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Mailbox damaged... What do I do?


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Dang. Now I'm feeling much better about my luck with postal carriers. The two that deliver mail to our house know my name (duh, it's on the envelope.. but they actually recognize me) and say hi all the time.

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Plus, why would kids beat our mailbox and all the houses along the road are not?

Maybe you were a dick to them on the internets. :D

Just ask the mail person if it was damaged before or after he/she delivered it, you can read a guilty face. And either way it makes a difference.

Best answer. Just inquire about it as if you are trying to figure out exactly when it happened, don't even hint that you suspect anybody in particular.

I have a trail cam you can borrow!

Next best answer if it bothers you that much.

I would not get on their bad side in any way shape or form. USPS is pretty much a government agency, and therefore probably does not give two shits about customer service. Your only expectation of quality service probably comes from your relationship with the individual that will probably be delivering your mail for their entire career.

I worry that I piss off the guy that delivers my mail by never emptying my mailbox. I think when it gets full he stops stuffing the junk flyers in there, but if I'm actually expecting something important I make sure it's empty. I never trust any outgoing mail in that box, I just drive through the post office on my way out of the neighborhood.

Edited by brn6604
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It wouldn't surprise me if it were your mail carrier that did the damage. Ours hit skipped my Durango then started leaving me nasty grams in the mailbox saying she wouldn't deliver our mail if there was a vehicle parked in front of the house. She never acknowledged it and I never did anything about it. My Durango is 13 years old and it was only paint transfer.

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Living in the middle of nowhere, mailbox baseball is a common pass-time. I just buy the $6 plastic specials, attach them loosely to the post, and keep a spare one to throw back on when the old one is damaged. I think the fact that I replace them so quickly has taken some of the fun out of it for them, as they haven't hit it in a while.

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I would brick one of those step2's in place. Be a more expensive upgrade, but it would withstand some severe punishment ( except for a sideswipe from a car/truck ) just leave the backside open to replace it in case someone were to insert an IED of some sort

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No doubt! Guy probably has a cam on his toilet in case someone shits and doesn't flush so he can put the hammer down on em...

I'm not quite as paranoid or thinking that the government is watching me on everything I do so, I won't be using a cam anytime soon...

I just simply wonder if the USPS has a claim form for mailbox damage...

Was gonna help, but not if you're gonna be an ass about it.

This is the best you get now:



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Personally I liked the toilet bowl seat, because I get so mad at home when someone goes and doesn't put the seat down. Plus my dog likes toilet water, which I've never understood. He has fresh water in his bowl at all times, but would rather drink from something that I've seen things that could only come from Big Blacks Dump Truck from RD's Fantasy Factory.

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There is a limit to how strong you can make your mailbox. I forge the actual law cite but it states that if a mailbox is designed to be no stronger than a 4x4 post then it is assumed to be safe for cars. Reading between the lines, if your mailbox is significantly stronger then you may be liable for injuries suffered when a car loses control and hits your mailbox.

I have a 4x4 post set in concrete but the base is loose enough on the concrete that I can pull the post out and replace it if it gets broken. Snow plows, usually. I've had mine fixed more than once based upon me proving the township's plow broke it.

If this current post has to be replaced then the next 4x4 I use will rise up above the height of a normal mailbox and the mailbox will be mounted to the side - mailbox baseball will be impossible.

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After a short, but stupid, fight with the postmaster of my "mailing address town" I took a chainsaw and cut mine off at the ground. I then went and got a PO BOX at a much closer, and friendlier, post office.

I'm the customer & they will not listen......Situation fixed.

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My inlaws had one of the traditional style "big" farm-style mailboxes (about 2x as big as a regular mailbox) and had the little "regular" traditional style inside of it, encased in concrete. Mounted on a 3" steel pole. Been fine for 20+ years. Imagine that.

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Scruit is correct there are codes for mailboxes. It has to be able to breakaway incase of an accident. A cheap one is the best way.

I see mailboxes housed in brick or stone, built by the builders all the time in upscale homes. Would DEFINATELY do damage to a car if hit. So that's not code?

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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They can do damage, but the have to still break away from the ground. Basically you cant build them in a way that would cause serious injuries if hit. The brick does crumble when hit. I was surprised when builders started building them and i really dont know how they get away with it. My father is retired letter carrier.

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The nice thing about the 2 Step one being filled with concrete is that it still mounts to a 4x4 post. If a car were to hit it, it would break away from the ground. If a baseball bat were to hit it, it would cause severe pain and result in the jackass to think twice the next time he is hanging out of a window in his wind up.

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The nice thing about the 2 Step one being filled with concrete is that it still mounts to a 4x4 post. If a car were to hit it, it would break away from the ground. If a baseball bat were to hit it, it would cause severe pain and result in the jackass to think twice the next time he is hanging out of a window in his wind up.

If it was to be hit by a car would it go through the windshield and injure or kill an occupant?

Cheesy old video about cars and mailboxes...


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