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What's your food budget like?


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Usually, way too much. Food is my largest expense - probably $300-$400 a month mostly because I don't cook. When I'm tight on money I can trim it down to about $200. I'd like to think I eat pretty healthy (in general) too. One big cost for me is drinks, and sadly I don't mean the alcoholic kind. Since I have to try to avoid kidney stones, I'm constantly buying drinks at gas stations and vending machines, sometimes 2 or 3 a day...I drink as much (tap) water as I can stand. I thought for sure I was going to get a kidney stone in denmark when they were charging $3 for a glass of tap water... I was like heeelllll no, that should be free.

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Grocery organic is a gimmick. If you're not buying from the local farm' date=' you're wasting your money. My organic food is raised about 20 minutes from here. I know, because I pick out the chickens I want to eat and then the farm lady kills them. Same with our pork and lamb. Mmmmm... free range lamb chops fucking rock.

We also grow a garden in the summer. A small one at our place and a larger one at Lyns' dad's house. Fresh veggies are the only way to roll.[/quote']

Agree. Meat and milk comes from local farms. Don't buy grocery organic.

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That's the thing, we make a whole lot of things from scratch. My wife bakes as a hobby, so most of our breads/biscuits/etc. are made by her from scratch. She's rather offended by the thought of mixes, actually.

She even makes her own taco seasoning.

I agree that there are problems with some of the organically labeled stuff at the grocery store, but we do our homework and get the best we can find. We also get eggs, chicken and beef from my brother's farm when it's available. That'll become easier as their farm scales up (he's bringing it back from the edge of disaster from his in-laws.... long story).

The garden will be starting this coming year, so that'll help, too.

Anybody know of a good coop in the Dayton area?

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Grocery organic is a gimmick. If you're not buying from the local farm' date=' you're wasting your money. My organic food is raised about 20 minutes from here. I know, because I pick out the chickens I want to eat and then the farm lady kills them. Same with our pork and lamb. Mmmmm... free range lamb chops fucking rock.

We also grow a garden in the summer. A small one at our place and a larger one at Lyns' dad's house. Fresh veggies are the only way to roll.[/quote']

Agree totally.....I should've stressed grocery organic is a waste of money, not local grown or your own personal garden.

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My girlfriend and I spend about 600/month on groceries. Most of it is vegetables(due to her having psoriasis and Socratic arthritis). We cook every meal and never have enough for left overs. We go once a week sometime more. That's not included food for the dogs.

In the summer it's less because we will go to farmers markets and little local shops for the veggies.

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$150-$170/weekly for family of 4 here. All Kroger shopping. I always get $.40/gallon off gas too. :cool:

That's about what we spend, with the exception of me getting lunch out a couple times a week, and an occasional (up to once a week) dinner out. What kills us is all the little trips to the store in between shopping trips. $35 here, $50 there. It adds up quickly!

We also have 4 different gallons of milk at all times! :eek: The youngest drinks whole milk, chocolate milk and 2% (my wife cuts the chocolate milk down with 2%) for the 3 older kids, and she uses skim milk for herself.

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Single guy = $200-$250/month (rough estimate) and I cook all of my food with no take-out except for pizza every once in awhile. I buy stuff on sale and also try to buy everything organic if it's available.

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