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UFO's. Do you believe?


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Remember those UFO ”rods” they people were seeing on video tape ONLY? Turned out to be birds and moths, blurred due to the low frame rate and stretched out to look like long undulating rods. They filmed a mouth flying with high speed and standard video and proved it. My guess it's that this is something similar, probably a bird or something. The fact that there are thousands of amateur astrologists that look at the sky constantly but never see a UFO leads me to believe that regular people just don't have enough knowledge about relative motion and physics in general to identify half the things they see.

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Sure I believe in UFOs. It's aliens that I have difficulty believing exist.

I believe in UFO's in the sense that I believe there are sometimes objects in the sky that people are unable to identify.

I doubt alien lifeforms are piloting them though.

But I am sure aliens exist. The number of galaxies are virtually infinite. It would be terribly naive for us to think that we are the only intelligent life in that much space.

I'm with Stephen Hawking on aliens though. To paraphrase, "any alien race that has the technology to reach our planet has the technology to destroy us at their whim. They would be the Pilgrims, and we would be the Native Americans. That didn't work out so well for them."

...although they do have casinos and minority scholarships

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I believe' date=' because i saw something once that i believe was one,

Cant tell the story now, will post it later.[/quote']

Ok, here is my personal experience with what I believe to have been a ufo...

I think it was 1989, I lived at home with my parents in Lorain.

It was sometime between 10:30 or 11:00pm on a clear warm summer night,

I was pulling out of the driveway to head out somewhere, I backed out and

was about to drive West down the street when I saw something real bright

streaking across the sky, kinda low for a plane, it was moving damn fast,

it went by and I heard nothing :confused:, a few seconds later, right before I was

about to start driving away I see three airplanes in a triangle formation tearin

across the sky in the same direction, after they passed there was no doubt

they were military jets because they were loud as fuck!

I sat there for a second before it dawned on me what I just witnessed.

There is no doubt in my mind that what I saw was a ufo being chased by the military. :o

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