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If you were on Death Row.....


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Raining bullets firing squad for me.

Cannibal shrimp with cocktail sauce and giant raw oyster's.

and a 14 ounce fillet mignon with tiger dill sauce and garlic red mash potatoes.

and 11 yuengling's

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  crf69 said:
How would you go and what would be your last meal?

Meal is Free anything you want.

1. Firing Squad

2. Hanging

3. Lethal Injection

4. Electrocution

5. Gas Chamber

None of the above, ide probably commit sucide by cop if I ever got in that much trouble.

Btw I think they got rid of the last meal(atleast in some prisons) after a guy ordered a fuckton of food and refused to eat a single bite. Good riddens, if your on death row you dont deserve to eat good. They can eat their own poo for all I care.

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Surprised so many picked firing squad. Lethal injenction is the way to go. First round of drugs puts you to sleep, second round ends it. Last meal would be pizza from my favorite pizza place in upstate NY.

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yeah.. needles dont bother me... the last thing you think, feel,taste would be a slight metallic taste from the anestetic. then gone..

last meal.. would have to be something i cant ever have anymore. my grandma's Biscuits and gravy... mm mm

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firing squad

2-3lbs of jumbo alaskan king crab

although, not to burst everyones bubble, but i read once that "last meal" can be whatever the prisoner wants, but it has to be something that is cooked on site....you cant order whatever the hell you want lol...at least that was my understanding

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  ScubaCinci said:
Surprised so many picked firing squad. Lethal injenction is the way to go. First round of drugs puts you to sleep, second round ends it. Last meal would be pizza from my favorite pizza place in upstate NY.

firing squad is the dignified way to go.

injection can be very slow and painful if they dont get the dosage right, and its VERY easy to get it wrong. first shot just paralyzes you so you dont flop around like a fish while you slowly asphyxiate but you are still fully conscious. sounds like fun right? fuck that. firing squad is the way to go. instant death. you won't even hear the shot. plus you get to stand up there and face your fate like a man.

Edited by John
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  John said:
firing squad is the way to go. instant death. you won't even hear the shot. plus you get to stand up there and face your fate like a man.
You assume, they don't miss the vital areas. Shit happens.
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(I'm throwing t-butt's "must be cooked in prison from prison food rule out the window)


Chicago deep dish from Giordano's

Arby's curly fries

Jumbo, inverted 5-way and a cheese coney or 3 from Skyline

One original Krispy Kreme glazed

A couple Thin Mints

One glass each pink lemonade and Southern sweet tea

Method of death, unlisted Option #6:

Cup of coffee, chased by 5 Red Bulls, all in about a minute

5 minutes, give or take, of hyper banzai banging a nubile 18 year old female until all that frenetic activity and caffeine gives me a massive coronary.

Bonus, maybe: if I die on the up-stroke, I'll get a freebie when they pull me off of her.

Edited by jblosser
added 'female' before any wise-asses show up...
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Just watched a discovery channel show on death row today. Last meal is different by state. Some serve whatever the chow hall is serving, I think it was Oklahoma that will give you whatever you want up to $15, another state was $40.

Just shoot me. No death is instantaneous. But the gas chamber takes 4-7 minutes with lots of suffering and choking, hanging might take a while after your neck snaps, lethal injection is just paralyzing your lungs until the third drug is injected to stop your heart, (about a minute, long one), and the electric chair sometimes takes more than one jolt, with lots of burning flesh. Firing 4 rounds into your heart should stop it quick, with about 10 seconds of awareness until all the oxygen in your brain is depleted.

Yup, just shoot me.

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