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Everything posted by durk

  1. I have similar values. I’m not sure I’d be as fast as you are but I’m comfortable riding my own pace if you’re faster than me. I’d be willing to meet up and ride sometime. I ride solo quite often, so if it’s no bueno I have no problem splitting off and going separate.
  2. I’m not 100% sure, but again if the bike thinks it’s in gear the clutch will need pulled and side stand up. That would be my experiment. I think TPoppa gave some good advice as well. I would be focusing on the neutral switch not the stand switch if it were in my garage.
  3. If you’re neutral light is flickering that could be part of the problem not a separate issue. If the bike thinks it’s in gear it won’t turn over unless you pull the clutch. You also mentioned when you had the kickstand up you had your issue. What about the kickstand switch/sensor? I know if my stand is down and the bike is in gear it won’t turn over even if the clutch is pulled. Next time it won’t turn over pull the clutch in and be sure your stand is up and see if it won’t fire. I think it might be the neutral switch/sensor.
  4. durk

    Balancing beads

    When I removed the first set of tires they did not have marks. With the Dunlops I always place the dot on the valve stems. Pilot Roads don’t have a dot, so I just toss them on. I have no weights on my wheels, no need to tape them for the track that way. I usually mount a new set of tires and run the bike up to triple digits and if I have no issues I figure I’m good. I did this even with the crap Conti I had. The Conti’s problem wasn’t noticeable at higher speeds. At slower speeds the bars would wobble side to side. If you took your hands off the bars you could watch them dance back and forth. I probably put 600-700 miles on the front before I put my worn out Roadsmart back on.
  5. durk

    Balancing beads

    I use nothing for balancing my motorcycle tires. I have only had a problem once and that was with a ContiMotion front that I know others have had trouble with even when they have balanced them. I have installed multiple tires, Q3s Roadsmarts, Pilot Roads, and even some ContiMotions with no issues at all.
  6. Thanks for size on gloves. I typically wear XL so sell them to Bubba.
  7. What size are the gloves? I may be interested.
  8. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I basically told my daughter near word for word what you just said. You’re welcome. I have lots of vacation days ahead of me to make up for the riding I’ll miss. Only thing that stinks is I won’t be with all of you guys at one time. Hope you guys have a great time.
  9. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I’m officially bailing. I hope you guys have great weather. Tonik I look forward to your pictures.
  10. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I wouldn’t expect anything different. If I go and we get dumped on I’ll be the first to tell you I told you so.
  11. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I guess a lot of folks around here would cash in their retirement based on Dr. Phil then. You’ve been around here longer than I have, but I’ve rode more than 1 epic ride where folks bailed based on the forecast. I don’t need perfect weather buddy, just decent. When I go on trips like this I’m all about riding. I don’t mind hanging out talking for a little while, but remember I’m a math teacher. Read-social skills are subpar. I struggle just sitting around too. I’ll give it another day and see what it looks like.
  12. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I understand the mountain forecast. It’s the getting there part right now that sucks too. Wednesday is forecasted for 80% rain/thunderstorms for my whole trip. 10-11 hours on a supersport is a task as it is, throw in rain and it’s no bueno. I’ll wait to see what develops tomorrow. Hopefully it changes to storms overnight.
  13. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    If the forecast does not come around I may bail on this trip. I have lots of vacation days coming that I can use on better days than what they’re forecasting right now.
  14. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Please stop now
  15. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Staying in Marion,VA Wednesday
  16. I went to change the front brake pads but when I realized they were still half the thickness of a brand new set I decided against changing them.
  17. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Booked my hotel for the ride down to break the trip up, as well as one for the ride home. That makes it official that I’m riding down and not trailering.
  18. Can you find an OEM bend one for cheap? If so buy it as a back up, toss it in a bag on the bike, torch and bend away. I’d start with the clutch first and see how it holds. If all goes well move onto the brake. An extra clutch lever won’t take up too much space in a bag and shouldn’t be took hard to swap out on the side of the road. I’m pretty sure I bent a clutch lever on a quad years ago and did exactly what you’re thinking of doing. I remember it being just fine.
  19. durk

    Ride 5-24

    I’ve never been there, but I could have told you that when it screwed you out of this ride.
  20. durk

    Ride 5-24

    Got home around 7. 520 miles for me. I tried a couple of new to me roads on the way home and enjoyed most of them. Thanks @Tonik and @ricer1 for riding with me. I had a blast. The wildlife was crazy today. I had chickens run in front of me. Multiple buzzard sightings, some of which I had to brake hard for. I had 2 deer sightings. I had to brake hard for both. The last one was 2 miles from my house and I did some stuntin for him. I grabbed the front brake so hard I pulled off my first stoppie. Stunt is life.
  21. durk

    Ride 5-24

    In Cadiz. Should be in New Concord by 10:30
  22. durk

    Ride 5-24

    See you gentlemen around 10:30 I’m about to start my ride now.
  23. durk

    Ride 5-24

    I’m thinking 10:30, gas station near 70
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