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So where's the Dick Dynasty thread?


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I call this the Dixie Chick effect. You are free to say just about anything in America. Actually one of the last best freedoms we do have. But that doesn't mean there won't be a backlash for your words. I bet most of the people pissed now fully supported the backlash when the Dixie Chicks spoke out.

Such hypocrites, fuck all of you who act that way.

TV personalities say what the advertisers are comfy with. If not, you get the boot. Your rights are not infringed. So many here blaming liberals like clockwork for everything you don't like. How can you so easily flip flop or not see your own hypocrisy?

Edited by turnone
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I don't think this has anything to do with free speech.


He said something that wasn't inline with his employer, so they terminated him.

The same thing would happen to me if I spoke ill-will, or discredit to my organization. We just had to sign off on a policy for it last week. This includes social media, like OR and Facebook.


He stated his opinion based on his beliefs. No one can fault him for that. Unfortunalely A&E, aka his emplyer, found fault that his statements weren't in line with the company value. That is also their right.


I don't believe he said anything derogatory in his statement. I don't believe A&E was out of line for terminating him either. It sucks, but it is what it is.


What did A&E expect was going to happen with a redneck God loving southerner when they signed the contract?

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Eh, he should have read his fucking contract. His employer is free to fire him for whatever at any time. That's the issue here. He said something publicly that was not in line with his employers beliefs and they canned him. Same thing happened to Gilbert gotfreid after the tsunami in japan, he made jokes on twitter and aflak fired him. Read your fucking contract.

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Phil's not dumb. Maybe he wanted out of his contract. There's got to be a plan. Either way, he's going to make mad bank now. He'll sell more t-shirts than ever and do chik-fil-a commercials.

A&E's choice, sure they felt they needed to, but the real problem is why they felt they needed to.

Where were the feminists and PETA when he said you should only marry a girl who will eat squirrel brains.

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Lately the Gay thing is being shoved down our throats. They want to marry. Shit, let them marry. They change partners more than I change socks. I can tolerate them but I don't have to accept their lifestyle. Phil did nothing wrong. He only stated his beliefs. Shame on A&E for sucking up to the gays

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This isn't going to make him unpopular. Not at all. In fact, it will make him an icon.

Exactly, just like chick-fil-a.

There were 4hr-6hr hour waits at that ordeal.

People that watch duck dynasty will support him and then people that never watched the show that support his moral views will come out of the woodwork.

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Lately the Gay thing is being shoved down our throats. They want to marry. Shit, let them marry. They change partners more than I change socks. I can tolerate them but I don't have to accept their lifestyle. Phil did nothing wrong. He only stated his beliefs. Shame on A&E for sucking up to the gays


What do you base this on?  Just curious.

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He has a right to his opinion if he wants to express it. A&E has a right to broadcast, or not broadcast, who they want. You have a right to boycott A&E if you want. It's one big massive orgy of choices.

I choose to not give a crap either way.

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It's only gay if you make eye contact, according to another member on here...


I don't watch it but my thoughts...

We must be tolerant about being gay. They can have gay pride parades and that's ok because we are being tolerant. But have a straight pride parade and everyone will speak out against them, intolerance. Why is it ok one way but not ok the other way? Why does a gay person have more of a right to speak out about homosexuality but a straight person can't express himself the same way about heterosexuality?

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Just like the game of Tug-o-war. Extremes at either end move the middle. The middle is moving towards a culture that tolerates, if not embraces homosexuality because of it "being shoved down our throats". I think it's a good thing. Who really gives a shit what people do in the bedroom and who they fall in love with? By the right shoving gun rights "down our throats" we have a culture where the middle is moving towards tolerance of firearms private ownership.... Look at the CHL statistics in Ohio. Look at gun sales statistics, look at the proliferation of large gun stores, shortage of ammo, etc. In all of this Duck Dynasty nonsense, my rub is that when I don my camo and hit the woods, I'm painted with the same brush as those (albeit entrepreneurial geniuses) dumbass hillbillies.

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I don't watch it but my thoughts...

We must be tolerant about being gay. They can have gay pride parades and that's ok because we are being tolerant. But have a straight pride parade and everyone will speak out against them, intolerance. Why is it ok one way but not ok the other way? Why does a gay person have more of a right to speak out about homosexuality but a straight person can't express himself the same way about heterosexuality?

You can absolutlely be proud of your heterosexuality, shout it from the rooftops... but maybe don't equate homosexuality to beastiality, or homosexuals to terrorists... ESPECIALLY in a magazine like GQ... I mean seriously... what population of males care the most about "fashion"? Enough to buy a fashion magazine?

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