusting and probably have diseases of some kind

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i mean...if i was starving and fending for myself, i wouldnt care how to cook it either...cook it until its done and then eat it lol...and if i was desperate enough i would eat the hell out of a raccoon....i just wouldnt do it for shits and giggles though

hell, if it came down to it meat is meat...ill eat a fucking cat if i have to for survival

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i have a feeling I'm going to learn the first time i try to eat something I killed, but what does "gamy" mean, exactly?

just a funky kinda taste that wild animals have...kind of like the taste of liver

if you kill a wild animal, try soaking the meat in a salt water bath for 24 hours before you cook it if you want to get rid of the gamy taste (or at least tame it down)

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Id be more tempted to use a pellet gun for squirrels and small game especially if you live in town. Reminds me I need to pick up some pellets and check on the price for 22 by the case.

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Walmart carries a decent set of books. I learned from the book. Did a flawless job on my first Buck. The heathens I hunt with just rip the shit out of the guts. I was like a freeken surgeon.

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last year was my first year out deer hunting and didnt have luck...going to go again this year - i hear the smell is horrible while cleaning one...not looking forward to that part, but the meat sure will be nice if i manage to get one lol

It's not bad if you don't puncture the gut.

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I'm a firm believer in either/both the food chain being broken in one too many places, or the end of civilization happening. Don't know if it'll be in my lifetime or shortly thereafter, but we're screwing up our planet too badly to not have a serious impact.

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