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who do you talk to when you can't tell your friends?


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A friend is supposed to listen and offer advise, if applicable, as well as hold you accountable when and if you need it.

If you don't have a friend you can trust with your life, keep it to yourself until it works itself out, good or bad.

it's not that I don't have friends; i just don't want them thinking poorly of the person we'd be talking about.

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well, I just picked my friend with the least stable wife (judge not lest ye be judged an all that...) and spilled it to him.

I think he got the idea something was up when I called him, HAMMERED on Sunday at 7:45 PM for a ride home. I bought him KFC for his trouble. When he asked what was wrong, he reports that I said, "what's wrong? I'm still not drunk enough that I won't remember this tomorrow."

I guess I was wrong about the remembering part.

appreciate all the suggestions.

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if its a woman problem which I am guessing, I have tomorrow night open if you need more alcohol and convo.

Before the current gf, I was the biggest He-man woman hater there was since Spanky. I can still reach down to those depths as they are still fairly fresh if needed

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I would be willing to talk to you my man. Many people have suggested talking to a counselor/therapist, I would agree with them.

I am a therapist, and have been for the past 5-years (finishing my internship/residency to be a psychologist in Tucson, AZ right now...and will have it in 2 months...yaaay!!). I would be willing to talk to you regarding this (free of charge of course)...as I am always willing to help out another OR friend. PM me if you want to talk. Either way, take care and hope everything works out the way you want it to.

I even have time tonight if you'd like...


Rep to you sir! This is a very nice offer and I would take him up on this. Don't let the problem become a bigger issue than it needs to be.

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I would be willing to talk to you my man. Many people have suggested talking to a counselor/therapist, I would agree with them.

I am a therapist, and have been for the past 5-years (finishing my internship/residency to be a psychologist in Tucson, AZ right now...and will have it in 2 months...yaaay!!). I would be willing to talk to you regarding this (free of charge of course)...as I am always willing to help out another OR friend. PM me if you want to talk. Either way, take care and hope everything works out the way you want it to.

I even have time tonight if you'd like...


Your in Tucson? I'm about an hour from there. You got a bike down here?

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Your in Tucson? I'm about an hour from there. You got a bike down here?

What?! Heck yea...:D I kept my OR account because I love this site. Never would I have thought someone would be on here and be anywhere remotely close to me :confused:. I live in Oro Valley, and I definitely have my bike w/ me. Hit me up, we should ride some time. I presume you are in PHX?!


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