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Did you get out and vote?


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I realized to late that I was leaving to get an absentee ballot so I didn't. This is the first election since I graduated high-school that I didn't vote.

That's ok.... 5 homeless guys without ID voted Democrat on your behalf using your address.

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this is the first eletion in my adult life that i elected not to vote. just turned off all around.

well congratulations. Now you are not part of the voting population, and no politician will ever care what you think.

If you're really that disheartened with the candidates, show up and submit an blank ballot.

I would say the same to those in the "giant douche or turd sandwich" camp.

Or better yet, vote for someone who you believe has zero chance of winning.

Ron Paul will not win this election, but my hope is that he draws enough support that the Republican party pulls their heads out of their asses and realizes that they HAVE NO BASE, or have lost track of who it is. They will need Libertarian votes to beat Obama.

In my most optimistic moments, I foresee a day that we'll actually have a legitimate 3(+) party system, but to get there, it appears that the Republican party is going to have to fracture. badly. I say bring it on. If McCain, Palin, Romney and Santorum are the best they have to offer, blowing the whole thing up and starting over sounds great to me.

Edited by redkow97
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well congratulations. Now you are not part of the voting population, and no politician will ever care what you think.

If you're really that disheartened with the candidates, show up and submit an blank ballot.

I would say the same to those in the "giant douche or turd sandwich" camp.

Or better yet, vote for someone who you believe has zero chance of winning.

Ron Paul will not win this election, but my hope is that he draws enough support that the Republican party pulls their heads out of their asses and realizes that they HAVE NO BASE, or have lost track of who it is. They will need Libertarian votes to beat Obama.

In my most optimistic moments, I foresee a day that we'll actually have a legitimate 3(+) party system, but to get there, it appears that the Republican party is going to have to fracture. badly. I say bring it on. If McCain, Palin, Romney and Santorum are the best they have to offer, blowing the whole thing up and starting over sounds great to me.

^^^^^this guy!

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Ya know, I was sort of thinking about skipping this one. Up until 2008 I had never voted. Now, I consider it to be not only my right and privilege, but also my DUTY to get out and vote. No matter how little impact you think your vote has, you can at least oppose someone that thinks the opposite of what you do!

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Ya know, I was sort of thinking about skipping this one. Up until 2008 I had never voted. Now, I consider it to be not only my right and privilege, but also my DUTY to get out and vote. No matter how little impact you think your vote has, you can at least oppose someone that thinks the opposite of what you do!

Same here. I didn't get the chance to vote in 2010 because I was asked last minute to cover a run. I meant to request a mail in for, but didn't get it done in time. I am strongly considering writing in ron Paul in November. I haven't decuded whether or not I can stomach voting for Romney. I'm not all in for Paul either. I'm very disappointed in our choices. I'm also loosing faith that we can get Obama out in 2013, I simply don't know that our votes truly count.

Sorry I'm just becoming disparaged.

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Same here. I didn't get the chance to vote in 2010 because I was asked last minute to cover a run. I meant to request a mail in for, but didn't get it done in time. I am strongly considering writing in ron Paul in November. I haven't decuded whether or not I can stomach voting for Romney. I'm not all in for Paul either. I'm very disappointed in our choices. I'm also loosing faith that we can get Obama out in 2013, I simply don't know that our votes truly count.

Sorry I'm just becoming disparaged.

I'm not all in for any of the candidates. Ron Paul is pretty much the best choice, but not going to get the nomination. I had a tough time deciding who to vote for. A vote for Paul would almost be a waste, since we're all pretty sure he won't get the nomination, and I really don't like any of the others.

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Eh.. as much shit as I talk about Obama.. I'll take him over Romney' date=' Newt and Santorum.

Seriously, stick with the devil you know. At least he isn't a fundamentalist trying to turn America into a theocracy.

I'll either sit out in November, or just vote for our current President.[/quote']

Here's what scares me, the next President will likely get to seat 3 or more supreme court justices. Our Republic is in big trouble if 3 liberal justice's get seated. There are several big cases coning up within the next five years.

