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Found a second use for a motorcycle jacket


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So I just got off of work and checked the mail,was walking up the sidewalk and my neighbor was walking toward me with his pitbull he pulled the dog toward he but the dog pushed back out acted like it was going to sniff me and clamped on my left forearm right where I had armor thankfully cause with the force it shook,I would be done for the rest of the season. Really freaked me out that one of my biggest fears came true. Then my buddy jokes about having rabies now.....worst day ever.

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I would have definitely had the police involved! There is no reason something like this should have happened and as someone already stated, what if it were a child or even, what if you had not been wearing armor?!

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Dog warden and police just left with dog for rabies watch. Decided to file charges. Got to thinking about my kids and the others that play in the area.

Good for you, there Is a reason pit bulls require insurance to own and this is exactly it.

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Good for you, there Is a reason pit bulls require insurance to own and this is exactly it.

all dogs have the potential to bite or attack. don't be ignorant. look up the scientific facts, golden retrievers score lower than pit bulls on temperment testing.


I've been bit by a golden retriever. owner acted all confused about it. never did that to anyone before. I don't blame the animal. it's just a animal.

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Good for you, there Is a reason pit bulls require insurance to own and this is exactly it.

And this is the reason everyone is 'scared' of pitbulls. Pure ignorance. I had a good buddy with a pit named spike, of course it had the spiked collar and looked vicious, but it was the biggest baby ever! Such a sweet dog! And I just recently put down a cock-a-poo that was mean and snapped at my little one twice.... So it's def not the breed, takes a responsible owner!

:troll: :tinfoil:


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I really don't blame the dog I think it is more poor treatment on the owners behalf,And I didn't make my decision on spite more on what if it had been a child or my child.

Edited by Kmanlyst
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It is not the nature of a Pit Bull to bite a human...Very often a mutt or mix is mis-identified as a Pit Bull by the owner, witnesses and victims....

Your correct,after talking with the owner the dog is a pit/chow mix.

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I would have definitely had the police involved! There is no reason something like this should have happened and as someone already stated, what if it were a child or even, what if you had not been wearing armor?!

When I read this post I ALMOST thought you had a decent thought process and reasoning skills. Guess I was ALMOST wrong!!


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