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Everything posted by Ron505

  1. http://www.yamahafz1oa.com/forum/index.php ^^This will be your friend! Best bang for the buck in that price range as far as I'm concerned.
  2. If I hated the existing finish that bad, I'd try to scrap it off (as previously suggested), and skim coat the ceiling. Or new drywall screwed into existing joists (probably end up nailing because the old joists are hard as hell). But, I prefer light colored ceilings.
  3. Great video. And I really like where you mounted the camera. Gives us a much better idea on the road conditions. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Did my first 15 mile ride yesterday. Heading out for a 25 or so today. Hopefully I'll work up to be able to hit the trails in a few weeks.
  5. Mine is covered up with crap right now....cause I ain't got nobody to play with. It looks nice, but it plays slow as hell. We typically have a Foosball tourney at our house in the winter. Everyone kicks in like $20. Winner's take all. I prefer angled corners and single goalie much better. My son used to go up to the Palace on Friday nights for their tournaments.
  6. We've been there a few times as well. That's where we went on one of my first Jeep rides. Before the lift and wheels and several more $$$$$
  7. That being said, I would take 56 to 278N into Nelsonville and take 78 all the way to McConnelsville. 691 is a fun road as mentioned above too.
  8. I also want to get a blinking LED to stick on the back of it.
  9. Thanks man. I ended up just picking up something cheap for now. I'll see how it goes and upgrade if needed.
  10. I race a little motorized MX here and there, so I've got plenty of full face style helmets. I just thought I'd like a lightweight, breathable helmet for MTB'ing.
  11. Do I need to spend decent money on a helmet in the MTB world? Or are they all close to the same? I'm sure there is weight and strength differences, but what do you guys suggest for starting out?
  12. Welcome grasshoppa. Stay safe.
  13. I've only got scar tissue left on my shins from racing BMX when I was young. We would file those f'ers until they were razor sharp....for some stupid reason.
  14. Cool, thanks Chris. Do you guys use phone apps for speed, miles traveled and trail maps? If so, any bar mounts you recommend? Or should I just get a dedicated device to download maps and keep track of distance/speed?
  15. I just picked up a MTB too, and am looking to get "back" into it after about 20 years off. Any suggestions on decent helmets? Also, looking for some decent pedals. I'd love to hit up Chesnut Ridge or Lake Hope sometime after I get a few miles under my belt. Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I really like that road when it is clean. You do have to watch out for some fine debris at times.
  17. Wow! Fantastic news!
  18. You may want to consider including the small section of 119 west at the KY/VA border to around Partridge. Some three/four lane nicely paved curves that you can almost call switchbacks. https://www.google.com/maps/@37.0696235,-82.7985127,3a,75y,256.39h,74.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snnhuNyMEhVVh5R8OpHw9qA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  19. Ron505

    $500 wasted

    Spiral or straight shank?
  20. They hardly ever ride there (maybe once a month). And only once was there more than a handful of bikes.
  21. We had lunch at the Boat House in Marietta around 3pm.
  22. Sorry, probably too late.... http://www.crawlforcancer.org/columbus
  23. We're renting one at the end of July in the smokies. We'll see how it slays.
  24. Welcome, and thanks for the invite. I will be busy consuming several gallon of beer though. Crawl for Cancer it is.
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