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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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for the point of my post, it doesnt matter if it was or not...my response to kz900 doesnt relate to this case AT ALL...go re-read his post, he is saying that if a person is wearing a hood they are OBVIOUSLY up to something because they are hiding their face......it has nothing to do with this case, im not saying he was approached becasue of it, nothing.....my response is to kz900 and the statement he made....youre really over thinking it

I agree hoodie/hiding face is not proof of wrongdoing.

Having said that, I bet you don't walk into a bank with your helmet still on... :D

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so we can just shoot and kill whoever we want on the street, so long as long as we can claim to "justify" it?


no witnesses, it must have happened exactly as the person who is living said it did. :rolleyes:

You really need to get a grip on reality, do you happen to carry a firearm for protection? You are doing a really good job of faulting another person's actions, when you have no idea how you yourself would react. Don't pass such harsh judgement on a guy that protected himself, and do you honestly think this Trayvon kid is innocent?:nono: There is a very good reason why such young innocent pics have been used of him, and no he wasn't visiting somebody......he was kicked out of school and was staying with his Dad's fiance. The media has messed your head up, use common sense and the facts that are "known" not what you think happened. The shooter didnt make this about race, I am betting he would've done the same no matter what the ethnicity was of the suspicious person. I would've had my hand on my gun way before George Zimmerman did, he needed to display and announce ASAP that he was armed and wanted no problems. Seems he didnt even have time to do that, for all we know he took a beating before the gun was even used. This Martin kid is no saint "his parents know that too", and who in their right mind would approach an adult who had been watching/following them to begin with? I will let the law run its course, and I pray for this country that justice is served for "all the right reasons". This will just get uglier no matter what the outcome is......lose lose situation, and racism is sadly very much alive and well.

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The GJ may have been cancelled because the previous prosecutor scheduled it and the new special prosecutor doesn't need it. Or doesn't want it.

The prosecutor may have decided that the the basis for charges related to precise points of law that a Judge would be more likely to be swayed by than a GJ. She may feel that the GJ would see a lot of emotional reasons to not return a true bill, and overlook the legal minutae.

Or it may just be her style - she may just never use GJs.

Valid points. One might think that regardless, the SP would want the GJ to use as testimony to fall back on in the way of perjury should Zimmerman change his story when in front of a real judge. But again, that is just a guess, and if it were the case it wouldn't lend itself to having a stone cold lead pipe lock in the way of evidence to achieve the desired conviction. And your latter comment is just as likely as anything else. They live for the hunt!!

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Read my entire previous post (#136), you missed something in my response...No worries, you were not the only one...

Concentrate on the last paragraph...:D

Heading to work now, without a gun...:)

I was referring to the 'when you feel your life is in danger' I just now read post 136, im not sure what u were getting at with the whole acting like an idiot with a gun issue.cuz I was talkin bout the guy without the gun, not thr guy with the gun(I think lol, too laZY TO READ What i.typed))

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I agree hoodie/hiding face is not proof of wrongdoing.

Having said that, I bet you don't walk into a bank with your helmet still on... :D

not the same... wearing a helmet in a bank could be viewed as out of the ordinary... wearing the hood up on a sweatshirt in the beginning of April is a daily occurrence... same as wearing gloves in the winter, sleeveless shirt in the summer, etc.... there's nothing out of the ordinary about wearing a regular hoodie with the hood up

not saying the helmet means you're up to something, just saying it warrants a second look while a hoodie should not

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Can we all hug now and get a beer or two? For fuck sake I missed putting my kids to bed over this goddamn thread!

