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Revenge. A dish best served cold.


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Find a dog or cat or baby you don't like on a hot sunny day and lock it in the car after she parks in your sacred holy mecca spot. She will be socially and legally crucified. Or just murder her and eat her corpse and wear her skin and drive her car and park in your spot with it to finally derive some sort of pleasure in your hollow life. Finally, finally, finally a boner.

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Calcium carbide in her potted plants (if she has any in her office), dead fish behind her hubcaps, dead fish in her cabin air filters...if you know anyone in the vetranary/dog grooming business that can get you some dog anal gland juice (or if you have a dog with overactive glands and don't mind gloving up and fingering its ass) that stuff is horrid. Or you could go the nerdy route and terrorize her through the computer.

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Find a dog or cat or baby you don't like on a hot sunny day and lock it in the car after she parks in your sacred holy mecca spot. She will be socially and legally crucified. Or just murder her and eat her corpse and wear her skin and drive her car and park in your spot with it to finally derive some sort of pleasure in your hollow life. Finally, finally, finally a boner.

Jinu I think I have a man-crush on you now...

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I like the idea of printing up a fake parking ticket as a warning and leaving it on her windshield.


But an official complaint is probably a better idea.  Go to her supervisor and ask him/her to have a 30-second conversation.  That's probably all it'll take.

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Try the formal route.  Any and all IT "solutions" need to be completely thought through to avoid "Blow-Back".


Speaking hypothetically, I know a guy who worked at a community college, and when his daughter went there, she would spend time in his office doing homework(since they carpooled).  A fellow co-worker complained about "Kids in the office", and the daughter study time came to a halt(in the dude's office).  A short time later, every job this squealing BI-atch ran on the database only ran at 1/10 the speed of anyone else running the exact same job....this performance "lag" would come and go at random times, but seemed to coincide with critical times this guy was responsible for producing the reports to the President's office.


Karma is a Bitch, I'm just her disciple.   :)

Edited by redbarron77
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Or pour out some anti freeze, oil, something that a car leaks out under her car. Leave when she does. Tell her that she shouldn't drive it leaking all that fluid and get a tow. Get it to the shop for absolutely nothing except a tow fee and diog fee.

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Get some punk kid to cut off all four valve stems on her tires at a time when you have witnesses to your whereabouts. I also like the idea of having the car towed to somewhere in BFE. Cash payment, of course. Fish emulsion (plant fertilizer) poured down her air vents will not make her drive home a happy one.


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Bring her a coffee (&donut if left over from saturday lol), Tell her about ur reserved parking space. Things will be solved. 99% of problems are due to misunderstanding/pre conceived opinions etc  1% from genuine asshats. Most likely she belongs to 99

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Lol....you just Don't fuck with certain people at work.


That's gospel in the Navy.  You don't fuck with the people that cook your food or wash your clothes.


In the civilian workplace, adding in the people that handle your IT seems like a good rule :)

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Damn, company I work for would fire someone in a second for tampering with anything IT... Especially anything offense or that slows production... Must be nice not working for the corporate machine... We had an employee almost get written up just for saying "gal" because apparently it's a racist term in Texas th nobody else knows about... This woman was a 90yr old cookie baking grandma lady, she didn't have a racist bone in her body, sweet as can be to everyone

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Damn, company I work for would fire someone in a second for tampering with anything IT... Especially anything offense or that slows production... Must be nice not working for the corporate machine... We had an employee almost get written up just for saying "gal" because apparently it's a racist term in Texas th nobody else knows about... This woman was a 90yr old cookie baking grandma lady, she didn't have a racist bone in her body, sweet as can be to everyone


If her supervisor had addressed the situation with her the issue would have been settled. Instead he covered for her and made up lies and BS excuses. So, if she can play shenanigans and be covered by her supervisor, so can we.



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