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So my wife is a graphic artist and she has branched out to websites. She has made quite a few for clients but still makes them any chance she gets to get more practice. So she made one for me an some of my bike pics. So go look at it, come back here and say how awesome it is. I will tell her everyone loves it and that will make her happy and get me laid. TIA.


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did you have to talk to someone to get into bristol or was it just open? i remember going to charlotte once and the track was wide open. not a person in sight. we were in there for probably about an hour or two walking around checking stuff out. never saw a soul... we could have taken our car out there probably lol

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did you have to talk to someone to get into bristol or was it just open? l

It was an accident. We hopped on the freeway a bit south of there heading home and it was getting late. I am hammer down and I see an exit that says Bristol Motor Speedway. So I roll off the exit and follow the signs just to see it. Guy I was with was pretty much WTF because he had no idea what I was doing. So we roll in and the gates are open and there is some sort of free medical clinic set up in the parking lot. One of those deals where doctors volunteer. We roll past them and go to the far end where you see the pics of my bike in front of it. We are shooting pics and this old dude rolls up in a golf cart. I am thinking we are getting the boot. He yells hop in, lets go inside. He drove us right inside down onto the track and dropped us off. Said have fun, he would be back in 30 or so.

Thanks everyone else for the comments, much appreciated.

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It is my duty and self-appointed Wingman to determine the eligibilty of said wife for the purposes of "laying". Please post pics of wife and my level of support will be based upon how much I like what I see.

Oh, and when it comes to clothing in pics of wives: Less is more. (wink).

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