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Talk me into or out of buying another bike


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Disclaimer: Unneeded history follows. Skip to the bottom to get to the point :D

Hey everyone, been a long time since I've been on here (I don't expect anyone to remember me, I lurked more than I posted). It's been about a year since I sold my R6 so I haven't had much reason to come around, but now I'm considering getting another bike. I'd probably be looking at 03+ SV's this time around. My first bike was an 04 GS500F and while it had no balls, it was very cheap to insure, to fill up, and it was comfortable. I added a few things to it (It was stock when I got it) but nothing made any real difference.


It was a great first bike but left me wanting more. I used to work at a motorcycle dealership as a reconditioner so I got to ride a ton of different bikes. One day I decided that an R6 wouldn't be too bad of a bike to own, so I found one and bought it. It was a blast, it had a full Yoshimura system and I added a GYT-R filter and PCIII USB, integrated tail, shorty levers, sliders, etc. I loved the R6 but it just wasn't comfortable, especially to ride with my girlfriend as passenger.

The R6:


I sold it to get money to put towards a Subaru, I don't regret doing this at all. The STi is fun ALL year round :cool:

Picture for anyone interested:


However, I've started to miss riding, and it would be nice to have something to keep miles off the STi when I can. I rode a few SV's when I worked at the dealership and I really liked how comfortable they are. The looks of the SV650S/F/whatever the full fairing model is called are right up my alley (I don't like the looks of the Gladius, Ninja 650, FZ6, etc). I feel like the SV would be a lot more comfortable for a passenger as well.

The point:

Here are my thoughts. I'm looking for opinions, so please feel free to try to persuade me one way or the other. Either option is going to cost me about the same up front, so cost is not an issue. I've been saving my pennies and have a budget of around $3K.

Option 1: Put the money into the car.

The STi is quick (let's not compare cars to bikes here), but it's got a lot of room to grow. I've already done a lot of work to make the car handle well, it's ready to do some trackdays/autocrossing. Motor wise I've only done a turbo back exhaust and a tune. I can buy a larger intercooler, larger turbo, injectors, fuel pump, retune, etc to get to around 400 AWHP and have an extremely fun car.


Option 2: Buy a SV650. This has advantages and disadvantages, which I've listed.


- I kept all my gear, nothing is needed except insurance and a bike.

- Saves gas over daily driving the STi.

- Keeps miles off the STi (big deal to me).

- An exciting drive is no where near as exciting as a good bike trip.

- I do miss riding. My dad rides as well and it was nice to have a riding buddy.


- Extra insurance policy. Cost isn't a huge problem (My R6 was only $309/year for full coverage plus lots of extra coverage, the GS was 86/year fully insured), but it's in addition to the car insurance.

- This is Ohio. I can't shake the feeling that if I buy a bike, it will rain. Every day.

- Can't enjoy the bike in the winter.

- Time. I work 2 jobs and am going to school full time (done in less than a year). I don't want the bike to just become a utilitarian thing that just gets ridden to work and school to keep the car parked, but that could very well happen.

- The STi doesn't get any faster. I'm planning on going to some trackdays, and I'd like to be able to impress myself. Maybe the slower car will give me a chance to improve my driving, but I'd rather have 400 at all 4 wheels than 290 at all 4.

So there it is. If you were in my situation, what would you do?

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OPTION 3: Sell me the car for 3K and then you can double your budget for the new bike :D

Really though, Id go with the bike because the saving in gas (assuming you actually ride it) will offset the cost of the added insurance. And having a cool car doesn't replace the feeling you get from riding.

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by adam park's sumo.

But since youre working 2 jobs and going to school full-time, i would consider putting that money towards your finances.

My finances are in order, I've been saving the money to do the car work for months. The idea to buy a bike has recently started to make me second guess myself. I paid cash for my car (Saved money, flipped a few cars, and waited 8 months for a deal) so I don't owe on it. My school loans are minimal and my other bills are also very manageable, and I have enough in savings as well.

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SV. Buy it, ride it. You know you wanna and then you get to hang around all the cool peeps on here....on second thought, blow your $ on the car. :D

I don't know man, if you can party half as hard as the dog in your avatar, it might not be so bad to party with you guys after all. I'll have to bring my dog though.

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Oh so you're an Evo guy?


nope, small displacement japanese sedans don't thrill me. I did test drive an 05 WRXSTI, brake boosted, and made the dealer yell "holy shit" as his eyes about popped out of his head...but in the end, a little japanese sedan just isn't "me" and it didn't thrill me near as much as I anticipated. and for $20,000 i'd rather have something more like this..


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nope, small displacement japanese sedans don't thrill me. I did test drive an 05 WRXSTI, brake boosted, and made the dealer yell "holy shit" as his eyes about popped out of his head...but in the end, a little japanese sedan just isn't "me" and it didn't thrill me near as much as I anticipated. and for $20,000 i'd rather have something more like this..

Hey, that's fair enough for me :cool:

My dad has an '03 50th Anniversary Corvette that I've done some work on. I'm not a huge fan but I can appreciate it either way. I used to have a supercharged Grand Prix, that was a great car. I almost bought a G8 instead of the STi.

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I'm in the don't drop $ into the car group. I loved cars but after I bought my first bike I went through 3 in the span of a year and maybe drove them a combined 6 times in that year.

Plus the way I look at it, to buy a bike and mod it is a fraction of the cost of any well built car and IMO way more fun. I drive at least 90miles a day for my commute and I'd get home and wouldn't wanna just go for a fun drive. But I have no issue getting on my motorcycle and going out for another quick 75 miles or so after work, its just a completely different thing than driving

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+1 on the bike.

I'm a former owner of the STI, which I loved. But, compared to riding the bike, the STI didn't hold a flame to the thrill of the bike. Don't get my wrong, I'd grab up another one in a second, but I gotta have a bike.

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No question. Buy the bike.

Two very different experiences/things/forms of fun (bike and car) is always greater than one experience/thing/form of fun (faster car) no matter how much the one is improved.

And why do you not want the bike to become a utilitarian thing while you're working two jobs, going to school, etc.? It keeps miles off the car (one of your goals) and uses less fuel and slicing through traffic on a bike is no less fun (more, IMO) than sitting in commuting traffic in a really fast car.

P.S. -- Congratulations for managing your finances wisely so that you have the options.

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