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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Seems I remember there being a limit to how bright a bulb mc's can run.....true or not?
  2. How far from the wall was the bike sitting?
  3. I would rather have oncoming traffic 'see me' instead of being 'blinded by me'. 'Blinded' drivers sometimes lose track of their placement on the road and can 'wander' over the line into oncoming traffic.
  4. 50 mpg on my glide, loaded 2 up or running solo, and my Kaw 750 gets 55 mpg pretty steady.
  5. Truedat......I wanted to put a pair on the wife's V Star but held off because of her charging system.
  6. I picked up a nice aux light kit from Wally world for about $20. 50w'ers, HD's, comes with all the wiring and a nice (lit when on) rocker switch.
  7. It goes to fb, a calendar page, but nothing on it about a River Ride on the 26th.
  8. Awwww, they look so cute....! LOL
  9. Why am I not surprised. Man our society is so screwed up, and we wonder why kids come into schools and kill other kids and teachers. Where is the sanity...
  10. I did some checking on wild boar hunting here in Ohio a couple years back. I did find a couple of outfitters over on the SE side of the state that had some great success finding wild hogs. At that time I was over in a gunshop in Lancaster and got to talking with a guy from down Macarthur way who was in picking up ammo for the hog hunting he was doing. He said there were a lot down his way, but wouldn't let me in on where I could get permission to hunt.
  11. I've always used Whitmore's chain lube..... http://lubromation.com/product.php?id=1979&PHPSESSID=552d6bd4d2e73ce969c9ab3d97341b72
  12. I just talked to his wife. Jim died from a heart attack. It was instant while he was out drinking a beer talking with a friend. At 6 pm, Sun, the weekend of Labor Day, there will be a memorial with all his old buddies relating all the 'dirt' on Jim....all of his old riding escapades. Everyone is invited to attend.
  13. I hadn't heard...just got back into town a few hours ago. That joint was hopping during the summer hours with great food, ice cold beverages. Plus ol Jim was just a cool dude. I used to try and get over as soon as he got back from his winter hiatus. Missed it this year....and am ery sad to hear of his passing. Imho, the place will never be the same. We will have to get over there for his memorial. RIP my friend..... :rip:
  14. Sounds like an event we would like to attend, but will be out of state. Hospice is a fantastic org. They stepped in and have helped several of my family members who ended up losing their battle with the big 'C'. Cudo's to those who do participate!
  15. Best to just go out and test ride the different bikes that interest you, then come back and ask some here about the pro's and con's of those you prefer. Of the sportbikes I have see, Yamaha makes a couple that look good as does Ducati.
  16. Puffballs, portabella's, morels, are all tasty. Just have to know what you have before ingesting it. If you don't then just leave it be.
  17. Looks like a puffball to me..... or "Are puffballs good to eat?" "Yup. There are two issues, though: Topics: 1) You have to make sure that it's a puffball. 2) You have to make sure that it's not ripe...." http://www.mushroomthejournal.com/greatlakesdata/TopTen/Quest685.html but its better to be safe than sorry, and if you are not sure, smash the thing!! LOL
  18. So, if someone is proven to be texting while driving, resulting in someone's death.......I guess they get one of those 'close' haircuts too?
  19. If our own govt turns its back on a problem like that then the person who continually is getting his home and property destroyed has every right to take care of the problem himself. And where did you get him killing ? Can't read you stupid fuck?Ok, so now I will come back up out of the shithole you inhabit......and say that anyone who thinks these illegals who are invading our country have the right to do what they want when they get here, illegally, then you should go down to the problem area and see for yourself what the truth of the matter is.
  20. don't they understand?? "State courts to decide if illegal immigrants can become lawyers" "Can someone who is in the U.S. illegally be counted upon to uphold its laws? That’s the question at the center of a case in the California Supreme Court, in which Sergio Garcia, a 35-year-old illegal immigrant who has passed the bar exam, seeks to be allowed to practice law in the U.S..... The results in Garcia’s case could sway another decision pending in Florida, in which the Florida Board of Bar Examiners asked the Florida Supreme Court for guidance on whether illegal immigrants can become full-fledged lawyers in the state bar association."
  21. Circleville Auto Parts sells it.
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