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Damn you MT and your Tennessee Honey


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i sampled some of MT's jack down at the gap and im hooked. Pick up a bottle when we got home and today i had to get another. I think i have only drank 3 beers since the gap but 1 1/4 bottles of Tenn Honey.



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No, crack in a bottle is Jagermister. Jager and Monster to be exact.

This is true, and I don't have any but still have a bottle of Jim beam, now just need to find something to drink with it. I'm two much of a pussy to go at it straight

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I take my Liquor consumption very very seriously. And FYI... if you do not want to be buying a 30 dollar bottle of Jager and 4 24oz cans of Monster every Saturday you probably should not try it. Every one I have given one to is addicted, you've been warned

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I'm a big fan of Junior Johnson's Apple Pie. Basically legal moonshine. And if you consider Jr's NASCAR heritage and NASCARs moonshine heritage.....it all makes sense.

Stuff is delicious though....

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I've only had moonshine as Apple Pie.....the way they make it in the backwoods.....from family members in the backwoods. Tastes the same as what I had.

It's triple distilled corn whisky. Don't think there's much of a difference....unless your stuff has the added radiator fluid and makes ya blind lol.


I understand real shine is far stronger.....but I imagine it's a legality thing and not a recipe thing.

Edited by Blitz
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I just sampled some home made "moonshine" recently myself. From what I understand it is Bacardi 151 based. He called it Apple Pie. You boil cinnamon sticks, apple cider, sugar, and apple juice then mix it with the Bacardi and chill it. It tasted amazing and crept up on you like a hero.

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