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So where's the Dick Dynasty thread?


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No it doesn't. You're not understanding. Typical magdor, I give up. I have better things to do than debate with a fucking idiot.

Why does anyone still give this retarded little troll the time of day? He is the reason many people don't post on here anymore. His unchecked and curiously well supported douchery is very off puting to many well established members.

Edited by max power
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Though I've had some heated disagreements with magz I don't hate him....don't even dislike him. His views are his own and for the most part he sticks to his convictions from year to year. He and I share common ground on some issues and are diametrically opposed on others...that's going to happen. His delivery may not always be pleasant and his views may not be shared by many but he sticks to his guns in spite of being the subject of countless ad hominum attacks...and unlike countless past trolls he doesn't get mad, take his ball and go home. He sticks around and that takes some amount of maybe not balls, but determination. Above all, he rides a beast of a bike and I'm assuming he rides it well because he's not encased in dirt or plaster, and he wears his gear...so in the eyes of a MOTORCYCLE forum, he should be good to go. His social and political proclivities may not be popular or well-received but he's still a rider and I'll ride with him....even if he is kind of a dick.

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Based on the mentality of this collective I'm a hillbilly because I choose to wear mil-spec cargo pants every single day for work. 


This is good to know since I consider being a hillbilly a good thing (even though I don't know how to dress a deer) vs. being a metrosexual fucktard.


Too funny.  

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The Magtard is an immature, self-centered, opinionated libtard troll.  He will never get my respect for the blatant and idiotic stuff he's posted about our fallen soldiers - he can go fuck himself in the eyeball with a screwdriver.  


And I'm looking forward to his Douchiness giving me neg rep - again - for saying so; it's all his little immature ass can do here to defend his precious little ego.   

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Eh, but really Derek, what's the point of hating someone online and bickering constantly and insulting each other? It accomplishes very little, maybe entertains some people but not much over that: you're never going to change his opinion. No matter how many times you call him a libtard he's not going to become a contard. You don't like him so why do you invest so much time and thought in him? When I don't like people I have 2 choices I give myself: avoid/ignore them or hurt them bad enough that they will avoid me.

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Eh, but really Derek, what's the point of hating someone online and bickering constantly and insulting each other? It accomplishes very little, maybe entertains some people but not much over that: you're never going to change his opinion. No matter how many times you call him a libtard he's not going to become a contard. You don't like him so why do you invest so much time and thought in him? When I don't like people I have 2 choices I give myself: avoid/ignore them or hurt them bad enough that they will avoid me.


Sam, hate is strong word and is not my feelings towards him as person but his worldview and attitude.  Maybe you'll get this, maybe you won't, but I won't stop putting him in his place until he either gets a fucking clue about the reality of the world around him or shuts the fuck up with the stupid libtard nonsense.  


As for calling me a contard, you can kindly go fuck yourself with a screwdriver in the eye, too.  

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If you'll read my post again you might notice I didn't call you anything but I'm starting to notice something....you operate under the assumption that your opinions and beliefs are correct, infallible and irreversible and quickly judge people with whom you disagree.

Edited by CrazySkullCrusher
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Magz reminds me of a preschooler acting out to get attention.


His opinions are poorly thought out and all over the place.  Most make little sense and cause a stir, which is all he wanted in the first place. 


Pointing out the flaws in his logic is easy to do, but won't make him go away.


Maybe ban his annoying ass from the political forum???? 

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If you'll read my post again you might notice I didn't call you anything but I'm starting to notice something....you operate under the assumption that your opinions and beliefs are correct, infallible and irreversible and quickly judge people with whom you disagree.

A cynical world view shrouded in "realism" often requires ardent defense for self-validation.

IP you're right, winter in Ohio sucks for motorcyclists. It exacerbates a certain unpleasant crankiness in OR members too...

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A cynical world view shrouded in "realism" often requires ardent defense for self-validation.

IP you're right, winter in Ohio sucks for motorcyclists. It exacerbates a certain unpleasant crankiness in OR members too...


Nah...year round crankiness here,

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If you don't like my take on a particular subject, provide a compelling argument to change my mind... my opinions are not written in stone.... I'm not immune to new information.

I am pretty good at pointing out logical fallacy, so if your argument uses one (or more) I'll be happy to point them out.

Pointing out that I share some views with liberals (or libtards), doesn't in any way refute the position or invalidate it. Yes I share a handful of views with people who would be considered liberals... calling them names doesn't make your position any more right.

I also share a handful of views with people who would be considered conservatives...

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 my opinions are not written in stone.... I'm not immune to new information.





I have friends that are far more liberal that you.  I don't always agree with them, but I am willing to have discussions and debates with them because they are actually intelligent & can have discussions without sounding like know-it-all douchebags.   

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I have friends that are far more liberal that you. I don't always agree with them, but I am willing to have discussions and debates with them because they are actually intelligent & can have discussions without sounding like know-it-all douchebags.

You have friends? Pics or it didn't happen...

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I like the discussion and especially when people call out bullshit with facts.

Lots of people think they are right and hate to be proven wrong and it's human nature to overlook facts that support opposing viewpoints. We should all try to see our own bias and strive to be better people overall. Otherwise the doomsday prepper's may get their wish.

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If you don't like my take on a particular subject, provide a compelling argument to change my mind... my opinions are not written in stone.... I'm not immune to new information.

I am pretty good at pointing out logical fallacy, so if your argument uses one (or more) I'll be happy to point them out.

Pointing out that I share some views with liberals (or libtards), doesn't in any way refute the position or invalidate it. Yes I share a handful of views with people who would be considered liberals... calling them names doesn't make your position any more right.

I also share a handful of views with people who would be considered conservatives...

This is hilarious, coming from a guy that says he'll defend himself against someone with a gun by throwing elbows.

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This is hilarious, coming from a guy that says he'll defend himself against someone with a gun by throwing elbows.

Actually what i believe is that i will never need to defend myself against someone with a gun... But if that incredibly rare occasion comes to pass, then i would be forced to defend myself with whatever i have... Even if that ended up being just my elbows... In my near 30 years on this planet, I've never seen first hand a situation where anyone "needed" a gun... In my view on my situation, a gun is a tool I've never had need for, and carrying one becomes a much bigger hassle and liability than not having one.

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Actually what i believe is that i will never need to defend myself against someone with a gun... But if that incredibly rare occasion comes to pass, then i would be forced to defend myself with whatever i have... Even if that ended up being just my elbows... In my near 30 years on this planet, I've never seen first hand a situation where anyone "needed" a gun... In my view on my situation, a gun is a tool I've never had need for, and carrying one becomes a much bigger hassle and liability than not having one.


Yup....it has never happened to you or affected you personally, yet it is pretty clear that it is happening to somebody every single day. Not just in the big cities either, small towns and rural living gets it as well. I hope we can all avoid a bad situation like that, but I would rather be prepared with a tool then rely on my elbows or trying to talk my way out of it. So it is an incredibly rare occasion huh? I wasn't expecting that 3 punks were likely thinking of doing me harm at a gas station one night either, but you can bet your butt that I was ready for it. I have a feeling that the one knew I was armed, just a gut feeling. 

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