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Let's talk electric face shavers..


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Okay, so I don't work in a business dress enviroment anymore and I really want to stop shaving with my Fusion since each blade is like 2.50 and lasts 6 shaves, so I want a good electric shaver.

What are people using now adays? I'm not against paying 250+ IF it shaves like a razor and really is worth it. I just haven't used one forever.

Input please... I would like to purchase asap, especially because Kohls seems to carry a ton of top level shavers, and sends me 20%-30% off coupons constantly so long as I charge it and pay it off the month after.

Brand, model, etc. would all be great. I don't have really dark facial hair, but it is definitely pretty coarse.


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Same here, I have had 2 electrics, one with the dual foil top and one with the 3 round spinning things. Both remington I believe, both would give me serious razor burn so I gave up on them and just trim with a clipper at the lowest setting so I have like a 1 day stubble at all times. I almost never clean shave anymore because I always get razor burn or feel like I am throwing money away with each stroke of a regular razor(I use the 5 blade fusion).

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I have a cheapy Norelco I bought 3 years ago from Target. Works great for me with just a little bit of razor burn on my neck but pretty much anything gives me razor burn on my neck. I also can go 4-5 days without shaving and it barely looks like theres anything there

Also fun fact, I've never shaved with a blade in my life. Only electric

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good topic i have a 6 year old norelco ive replaced the blades on it 2 or 3 times.. does really well.. but i always get nasty razor burn on the neck... i do well with blades but again its like pissing money away.. i i just rock a close shaved beard and trim the neck as close as i can to get it to look cleaner like a 5oclock shadow every damn day...

i can only go 1-2 days with out shaving or im a wolfman face

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Braun, Series 7


i love this thing. i put it in the cleaner after every shave. each day is a great shaving experience.

i like to use the 'Lectric Shave stuff as a pre-shave.

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If your already using razors a way to make them last much longer is to let them dry up side down or hanging. It's not shaving the dulls the razor it's the minerals left from the drying water. Think shower scum on a razor. If u make the water go away from the razors edge u won't get that film and the razor lasts 10 times longer.

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in my experience a foil shaver is a lot better than the spinning head kind. (think norelco)

with that said I have a braun. but the problem is I can't find any new heads for it. although I did buy it way back in like 98. and it still works like a new one.

the heads last me a good 6 months. but my face hair isn't all that thick. and Im a penny pincher.

also if you do get one, make sure it can be used while being charged. I bought one once only to realize it was dead and can't be used while plugged in.

so I returned it and got the braun.

I think my next one will be a panasonic.

I've never had issues with any kind of "razor" burn with a foil shaver. some of them you can use wet and with shaving cream. that might help you girls and your razor burn issue. I use mine dry like a man.

although they do itch a little when you first use them. but it goes away with a few shaves when you get used to it. then it never bothers you again. or maybe it will on some of ladies....

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Standout, actually I saw that last spring in CO and have been doing that every time I shave, definitely works too!

I have only used foil shaver's too, never used the spinning head, both my old Norelco and Remington were foil's. I would get a little razor burn on my neck as well, but thought maybe that was due to the dull blades or lack of RPMs moving the blades to really cut it quick(think dull/slow mower).

The Braun is what I am leaning towards as well, but not totally sold. Is wet/dry a deal maker? I have sideburns so not sure I want to shave in the shower, just possibly with some shave cream or something...

Anyone else with good electric experience?

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I am a big fan of the Norelco's, and I have pretty much tried all the others as well. I cant go more than 2 days if using the Norelco, but I get a closer shave with it than even a blade. I can't say I have ever gotten any razor burn or irritation from an electric, although your face does need to get used to it. I still really like the original Mach III razors for when things gets longer, and shaving in the shower makes a world of difference too.

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Don't use an electric on your pubes.

Sage advice, Einstein. You learn your lesson from home spun Brazillians?

I hardly have a respectable beard by any means. But what I do get grows thick and fast. I love the Fusion blade, but over the course of a year coupld probably buy a nice Braun for what I spend in blades. I have a Norelco 3 headed wet/dry and its nice, but I have to use it everyday to be truly clean shaven. And on occasion it bumps up my neck and soul patch area. BUt I did have a Braun foil one for a while, and it was the nicest razor I'd ever used.

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Who shaves? :lol:

I've had a Norelco 8240xl for 2 or 3 years (got it for a Christmas present) and it does well. It's a "3 headed monster" shaver. I've had this style, and a Braun foil type. The foil worked well for a while, but as soon as it got the least bit dull, it was TERRIBLY painful! I don't think I've replaced the heads on this one, but I also go for months without shaving at times! The last I shaved was about 2 months ago, and that was just to shave out a goatee. I think I might go do that again tonight.

When I don't use the electric, I use the Mach3 razor. I tried the Fusion, but I think the blades are too close together to work well for me.

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To expound upon what Standout said, rinse your bladed razor in rubbing alcohol, it will displace the water and will evaporate without leaving residue behind, leaving the blades nice and clean.

Let the blades dry facing up.

As for electrics, I have had a Panasonic ES8249 for a little over two years, replaced the blades once, clean it every other week or so (shave daily, except Saturdays).

The shave is close enough to pass the "look" test, but not as close as blades. No burn, and I shave against the grain.

You could always try a straight razor.

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You could always try a straight razor.

Just about to say that. Either this or a safety razor, blades are retardedly cheap.

If you're not wanting to go backward in technology, I think you're going to find a lot of personal preference between foil vs. round-headed electric razors based on skin type and hair type. I've got dryer skin and a coarse but patchy beard in places, and I always get burn on my neck when using my Panasonic 3-head. My old Remington foil missed a ton of hair, much less so with the Panny. I think that the wet cleaner should help, but I just don't feel like dropping $100 to find out.

Besides, close stubble is in now so pull up your big boy pants, grab a $20 Conair trimmer, and do what needs to be done.


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Have used a 3 head Norelco rotary for 40 years. Never blade shave & have tried other electrics but always go back to my trusty Norelco. Buy a new one every 5 to 10 years & rarely ever buy new heads. No razor burn & close shave.

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I have a Braun 340. I had a Remington but it was very loud and not very effective. The Braun was a gift from my dad after he had one for a couple years. They both still work great and have the slide-up trimmer which I think is great. I would definitely recommend it

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I gave up on electrics. Tried everything. My beard is tuff, grows really fast, has a swirl pattern to it and eats them up or doesn't get close enough. I have found the best combo to be, shaving in the shower , last thing, with any hair conditioner and the cheaper Gillette 3 blade deal. Using hair conditioner really makes a difference. I've tried all the shaving cremes known to man. Conditioner is best and cheapest. I only shave every other day for work or else I bleed alot. I even saw a dermatoligist for all the bumps and bleeding on my neck and he recommended a bump fighter blade black folk use but it shaves you to a 5 o'clock shadow at best. Having a lady friend or yourself pick out all the ingrown hairs on your neck with a needle identified by a little red bump before shaving works better in the end also..Traveling is a nightmare to shave without a shower mirror. The shower heat/humidity softens you up before shaving.

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