Nope, I still got 40minutes till I get off work and this is keeping me plenty entertained :lol: I could give a shit less bout what happens to who as my opinion doesnt matter.... Hell none of our opinions matter here as much as some people want to believe their opinions matter :rolleyes:

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Whomever is guilty, hopefully justice will prevail "and the public can handle it"........sad reality is that there are some folks lives that will never be the same "ever". I agree 100% that George should have never exited his vehicle, but I also feel 100% that Martin should've kept on walking. Should've....would've.....could've!!!!:(

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I was referring to the 'when you feel your life is in danger' I just now read post 136, im not sure what u were getting at with the whole acting like an idiot with a gun issue.cuz I was talkin bout the guy without the gun, not thr guy with the gun(I think lol, too laZY TO READ What i.typed))

Funny I thought you was commenting on my case in point comment, and you was, yet you turn it into you, and your thoughts...hmm...common!

You are so blinded by being argumentative, and defensive, you ignore comments that are on your side...Oh well!

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Funny I thought you was commenting on my case in point comment, and you was, yet you turn it into you, and your thoughts...hmm...common!

You are so blinded by being argumentative, and defensive, you ignore comments that are on your side...Oh well!

You aren't the first person in this thread that was looking out for him and ignored in haste to find a perceived slight.

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You aren't the first person in this thread that was looking out for him and ignored in haste to find a perceived slight.

I know what I was getting into as the other person was being bashed that had the same views as me. Idc, I dont hold grudges, but of others do thats on them. This whole thread is moreless argumentative and it is expected that someone with different views is going to be the outcast. I totally get that and m fine with it.

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Funny I thought you was commenting on my case in point comment, and you was, yet you turn it into you, and your thoughts...hmm...common!

You are so blinded by being argumentative, and defensive, you ignore comments that are on your side...Oh well!

Your case.in point comment was referring to.the fearing for your life comment. I dont always read everything, especially since I was playing soduku and trying to somewhat keep.up.with.this.long ass fast moving thread at the same time.

Anywho, night yall.. Im home now and gunna watch.a movie.

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when I was 6 years old I was given a sherriff badge and took an oath from that day forward I would protect and serve the people. I proudly wear it when I'm playing "follow that shady asshole". So yes, that DOES give me the right to do whatever I please in my hood

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No i passed judgement because 1 is dead, and the other is alive, that is enough (in my mind) to charge him with trayvon's death. If "self defense" is his response, then it is up to him to prove that in a court.

You couldn't be more wrong! I have been holding off replying to this thread because the story that I am about to relate, to be honest, is no one else's business. No person on here, in the media, or in the court of public opinion has the right to armchair quarterback the incident if you weren't there. You simply don't know the facts. This story isn't exactly apples to apples, but I think it applies considering your truly ignorant knowledge of the law.

I was involved in an incident a handful of years ago in which I, a police officer (white officer), along with 2 other white officers were involved in the death of a man (black man). A man, who in some people's minds, was unarmed. We each took tools from our tool belt (gun belt) and used them on him, and he died after a struggle/fight on the ground in a public place.

The run was initially was dispatched as a man assaulting patrons of a bar with a walking cane (he didn't require it to walk). When the first 2 officers arrived, they located the man who wasn't assaulting anyone at that time. The victim of the initial assault didn't have any injuries. Therefore it was considered a misdemeanor assault, and CPD's preferred course of action in "non-on view" misdemeanor assaults (one we didn't witness) is to take a report and refer the victim to the Prosecutor's office for charges.

The officers began to approach the man, but he turned and walked away as if he had done nothing wrong. The officers began to follow him, and he walked faster. When they walked faster, he ran. Now, the man who appeared to be crippled on initial appearance, was running like a track star. The officers caught him, and the ground fight was on. About 2 1/2 minutes into the fight, I responded to the officers in trouble call. I arrived and joined the fight for what seemed like 2-3 minutes when in actuality it was about 30-45 seconds. I had my uses of force, and we were able to handcuff him. Within 10 minutes, the man was dead.

After his death, the media picked up the story (rightfully so). Thankfully, the main stream media didn't make it out to be the white/black issue that I expected them to. The main stream media was never the issue. The issue was all of the "online media", the people who had no idea what the hell they were talking about, the people who heard and read things online, who wanted to pass their opinion off as fact without really knowing the facts. In one article, the author went as far as to call me a MURDERER, yet they had no facts nor proof to back up their statement. Hell, they never even contacted our department to get the official police version of the incident. All they had was one dead man and 3 alive police officers, but clearly that was enough to pass judgment. I mean, what more do you need?!

