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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Y'ling is one of the few beers I refuse to drink.
  2. Is that the new Prius? just kidding, nice vehicle.
  3. There is some truth in this. Race baiting is definitely on the uptick.
  4. This was pretty much the point in 1776. I wish this was still true today. It isn't.
  5. For many people, motivation to do better disappears when society provides them with "just enough" to get by. I've witnessed it...many times. I think society should provide a safety net (with an expiration date) for those that would otherwise fall through the cracks. Beyond that, we are all responsible for finding our own opportunities.
  6. Last time I rode a big twin (Fatboy), I could honestly say I've never been so scared going so slow. I had no interest in riding it fast. The performance of the brakes was so poor, the steering was so slow and the maneuverability was so limited I wasn't sure I could have avoided a dog or a car if one suddenly jumped out in front of me.
  7. For $42,500 you can get a brand new Mercedes C Class. The technology, engineering, and build quality is about 1000 times better, and it wouldn't need a parade fan.
  8. Ahhh, the classic debate of individual responsibility vs societal responsibility. This is the defining difference between the left and the right. Many people are born into poverty or with less opportunity. Some continue that cycle, some rise above it.
  9. This. I'll add if the DNC wouldn't have made a mockery of their own process by gifting the nomination to hilldog, Trump probably wouldn't be the president.
  10. The worst part of this story is that someone would actually pay 42k for a Harley trike
  11. There's a lot more to it than that. Ride through some rural parts of the country, like in WV...it's pretty easy to find generation after generation of poverty that has nothing to do with race or trying to reach back to slavery. Some people continue the cycle, some don't. No one who is alive today has been affected by slavery. Certainly, some people a born with more opportunity than others but that's the reality of life for everyone. BTW, I'm one of the people that grew up with less opportunity.
  12. Tearing down statues & monuments is in the same vein as burning books. I thought it was unfortunate when ISIS did it in the middle East. I don't much care for it here.
  13. I just bought a set of these. They feel warm but still give plenty of feel. https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/fly-aurora-gloves
  14. Umm, that might just be missing the point.
  15. I'll be riding dirty 20 & 21
  16. Can't embed this video http://www.cc.com/video-clips/2nmzjn/key-and-peele-ancestry-website
  17. Not at all Dan. I'm very open to opposing ideas. I value an educated debate. I just don't value alarmism, fear mongering, or clinging to either party like they give a fuck about any of us. They both manipulate and misdirect to protect their power and vast fortunes. Like I've said 100 times, I have far too much self respect to call myself either a Democrat or a Republican.
  18. When you've convinced yourself that you are correct, it becomes increasingly easy to not value opposing opinions or the people they belong to.
  19. That is accurate based on my FB feed.
  20. I finally understand When someone disagrees with you about anything ever, immediately call them a racist. This is especially encouraged when race is not the issue. Don't forget that you are far too tolerant to be bothered with trying to understand an opposing point of view. Developing an informed opinion is not required. They're probably just a racist anyway. Congratulate yourself for outing the racist on social media (for example, see the entire state of California). If your bravery is not immediately recognized refer to yourself as a social justice warrior. This will produce the desired effect. Blame Republicans while patting yourself on the back for occupying moral high ground. Remember, you know what is best for everyone.
  21. It depends how much on road vs off road capability you want. Few, if any bikes are great at both. I want a bike that corners well on the road but not too heavy for unpaved. Bikes like the F700GS and CB500x make sense for me, but that answer is different for everyone.
  22. https://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/d/super-rare-1989-pulse-auto/6265270284.html
  23. Look for a for sale thread in April when something new catches my eye
  24. It came with a total of three exhausts. The one mounted is a V&H Competition exhaust. It isn't crazy loud, but I'm probably going to put in the "quiet" baffle. It also has a Power Commander and a custom tune. I'd guess it makes about 120 RWHP. Steering is obviously heavy compared to what I normally ride. But it is planted and stable in corners. It's more entertaining than that the hard-part-scraping V Star that I briefly owned last summer.
  25. It's not a mod I would have chosen myself. Compared to ape hangers & bedazzled, bejeweled cruisers with pointy chrome bits, I've seen some harleys with way stupider shit.
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