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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Is he there often? My wife would love to meet him, I wouldn't mind either.
  2. This is the correct way to stick it to the man.
  3. Fixed. If you F up like DAC did let me know. Regular peeps can't change their votes for some reason. I have alerted the incompetent powers that be about this issue.
  4. No doubt, and I never rip on people that are doing the best they can with the cards they were dealt. And I don't mind paying welfare or unemployment or health insurance for them. But they are the minority. The dumbasses are in the majority.
  5. Hit the poll above if you are attending. I have it set to allow multiple answers, so you can choose your group and volunteer to lead or sweep. Heads up @DerekClouser
  6. Lot of stupid people in the world. Simple as that.
  7. There are age issues in here too. I would expect the answers for a 30 year old with 2 kids making 100K a year to be far different than a 50 year old making 100k.
  8. Because I fixed it for you, like I did your original post. Look near the bottom of the post 'Edited by Tonik'. I actually used my super powers for good. Don't tell anyone.
  9. To post pics get a link to the pick without the IMG tags and just paste it in. so use ...http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p580/Racelizard10/IMG_1313_zps54ogfbdv.jpg... Without the ... in the front and the end.
  10. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Mine had enough issues that he fixed to make it worthwhile. Runs far cooler, 1700 to 2200 is a usable rpm range now, used to be a dog in there. Better mpg and no backfire on hard decel. Whole rpm range is stronger on roll on, so I don't have to downshift as much in corners now, I can cheat it and roll out pretty strong if I want to.
  11. Tonik

    F U UPS

    So I added octane booster to the current tank and the problem instantly went away. Ran that to empty and filled it with 93. Was not able to get it to ping, and I probably went from 70 to 90 in 5th WOT 20 times trying. Then hit 6th at 65, way too low an rpm for that gear/speed and usually a guaranteed way to get ping if it is on the edge of too lean. No problems at all. Runs like a raped ape, I am one happy mo fo. So, it was bad gas. Or some dumbass grabbed the wrong pump handle when he filled it up. I suspect the latter.
  12. This elephant respectfully disagrees with you.
  13. You should be nicer to me. Today, just for you I bottled my best ever bourbon. 96 proof, added a touch of wheat to give it a little sweetness. Aged in oak. Its amazing. Really, this jar has your name on it. For now.
  14. That ain't it. I've eaten at both. Chuck would be wise to follow my advice.
  15. Ok, I have another and he doesn't know about it. Maggey, same side of the street as the museum a couple of blocks east. White building, looks like a converted house. Amazing broiled fresh brown trout.
  16. Did he tell you about the awesome bbq in Tellico Plains on the eastern end of the Cherohala?
  17. Tim, I gave you multiple chances to remember Cafe Rel and tell the guy. But nooo, you went full on retard on the poor dude and forgot. Cuck, head to Franklin one night. Cafe Re'l..it is in the same parking lot as a giant gas station. Get there early and be prepared to wait. Cash only...the place is epic. 5 Star food but biker gear is fine. You MUST get a BOWL (not a cup) of the Blue Crab Bisque.
  18. I ain't towing anyone. Leave 'em on the side of the road in WV and blast banjo music on the stereo as I drive off.
  19. FML, it appears I am now traveling down with two Triumphs and two Ducs. Dead batteries and break downs all over the place. Fuck.
  20. Damn I make the best Beef Stroganoff evar.
  21. So @OsuMj look up one post. If I porn dog you twice....we can split it. Hell, you can have it all.
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