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Everything posted by scottb

  1. IF I was able to make it to columbus this week. This combo should sell quickly.
  2. So a few issues right up front, -getting the vehicles out of there - the soil / land once the cars are removed -no fence around the property. Access directly from the road. So, now that 500,000 people know about this, good luck on keeping people off the property. I will have to look back and see how that one dealership auction made out, with those "new " cars from the 50's and 60's with like 10 miles on them sitting in the owners back yard.
  3. Auto salvage yard, 8000 cars on 80 acres in Idaho Asking price is 3 million. if every body on the board chipped in, we could each get two cars out of the deal http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2014/02/20/hemmings-find-of-the-day-8000-cars/
  4. We kinda thought this would burn through batteries quickly. Can you get through you get through one shift with the batteries? I was liking that smaller pencil style light at the show, not sure what make or model it was.
  5. Sorry to hear Chevy. Ah.......cancer blows.....
  6. i will most likely just buy a ticket but not be able to attend. I will miss the May 23 event in Mentor too.......
  7. Speedy, glad you were able to take the XDs to the range. I think I will still try out the PPS, I will start looking for one.
  8. Welcome, I am young at heart on an old guy bike.
  9. The last person listed in post #9, died from "self inflicted wounds in the head and torso from a nail gun." Really? If I was thinking of offing myself, nail gun would not be on the top of the list. If I get a paper cut or hit my head on the kitchen cabinet while removing a plate, I am down for the count. Unless you just finished watching the movie " lethal weapon" since there was a scene were Mel GIbson got the bad guy with a nail gun.
  10. I was really wanting a PPS, but stumbled on the 9mm Shield. It was a "whichever one I found first" thing. I will probably still get a PPS, and then figure out what I will do with the Shield, if my shooting " 'lil small guns" improves with the PPS. Speedytriple might be happy if I sell him my Shield.
  11. If I had a Kel-Tec PMR-30.......... i
  12. Welcome, from sorta near by, but not really, in Bedford.
  13. My dad and my uncle each bought brand new 1972 Honda 500 Fours. My dad's got stolen. I purchased my uncles green Honda in 1987.
  14. Same day as the deer and turkey expo, i might be able to make both events....
  15. Highlight from that article: "If there were such a thing, it would probably be rule No. 1 in the teaching manual for instructors of aspiring suicide bombers: Don’t give lessons with live explosives. In what represented a cautionary tale for terrorist teachers, and a cause of dark humor for ordinary Iraqis, a commander at a secluded terrorist training camp north of Baghdad unwittingly used a belt packed with explosives while conducting a demonstration early Monday for a group of militants, killing himself and 21 other members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, army and police officials said." So I could see the instructor saying " I am the only one in this room qualified to handle this Belt" Thirty second mark for the gold in this classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeGD7r6s-zU
  16. This is a few days old, and got notice of the link from another firearm forum. Cliff noted summary is a Chicago school principal do not like the image of a gun on the "No Guns " sign, which has the red circle with the line through it. http://news.yahoo.com/school-officials-deeply-troubled-over-guns-appearing-signs-044012095.html Quote from the article: “It is bothersome to have to post a sticker of a gun that says, ‘Hey, folks, leave your guns at home,’” Theresa Nolan, principal of Tinley Park High School, told the SouthtownStar. Nolan stressed that she is very concerned with “safety and security” and concerned that, somehow, someone could wrongly interpret an image of a gun emblazoned with the universal sign for prohibiting something. “I think the general public will be alarmed by it and wonder if people have been allowed to bring guns to school in the past,” Nolan also fretted. She said she would prefer “something more subtle.” “You can’t look at this (sticker) and not think about Sandy Hook,” the principal added. My Thoughts: How can you "wrongly interpret " a sign with any picture and a red line through it, ( think of a no parking sign) Somehow, when I see a stick of a firearm, i do not think of Sandyhook, may because I am not an educator.
  17. Agreed! I am kinda starting to like this band http://www.ventanaband.com/ And also http://inthismomentofficial.com/wordpress/ Pantera and another older band called Kittie are on my playlist.
  18. There was plan, if needed, to extract Jbot from the locked stall. It would not have ended pretty for Jbot or those involved in the mission. however, 10 minutes later, jbot exited under his own power, so all is good
  19. That took a sharp turn around the one minute mark.
  20. It looks like I would shred my thumb when loading the magazine with these. I think it would appear better ( in media and the court) in the event you had to protect yourself, if the bullet you used was called "Defense" insteadof a bullet called " RIP" Just don't know enough about this new round yet. Also a Liberty Civil Defense carrier
  21. Thanks Vulcan. Speedy, what time for the range?
  22. Since I won't be going to the bike show, I would be in for this idea
  23. Fatheads is a neat place, but the parking there blows chunks. The parking lot is not all that big and Fatheads is usually very busy.
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