After about 8 months of accusations from the public and media, I got my day before the Grand Jury with a Special Prosecutor. If you have never testified before a Grand Jury, it is nerve racking to say the least. However, after hearing the evidence, I was found not to be negligent in his death and my actions were 100% justified.

I have my opinion on the case, but it is just that...my opinion. And since I wasn't there, and I don't have access to all of the facts (or lack there of) that the police have, I will keep it to myself. Zimmerman should not be automatically charged in this young man's death, he should however, go before the Grand Jury. Then, IF there is enough evidence to support a murder charge (or any charge for that matter), he should be charged. Until that day, the police department did the only think they could and shold have done. He was taken into custody, interviewed, and released until they are able to build a case for a Grand Jury.

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He was taken into custody, interviewed, and released until they are able to build a case for a Grand Jury.

This should suffice but they may not be trying to build a case as well. The interview, physical evidence, history of those involved could have given them enough to make the determination that what took place while unfortunate resulted in nothing illegal.

It astounds me that people can actually think an entire police department can be inept. What shocks me even more is that these same people think they would know better about how to handle the situation than the police without the knowledge of the whole situation.

These are not political figures that we can debate philosophical differences. These are people who are trained to do a job with a rule book they understand. You may not like the rules but to think these folks are inept at their jobs is ridiculous especially when you apply that thought to an entire department.

Much of this debate is about people’s dislike of the laws that would allow this situation to take place. I think that is a legitimate honest place of which to start the conversation. To blame the police for enforcing the rules that are put forth in front of them is spitting into the wind.

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This should suffice but they may not be trying to build a case as well. The interview, physical evidence, history of those involved could have given them enough to make the determination that what took place while unfortunate resulted in nothing illegal.

You are 100% correct. I meant to say at the end that there may be no case to present to a Grand Jury but it was long enough as it was and I forgot. Yes, a young man is dead, and yes, he was shot by an armed citizen. However, that doesn't automatically mean that a crime was committed. In the case of our department, all officer involved deaths go before Grand Jury to rule out any question of a cover up. That being said, the vast majority would never need to be presented because the facts support the actions. But the uninformed public would cry cover up!

The only one that knows the facts in this case is Zimmerman. The police have collected all of the evidence that they can and made their decision based off of that evidence. Everyone else is passing judgment based on their emotions rather than facts. That is why all of the "witches" in Salem were killed.

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I clearly need to be better armed, from now on i'm carrying grenades with me everywhere. pins pulled so if i get shot at least everyone involved will be dead, assured mutual destruction.

Oh btw this is.going.in my sig lol

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Why was Trevor Martin in the area. Why was he hiding in a hood? Why did he fight with Zimmerman? 10:30 at night in a hoodie in the dark is going to draw attention.

his dad lived in that neighborhood. it wasn't 10:30, it was 7:30. it was also raining. please try to stick to facts instead of making up your own scenario in your head.

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What was the official cause of death?

Massive heart attack. The coroner said his heart was in such bad shape due to decades of cocaine and alcohol abuse that he could have had a heated argument and ended up in the same condition. It just so happened that he chose to fight the police that night.

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his dad lived in that neighborhood. it wasn't 10:30, it was 7:30. it was also raining. please try to stick to facts instead of making up your own scenario in your head.
Actually his dad didn't/doesn't live there. His dad's fiance does. They were visiting, so he was a stranger to the neighborhood. Not justifying anything, just trying to help get the facts out there.
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riight, She has a video of Trayvon, stealing the gun from zimmerman who was doing nothing wrong, then screaming for help and shooting himself in the back of the head... right? :rolleyes:

He was shot close range in the chest. Jesse Jackson was who started the misinformation about Trayvon being shot in the back of the head.

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