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Why bikes are so much better in traffic


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The slowdown is a red light beyond the choke point. The choke is not the bottleneck in this case. Beyond the choke point cars slow down even more.

Let's say that with one lane, we can fit 20 cars through each green light.

If there's 2 lanes of traffic, SOMEONE will come to a complete STOP when it's their turn to go through the red light and wave someone in from the second lane. That amount of time could've got another car through. All of a sudden you're fitting in only 17 or 18 cars through each green light instead of 20 :p

Or however many. The point is that merging last-minute instead of smoothly makes everyone else go slower.

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I'd like to know where the objective definition of "safe" is written down. I can't find it in the ORC.

Seems more like a subjective call to me.

You are right - I mean opinion-based... subjective.

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Let's say that with one lane, we can fit 20 cars through each green light.

If there's 2 lanes of traffic, SOMEONE will come to a complete STOP when it's their turn to go through the red light and wave someone in from the second lane. That amount of time could've got another car through. All of a sudden you're fitting in only 17 or 18 cars through each green light instead of 20 :p

Or however many. The point is that merging last-minute instead of smoothly makes everyone else go slower.

The ideal merge is zipper-style - one car from each lane. How would we design signage that would achieve this?

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I'd like to know where the objective definition of "safe" is written down. I can't find it in the ORC.

Seems more like a subjective call to me.


and that is why we need no more traffic laws, any officer at any time can pull you over if he feels you are not driving "safely"

hands at 10 and 2 or 9 and 3 (or now 8 and 4) :rolleyes: and eyes on the road, driving distracted negates the need for texting bans, cell phone bans etc...

Edited by magley64
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The signage doesn't matter. People can't even figure out four-way stops... :nono:

if they cannot figure out 4-way stops(one of the most basic concepts), then a logical lane merge is never going to happen.

Think about this:

It has been proven how efficient Roundabouts are at moving traffic, statistically and from use in Europe....but as soon as there is one here in the U.S., people loose all sense of reason and accountability.

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I love when people come flying up the merge lanes. I usually keep gaps in there for them to get in. Doesn't make the people behind me happy though :). I'd rather the people moving faster in front. Don't know why people want traffic to go slower?! especially when it is below speed limit.

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I got a task for you guys why dont you come down to the campus area and try out your driving skills. You'll see how folks dont know how to drive down here. Lets say rush hour traffic with all of this constriction going on its fun I promise you.

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I got a task for you guys why dont you come down to the campus area and try out your driving skills. You'll see how folks dont know how to drive down here. Lets say rush hour traffic with all of this constriction going on its fun I promise you.

I'm surprised I haven't busted a blood vessel driving on campus yet. It's obscenely redic.

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