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Here's what scares me, the next President will likely get to seat 3 or more supreme court justices. Our Republic is in big trouble if 3 liberal justice's get seated. There are several big cases coning up within the next five years.

Yeah, like Kelo and Citizens United were great decisions...

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Yeah, like Kelo and Citizens United were great decisions...

I didn't say they were, but adding 3 more leftist will not help our fight for liberty. I won't say that Heller and McDonald were the right decisions either. The 10th amendment gives the states the right to set their own gun laws.

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Not if those laws are in direct conflict with the United States Constitution.

Well then I geuss we need to decide if 100% of it is incorporated, which I don't believe it is. If it is incorporated then states have no power to make any firearm laws.

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I didn't say they were, but adding 3 more leftist will not help our fight for liberty. I won't say that Heller and McDonald were the right decisions either. The 10th amendment gives the states the right to set their own gun laws.

Citizens United was a 5-4 decision with conservatives in the majority. I was wrong about Kelo, that was made in 2005 prior to Roberts or Alito.

I think there's a compelling argument to be made that Citizens United eroded a significant part of our individual freedoms of speech.

You do realize that there are more laws and individual liberties to be protected than just guns, right?

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I thought we took care of that with "McDonald vs Chicago"? At least' date=' the right to keep a firearm in the home. :dunno:[/quote']
Citizens United was a 5-4 decision with conservatives in the majority. I was wrong about Kelo, that was made in 2005 prior to Roberts or Alito.

I think there's a compelling argument to be made that Citizens United eroded a significant part of our individual freedoms of speech.

You do realize that there are more laws and individual liberties to be protected than just guns, right?

Yes, but the 2nd amendment is #1 in my book. If they take away our right to keep and bear arms they can take away all our liberties. I think its funny that all people would get all upset if they had to fill out a background check to buy a newspaper or book, but its fine for firearms. I guess states could require a permit to post on a forum or use Facebook.

Does the 1st amendment only apply in my home?

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Yes, but the 2nd amendment is #1 in my book. If they take away our right to keep and bear arms they can take away all our liberties. I think its funny that all people would get all upset if they had to fill out a background check to buy a newspaper or book, but its fine for firearms. I guess states could require a permit to post on a forum or use Facebook.

Does the 1st amendment only apply in my home?

Newsflash: Your liberties and rights can be taken away regardless if you're got a gun on your hip or not. It would do well for people such as yourself to remember that there are a few other amendments other than the 2nd to protect.

The last question is so mind-bogglingly stupid I'm seriously speechless.

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The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and means is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral arguments. …the essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” And it was. — P.36-37

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The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and means is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral arguments. …the essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” And it was. — P.36-37

Quoting Lenin, eh? So much for being a commie-hater.

You can keep the country's gun rights safe, you seem to be doing a bang-up job at that. We'll be making sure that everything else you're shitting on to accomplish your single-minded goal stays as clean and intact as possible for this and future generations. I gotta tell you though, it's getting harder and harder.

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Quoting Lenin, eh? So much for being a commie-hater.

You can keep the country's gun rights safe, you seem to be doing a bang-up job at that. We'll be making sure that everything else you're shitting on to accomplish your single-minded goal stays as clean and intact as possible for this and future generations. I gotta tell you though, it's getting harder and harder.

I am concerned about all of our rights! I am most passionate about the second amendment. What are you passionate about.

My fear is the republic is lost!

I hope its not too late to upright this ship. The federal government has way over stepped their limits. The people need to peaceably demand our rights back and demand a limited government.

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I am concerned about all of our rights! I am most passionate about the second amendment. What are you passionate about.

My fear is the republic is lost!

I hope its not too late to upright this ship. The federal government has way over stepped their limits. The people need to peaceably demand our rights back and demand a limited government.

Me? Here's a few:

Separation of Church and State

Secular Governing

Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Due Process

Habeas Corpus

Equal Rights for All

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